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A Research of Peripheral Blood Cells Annually in Bufo Bufo gargarizans 77
Liu,Chongbin; Xia,Chengqiang; Xie,Zhaohui; Jiao,Yang; She,Qiusheng.
The present paper deals with a histological study of the blood cells of Bufo Bufo gargarizans in different months: January, March, May, July and October. The methods used are by routine blood smear in Wright stain and observation in vivo. We found that in smears and in vivo two main types of cells of the red cells: mitotic as well as amitotic. While amitotic occurs all the year round, particularly in July, mitosis so far had been seen only in July. It is also found that there are plenty of neutrophils in the blood cells of Bufo Bufo gargarizans, furthermore, the nuclei of these cells are polymorphic, especially in January and March. Meanwhile, the concentration of red cells was lowest in May and highest in January; The concentration of white blood cells...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Bufo Bufo gargarizans; Blood cells; Annual changes.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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