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Animal Disease and the Industrialization of Agriculture AgEcon
Hennessy, David A.; Wang, Tong.
The industrialization of animal agriculture has fundamentally transformed animal health markets while animal health innovations have promoted this industrialization. The subtlety of these interactions shows how little we know about agricultural industrialization. To illustrate, we consider three stylized features of industrialized animal agriculture. These are the closing off of production activities from external effects, emphasis on control, and use of biosecurity measures. We find that animal disease externalities should lead to higher stocking on any given farm, and also to deficient entry into animal production. Eradicating the disease in a region increases both the stocking rate per farm and the number of farms. We show that antibiotics as a control...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Animal disease; Biosecurity; Biotechnology; Competitiveness; Confined animal agriculture; Economies of scale; Tragedy of the commons; Veterinary inputs.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Livestock Production/Industries; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Animal Disease Pre-Event Preparedness versus Post-Event Response: When is it Economic to Protect? AgEcon
Elbakidze, Levan; McCarl, Bruce A..
We examine the economic tradeoff between the costs of pre-event preparedness and post-event response to the potential introduction of an infectious animal disease. In a simplified case study setting, we examine the conditions for optimality of an enhanced pre-event detection system considering various characteristics of a potential infectious cattle disease outbreak, costs of postevent response actions. We show that the decision to invest in pre-event preparedness activities depends on such factors as probability of disease introduction, disease spread rate, relative costs, ancillary benefits, and effectiveness of mitigation strategies.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Animal disease; Economic balance; Mitigation strategies; Preparedness; Response; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Livestock Production/Industries; Q1; Q18; D81.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Assessing the economic costs of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease on Brittany: A dynamic computable general equilibrium approach AgEcon
Gohin, Alexandre; Rault, Arnaud.
Epizootic outbreaks such as Foot and Mouth Disease are of great concern for agriculture. In this paper, we quantify the potential dynamic impacts of such a disease on Brittany, a French region with a strong livestock sector. We develop a dynamic computable general equilibrium model with rational expectations that allows us to measure the impacts of culling infected animals and restraining movements of live animals on the livestock sectors and downstream food industries. Our results show that economic losses are spread over many periods even with a one-time shock. The impacts on the primary sectors and downstream food sectors do not move in parallel. The food industries suffer most in the first period while the negative impacts on agriculture are mostly...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Dynamics; CGE; Animal disease; Catastrophic event; Risk and Uncertainty; Q11; Q18.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Assessment of the Impact of Avian Influenza Related Regulatory Policies on Poultry Meat Trade and Welfare AgEcon
Wieck, Christine; Schlueter, Simon W.; Britz, Wolfgang.
We use two methodological approaches to analyze avian influenza related quarantine measures. First, a Heckman type gravity model is used to estimate the trade impact and second, a spatial partial equilibrium simulation model is developed to simulate welfare changes. The simulation model considers spread and transmission risk according to the disease status of the importing country as well as parameter uncertainty of the calibrated coefficients by using a Monte Carlo approach. The econometric results show that the principle of regionalization is preferred to import trade bans for uncooked meat. The simulation results verify the negative welfare impact of currently implemented regulatory policies and indicate that significant trade diversion effects...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Animal disease; Quarantine measure; Non-tariff measure; Welfare; Gravity model; Simulation model; Agricultural and Food Policy; Demand and Price Analysis; F14; F17; Q11; Q17; Q18.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Carrapato dos bovinos: conheça bem para controlar melhor. Infoteca-e
A vida do carrapato; A fase de vida livre; A fase parasitária; A relação dos carrapatos com o tempo; O sistema estratégico de controle; A pulverização ou tratamento; Os carrapaticidas; Carrapaticidas de contato; Forforados; Diamidínicos; Piretróides; Fipronil; Thiazolina; Carrapaticidas sistêmicos; Derivados das avermectinas; Fluazuron (inibidor do crescimento); Resistência de carrapatos a carrapaticidas; Rodízio de carrapaticida; O teste de resistência e a escolha do carrapaticida; As vacinas contra os carrapatos; O controle integrado dos carrapatos.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Animal disease; Biology; Bovinae; Bovine; Bovnie; Brasil; Central region; Control; Controle; Controle carrapato; Disease; Metastigmata; Parasita; Pests of animals; Regiao Central; Tick; Boophilus Microplus; Biologia; Bovino; Carrapato; Carrapaticida; Controle Químico; Doença Animal; Doença; Gado Leiteiro; Gado; Parasito; Praga de Animal; Brazil; Animal diseases; Dairy cattle; Chemical control; Cattle; Parasites.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Cattle Trade and the Risk of Importing Animal Diseases into the Netherlands AgEcon
Achterbosch, Thom J.; Dopfer, Dorte D.V.; Tabeau, Andrzej A..
