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Aditivos aromatizantes como regulador de consumo de suplementos minerais em bovinos de corte a pasto. 14
RESUMO - A suplementação mineral faz-se necessária uma vez que a forragem não supre a exigência dos animais. O consumo diário do suplemento visa o atendimento do déficit necessário para o ganho de peso, podendo ser modificado pela palatabilidade mediante o teor de sódio da mistura e/ou a inclusão de aromatizantes. Objetivou-se avaliar dois níveis de concentração de aromatizante no suplemento mineral sobre o consumo do suplemento, comportamento de cocho e desempenho em bovinos de corte. Utilizou-se 80 garrotes Nelore (11 ± 2,5 meses), divididos em quatro lotes de 20 animais cada, alocados em pasto de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de suplementação mineral para recria (65 P), com aromatizante na concentração de 750...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Aditivo; Aromatizante; Comportamento Animal; Gado de Corte; Ganho de Peso; Suplemento Mineral; Animal behavior; Animal performance; Beef cattle; Dietary mineral supplements; Weight gain.
Ano: 2023 URL:
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Animal nutrition studies 106
Prateap Rachapaetayakom.
20 tables
Palavras-chave: Chickens; Chicks; Corn; Maize; Opaque-2; Protein diet; Rations; Nutritive value; Varieties; Mycotoxin; Feed contamination; Growth; Animal performance; ข้าวโพด; ยีนโอเพค 2; โปรตีน; สูตรอาหาร; ลูกไก่; ไก่กระทง.
Ano: 1971 URL:
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Animal production in Tanzania grass swards fertilized with nitrogen 96
Canto,Marcos Weber do; Bona Filho,Amadeu; Moraes,Aníbal de; Hoeschl,André Ricardo; Gasparino,Eliane.
Nitrogen (N) at 100, 200, 300, and 400 kg ha-1 was applied to Tanzania grass swards to evaluate the animal response and relationships between sward characteristics and the performance of young Nellore bulls (Bos indicus) under continuous stocking. A completely randomized experimental design was used with two replications between 11 November 2001 and 15 April 2002 when the sward heights were maintained at 60 cm by using different stocking rates. The average daily gain (ADG) (0.73 kg d-1) was not affected by N doses while the number of animal days ha-1 increased linearly from 515 to 1267. On the other hand, the linear increase in the animal yield was 399, 653, 755, and 895 kg ha-1 for N at 100, 200, 300, and 400 kg ha-1, respectively, while the ratio between...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal performance; Nitrogen fertilization; Panicum maximum; Tropical grass.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Avaliação do desempenho reprodutivo do rebanho leiteiro do Estado de Rondônia: formação e gestão de banco de dados. 14
PFEIFER, L. F. M.; BRITO, L. G.; ARAGÃO, J. L. de; ALVES, J. R..
Para que o produtor se adapte aos novos moldes de produção, um intenso controle sobre os dados do rebanho deve ser empregado nos sistemas de produção de leite. Além de produzir com eficiência, sustentabilidade ambiental, responsabilidade social e sem desperdícios é preciso desenvolver habilidades no gerenciamento e motivação de pessoas para comprar insumos, na venda da produção e na gestão adequada dos custos. Desta forma, há necessidade que o produtor desenvolva ferramentas e práticas de monitoramento de seus dados para processar, interpretar e transformá–los em informação. Vários fatores afetam o registro e gestão dos dados da fazenda. O efetivo uso de registros representa um “divisor de águas” na medicina moderna do gado de leite. A coleta de dados...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Rondônia; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazônia Occidental; Reprodução Animal; Gado Leiteiro; Eficiência Reprodutiva; Base de Dados; Análise de Dados; Reproductive efficiency; Animal reproduction; Databases; Animal performance; Data analysis; Dairy cattle.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Bionutritional efficiency of crossbred beef cattle finished on feedlot andslaughtered at different body weights 96
Mello,Renius; Queiroz,Augusto César de; Faria,Marcelo Henrique de; Henrique,Douglas Sampaio; Maldonado,Fabiana.