Projections of live cattle trade in the EU-25 assist to reduce the uncertainty on the risk of importing animal diseases in the Netherlands. The accession of 10 member states to the European Union has a potentially large impact on livestock trade in the EU as it liberalized in one stroke a trade that was administered by the Management Committee for Beef until May 1, 2004. The approach combines AG-Memod partial equilibrium with GTAP general equilibrium modelling in order to estimate the impact of quota liberalization. Quota removal will substantially alter the regional structure of livestock imports, as the share of new EU member states in the east triples to 25%. The risk outlook indicates a need for enhanced animal health services in the new member states.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Livestock; Animal disease; Trade; Projections; Quota; EU-enlargement; Risk and Uncertainty; F17; I18; Q17.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Doenças em búfalos no Brasil: diagnóstico, epidemiologia e controle. Infoteca-e
LÁU, H. D..
Doenças dos bezerros. Doenças parasitárias. Doenças infecciosas. Doenças carenciais. Intoxicações. Doenças congênitas. Outras anomalias. Vacinação. Desinfecção e quimioterapia.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Bubalino; Controle de doença; Doença de carências; Doença infecciosa; Pará; Brasil; Water buffaloes; Diagnosis; Animal disease; Infections diseases; Bezerro; Diagnostico; Doença Animal; Epidemiologia; Intoxicação Animal; Parasitose; Vacinação; Amazonia; Calves; Deficiency diseases; Disease control; Epidemiology; Parasitoses; Poisoning; Vaccination.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Doenças parasitárias dos caprinos nas regiões Áridas e Semi-Áridas do Nordeste brasileiro. Infoteca-e
Trata sobre as ectoparasitoses dos caprinos no Nordeste brasileiro: Ectoparasitoses: sarna demodecica (bexiga), sarna psoroptica (caspa de ouvido), pediculoses (piolhos), miiase (bicheira). Endoparasitoses: coccidiose ou eimeriose, helmintoses gastrointestinais (verminose), nematodioses gastrointestinais.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Nordeste; Parasita; Animal disease; Caprinocultura; Caprino; Doença Animal; Parasito; Goats.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Economic Aspects of Agricultural and Food Biosecurity in the United States AgEcon
Hennessy, David A..
Concerns about biosecurity in the food system raise a variety of issues about how the system is presently organized, why it might be vulnerable, what one could reasonably do to better secure it, and the costs of doing so. After presenting some facts about US agriculture and food, this paper considers three economic aspects of the general problem. One is the global problem, or the way biosecurity measures can affect how countries relate to each other and the global consequences that result. Another is how to best manage the immediate aftermath of a realized threat in order to minimize damage. The third is how to seek to prevent realization of the threat. Some policy alternatives are also presented.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agro-terrorism; Animal disease; Biosecurity; Epidemic; Food system policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Economic Impacts of Foreign Animal Disease AgEcon
Paarlberg, Philip L.; Hillberg, Ann; Lee, John G.; Mathews, Kenneth H., Jr..