The objective of this study was to assess the bionutritional efficiency of crossbred F1 Red Angus × Nellore (½ RA ½ N) and F1 Blonde D'Aquitaine × Nellore (½ BA ½ N) young bulls finished on feedlot and slaughtered at 480, 520 and 560 kg body weight. A completely randomized experimental design in a 2 × 3 (genetic group × slaughter weight) factorial arrangement with six replicates was used. The ½ BA ½ N young bulls showed higher kidney, pelvic and inguinal fat (KPIF, kg and % BW) and lower multivariate biological nutritional index (MBNI) and residual feed intake than ½ RA ½ N young bulls. The young bulls slaughtered at heavier weight had larger ribeye area (cm²), fat thickness over the 12-13th rib, fat thickness over the rump, KPIF (kg and % BW), dry matter...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal performance; Feed efficiency; Feed conversion; Kleiber ratio; Multivariate biological nutritional index; Residual feed intake.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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BRS Ipyporã ("belo começo" em guarani): híbrido de Brachiaria da Embrapa. 14
O híbrido BRS RB331 Ipyporã é resultado de um cruzamento entre B. ruziziensis e B. brizantha realizado em 1992, na Embrapa Gado de Corte e liberado pela Embrapa em 2017 em parceria com a UNIPASTO, após 13 anos intermitentes de avaliações. É uma planta de porte baixo, prostrado, com colmos delgados de bainhas muito pilosas e folhas pilosas em ambas as faces. As espiguetas são uniseriadas e com pouca ou nenhuma pilosidade. A BRS Ipyporã entra no mercado para suprir a demanda por uma cultivar de Brachiaria de boa produtividade e manejo relativamente fácil, como a cv. Marandu, porém com elevado grau de resistência à cigarrinha da cana do gênero Mahanarva, além de apresentar resistência às cigarrinhas típicas de pastagem dos gêneros Deois e Notozulia,...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Desempenho animal; Híbrido interespecífico; Brachiaria brizantha; Cigarrinha; Valor nutritivo; Semente; Apomixia; Urochloa brizantha; Cercopidae; Apomixis; Animal performance; Interspecific hybridization; Seeds; Nutritive value.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Concentrate intake and performance of dairy calves subjected to programs of supplementary lighting 65
Almeida,Gledson Luiz Pontes de; Pandorfi,Héliton; Baptista,Fátima; Guiselini,Cristiane; Ferreira,Marcelo de Andrade; Cruz,Vasco Fitas.
ABSTRACT: This research aimed to assess Girolando calves’ concentrate intake and performance when placed in shelters with distinct roofing materials and programs of supplementary lighting during the milk-feeding stage. In order to so, we used a completely randomized design with a 3×3 factorial arrangement, with three replications. Females Girolando calves (n=27) were assigned in individual shelters at random with 3 different roofing materials (fiber cement tile, recycled tile and thatched roofs) and subjected to three lighting programs (12, 16 and 20 hours). No interaction was observed between roofing material and lighting programs, whilst no significant effect (P>0.05) was observed among the roofing materials. The supplementary lighting, by providing...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal performance; Dairy cattle; Light duration; Weight gain.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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CULTIVO e uso do Estilosantes-campo-grande. 14
Embrapa Gado de Corte (Campo Grande, MS).
Equipe multidisciplinar: Ademir Hugo Zimmer, CNPGC; Armindo Neivo Kichel, CNPGC; Bela Grof; Carlos Maurício Soares de Andrade; Celso Dornelas Fernandes, CNPGC; Francisco Assis Rolim Pereira; Haroldo Pires Queiroz, CNPGC; Hortência Maria Abranches Purcino; Jaqueline Rosemeire Verzignassi, CNPGC; José Alexandre Agiova da Costa, CNPGC; José Marcelino Sobrinho (in memorian); José Marques da Silva, CNPGC; José Raul Valério, CNPGC; Leônidas da Costa Schalcher Valle; Manuel Cláudio Motta Macedo, CNPGC; Maria José D´Ávila Charchar; Maria do Socorro Bona Nascimento; Marta Pereira da Silva; Rosângela Maria Simeão Resende; Roza Maria Shunke. Histórico e descrição da cultivar. Principais atributos do estilosantes-campo-grande. Fixação biológica de nitrogênio e valor...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Estilosantes; Desempenho animal; Consorciação; Campo Grande; Mato Grosso do Sul; Brasil; Management; Feed crops; Sustainability; Mixed pastures; Pests of plants; Plant diseases; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Doença de Planta; Erva Daninha; Fixação de Nitrogênio; Historia; Manejo; Leguminosae; Leguminosa Forrageira; Pastejo; Nutrição Animal; Pastagem; Produção Animal; Praga de Planta; Planta Forrageira; Valor Nutritivo; Sistema de Cultivo; Animal performance; Animal nutrition; Stylosanthes; Animal production; Brazil; Grazing; Cropping systems; History; Pastures; Nutritive value; Nitrogen fixation; Weeds.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Desempenho produtivo de cabras leiteiras das raças Pardo Alpina, Saanen e Anglo-Nubiana do rebanho da EMBRAPA-CNPC. 14
ARAÚJO, A. M. de; ELOY, A. M. X..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Performance produtiva; Raça Pardo Alpina; Raça Saanen; Anglo-Nubiana; Brasil; Ceara; Dairy goat; Productive performance; Caprino; Cabra leiteira; Performance; Goats; Animal performance; Brazil.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Desempenho produtivo de ovinos mestiços Santa Inês, no Estado do Ceará. 14
SILVA, F. L. R. da; LIMA, F. de A. M.; FIGUEIREDO, E. A. P. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento ponderal; Raça nativa; Raça Santa Inês; Herdabilidade; Correlação genética; Brasil; Ceará; Native breed; Herança genética; Ovino; Melhoramento; Performance; Sheep; Animal performance; Breeding; Heritability; Genetic correlation; Brazil.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Desempenho produtivo e reações fisiológicas de ovinos deslanados em sistema silvipastoril. 14
Procurou-se avaliar os parametros fisiologicos, determinar tolerancia ao calor e peformance produtiva de ovinos deslanados mantidos sob seringal cultivado. Conclui-se que: Os ovinos deslanados foram tolerantes as condicoes climaticas do verao do tropico umido e o sombreamento propiciado pela seringueira amenizou acentuadamente os efeitos depressivos de estresse termico; Apesar do sombreamento ter reduzido significativamente a disponibilidade de forragem, os ovinos deslanados apresentaram desempenho produtivo satisfatorios em relacao aqueles a sombra.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Ovino deslanado; Sistema silvipastoril; Rubber tree; Embrapa Rondônia; Porto Velho (RO); Rondônia; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Calor; Resistência; Campo Experimental; Seringueira; Animal performance; Silvopastoral systems; Sheep; Shearing (defleecing); Heat tolerance.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Determination of thermal comfort zone for early-stage broilers 70
Cândido,Márcia G. L.; Tinôco,Ilda De F. F.; Pinto,Francisco de A. de C.; Santos,Nerilson T.; Roberti,Ricardo P..
ABSTRACT Environmental temperatures currently considered within comfort zone for broiler rearing may be misleading or even obsolete from actual values. Some factors such as animal genetics, nutrition and poultry management, mainly acclimatization to tropical and subtropical conditions, influence in determining the comfort zone for birds. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of five different thermal environments on animal welfare and rearing performance of broiler chickens, setting an ideal temperature range (comfort zone) for each of the first three weeks of poultry breeding. The chicks (375) were randomly placed into five climatic chambers set to distinct thermal conditions, being: one as recommended by the literature, another as stated by Cassuce...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Poultry; Thermal comfort; Animal performance; Cold stress.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Effect of Suwan 1 corn, KU 257 sorghum and new plant protein from roselle seed meal in ration on production performance of broilers 106
Prateap Rachapaetayakom; Supaporn Isariyodom.
4 tables
Palavras-chave: Broiler chickens; Corn; Sorghum; Suwan 1; KU 257; Roselle seed meal; Proteins; Rations; Ingredients; Animal performance; Carcass quality; ข้าวโพด; ข้าวฟ่าง; พันธุ์สุวรรณ 1; พันธุ์เคยู 257; กากเมล็ดกระเจี๊ยบแดง; สูตรอาหาร; ไก่กระทง.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Influence of progesterone ear implant on behavior, physiological parameters, and carcass injuries of Nellore females reared in an intensive system 96
Ferro,Rafael Alves da Costa; França,Aldi Fernandes de Souza; Arnhold,Emmanuel; Bueno,Cláudia Peixoto; Ferro,Diogo Alves da Costa; Pales,Aracele Pinheiro; Santos,Klayto José Gonçalves dos; Silva,Bruna Paula Alves da.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of a synthetic progesterone ear implant on the behavior, physiological responses, and number of carcass injuries of Nellore females. Twenty-eight Nellore heifers with an average initial weight of 240.89 kg were used in the experiment. All animals received the same dietary management, in an intensive rearing system with mineral salt and water ad libitum. Heifers were distributed in a completely randomized design with two treatments (with and without progesterone ear implant) and seven replications, in 14 stalls. Analyses of variance and correlation were performed. In the evaluation of the feeding, rumination, rest, sleeping, social, and body-care behaviors, no significant differences were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal performance; Ethology; Hormone; Norgestomet.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Nutritive value of Tanzania grass for dairy cows under rotational grazing 96
Fernandes,Alberto Magno; Deresz,Fermino; Henrique,Douglas Sampaio; Lopes,Fernando César Ferraz; Glória,Leonardo Siqueira.