This report presents a modeling framework in which epidemiological model results are integrated with an economic model of the U.S. agricultural sector to enable estimation of the economic impacts of outbreaks of foreign-source livestock diseases. To demonstrate the model, the study assessed results of a hypothetical outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). The modeling framework includes effects of the FMD episode on all major agricultural products and assesses these effects on aggregate supply, demand, and trade over 16 quarters. Model results show a potential for large trade-related losses for beef, beef cattle, hogs, and pork, though relatively few animals are destroyed. The swine and pork sectors recover shortly after assumed export restrictions end,...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Animal disease; Epidemiology; Foot and mouth disease (FMD); Sector model; Trade; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; International Development; International Relations/Trade; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Ectoparasitoses em caprinos nos sertões de Pernambuco e Bahia. Infoteca-e
Os caprinos criados extensivamente nos Sertões de Pernambuco e Bahia, apresentam frequentemente as seguintes ectoparasitoses: sarna demodécica, sarna psoróptica, pediculose e miiase.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Pernambuco; Bahia; Sertao; Animal disease; Parasitosis; Parasitose; Protozoose; Caprino; Doença Animal; Parasito; Goats.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Etude ecopathologique des avortements caprins en milieu traditionnel dans le Nordeste du Bresil: rapport d'activite. Infoteca-e
Estudo ecopatologico dos abortos dos caprinos em meio real, tradicionalmente no Nordeste do Brasil com o objetivo de propor aos produtores, metodos e uma difusao ampla e adaptacao a cada tipo de propriedades.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Nordeste; Goat; Animal disease; Northeast; Caprino; Doença Animal; Environment.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Mal do caroço. Infoteca-e
VIDAL, C. E. S.; SANTOS, I. M. dos; SAKAMOTO, S. M..
Como evitar Como tratar.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Mal do caroço; Animal disease; Caprino; Doença animal; Bactéria; Linfadenite caseosa; Abscesso; Goats; Caseous lymphadenitis.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Potential HPAI Shocks and Welfare Implications of Market Power in the U.S. Broiler Industry AgEcon
Liang, Jing; Fabiosa, Jacinto F.; Jensen, Helen H.; Miller, Gay Y..
Recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Asia, Europe, and Africa have caused severe impacts on the broiler sector through production losses, trade restrictions and negative shocks to demand. This study develops a multimarket econometric model that is the basis of simulations to assess the spread and market implications of a potential HPAI outbreak in U.S. broiler industry. It takes into account market power that might exist within the livestock and meat sectors and endogenizes the optimal production condition on the model system. The results imply that the HPAI shocks affect prices at different marketing levels unequally and change the price margins along the supply chain with the existence of market power. The change in the price...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Animal disease; Broilers; HPAI; Market power; Meat market price margins; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Risk Classification in Animal Disease Prevention: Who Benefits from Differentiated Policy? AgEcon
Niemi, Jarkko K.; Lyytikainen, Tapani; Sahlstrom, Leena; Virtanen, Terhi; Lehtonen, Heikki.
Risk classification of livestock farms can help stakeholders design and implement risk management measures according to the possessed risk. Our goal is to examine how differently pig farms may contribute to the societal costs of an animal disease outbreak, how valuable this information is to different stakeholders, and how it can be used to target risk management measures. We show that the costs of an outbreak starting from a certain farm can be quantified for the entire sector using bio-economic models. In further studies, this quantified risk can be differentiated so that farms and slaughterhouses internalise the full cost of risk in production decisions and inhibit animal densities, animal contact structures or other characteristics which pose a threat...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Risk classification; Animal disease; Simulation; Dynamic programming; Partial-equilibrium; Losses; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Livestock Production/Industries; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Tripanossomose bovina por Trypanosoma vivax no Brasil e Bolivia: sintomas clinicos, diagnosticos e dados epizootiologicos. Infoteca-e
EMBRAPA. Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuaria do Pantanal (Corumba, MS)..
Foram analisados surtos de Tripanossomose bovina por Trypanosoma vivax no Pantanal de Pocone (MT, Brasil) e no departamento de Santa Cruz (Bolivia). Em ambos os paises, a sintomatologia mais marcante foi a anemia intensa, emagrecimento progressivo e abortos. Neste trabalho, foram relatados outros sintomas clinicos, diagnostico, transmissao da doenca, tratamento e como a doenca teria sido introduzida nas duas regioes do Brasil e Bolivia.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Tripanossomose bovina; Animal disease; Bovine trypanossomosis; Animal; Doença; Brazil; Pantanal.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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