A nutritional analysis of Tanzania grass (Megathyrsus maximusJacquin cv. Tanzânia was conducted. Pasture was managed in a rotational grazing system with a 30-day resting period, three days of paddock occupation and two grazing cycles. Ten Holstein × Zebu crossbred cows were kept within a 2-ha area divided into 11 paddocks ha-1. Cows were fed 2 kg of corn meal daily and performance was evaluated by weighing the animals every 14 days and by recording milk production twice a day. Nutritional composition of the Tanzania grass was determined from forage (extrusa) samples collected by esophageal fistulae from two animals. The nutritive value of Tanzania grass was estimated according to a modification of the CNCPS evaluation model. Tanzania grass supplemented...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal performance; Dairy cows; Tropical pastures.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Parâmetros produtivos da raça Somalis no Município de Independência, CE. 14
SILVA, F. L. R. da; ARAUJO, A. M. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Raça Somalis; Performance produtiva; Brasil; Ceará; Productive performance; Improvement; Ovino; Melhoramento; Produtividade; Sheep; Animal performance; Brazil.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Performance and carcass characteristics of beef cattle fed with ammoniated marandugrass hay 96
Roth,Marcella de Toledo Piza; Resende,Flávio Dutra de; Reis,Ricardo Andrade; Siqueira,Gustavo Rezende; Faria,Marcelo Henrique de; Berchielli,Telma Teresinha.
This trial was conducted aiming to evaluate the effects of Brachiaria brizantha vegetative seed harvest residues hay treated with anhydrous ammonia (NH3) or urea, and protein sources on the steers performance, and carcass quality. Twenty-four male beef cattle were (12 F1 Nellore X Aberdeen Angus and 12 F1 Nellore X Red Angus), distributed in four treatments, with six replications. Animal crossbreed type and initial body weight were considered blocks. The diets were: Untreated hay supplemented with non-protein nitrogen (UHNPN); untreated hay supplemented with cottonseed meal (UHCM), hay treated with 5% urea (HTU), hay treated with 3% anhydrous ammonia (HTA) of DM%. Diets were formulated to be isoproteic and isoenergetic. The initial body weight (kg), daily...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ammoniation; Animal performance; Carcass characteristics; Chemical treatment; Forage quality; Haymaking.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Performance and carcass quality of feedlot- or pasture-finished Nellore heifers according to feeding managements in the postweaning phase 96
Casagrande,Daniel Rume; Azenha,Mariana Vieira; Vieira,Bruno Ramalho; Resende,Flávio Dutra de; Faria,Marcelo Henrique de; Berchielli,Telma Teresinha; Ruggieri,Ana Cláudia; Reis,Ricardo Andrade.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the postweaning history of heifers kept on marandu grass pastures with three canopy heights, in a continuous-grazing system, during the rainy period, on feedlot- or pasture finishing. The effects of three canopy heights (15, 25 and 35 cm) associated with two supplements (mineral salt and protein-energy supplement) and two finishing systems in the dry period (feedlot and open pasture) were studied in the postweaning period during the rainy season. The adopted design was completely randomized, with seven replications (animals) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. The animals which received protein-energy supplement reached the finishing period with greater body weight in relation to those fed mineral salt. In both...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal performance; Animal supplementation; Canopy height; Intake; Meat cuts.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Performance dos ovinos deslanados do Brasil. 14
Populacao ovina no Nordeste do Brasil; Registro genealogico de ovinos criados no Nordeste do Brasil - 1978; Composicao etaria e por sexos do rebanho ovino do Nordeste; Produtividade do rebanho do Nordeste da Bahia; Parametros reprodutivos para ovinos Morada Nova e Santa Ines/78; Parametros reprodutivos da raca Morada Nova - Ceara e Bahia, 1978; Comportamento reprodutivo de ovinos da raca Somalis brasileira em Sobral-Ce, 1978; Eventos reprodutivos das racas Morada Nova, Somalis brasileira, Santa Ines em Sobral; Pesos e medidas biometricas de femeas e machos da raca Morada Nova, estratificados por idade; 10.Desenvolvimento ponderal da progenie de 5 reprodutores da raca Morada Nova do Estado do Ceara, para o periodo de 1973-1978; Desenvolvimento ponderal da...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Brasil; Região Nordeste; Improvement; Ovino; Melhoramento; Performance; Raça; Sheep; Animal performance; Brazil.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Performance of Nellore young bulls on Marandu grass pasture with protein supplementation 96
Moretti,Matheus Henrique; Resende,Flávio Dutra de; Siqueira,Gustavo Rezende; Roth,Anna Paula de Toledo Piza; Custódio,Letícia; Roth,Marcella de Toledo Piza; Campos,Wellington da Costa de; Ferreira,Luiz Henrique.
The objective of this study was to verify the effect of low-intake supplementation on performance of Nellore young bulls kept on Marandu grass pasture. The experiment was divided in two periods: the dry and rainy seasons. Treatments during the dry period were composed of mineral salt with urea and mineral supplement enriched with true protein and additive. In the rainy period treatments were mineral salt and enriched mineral supplement only. Pastures were evaluated and animals were weighed in both evaluation phases. The variables studied were evaluated in a completely randomized design in a split-plot arrangement, where plots were treatments and subplots were the periods within each phase, considering the types of supplementation as treatments. During the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Additive; Animal performance; Dry season; Rainy season; Supplement.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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