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MHC-restricted antigen presentation and recognition: constraints on gene, recombinant and peptide vaccines in humans BJMBR
The target of any immunization is to activate and expand lymphocyte clones with the desired recognition specificity and the necessary effector functions. In gene, recombinant and peptide vaccines, the immunogen is a single protein or a small assembly of epitopes from antigenic proteins. Since most immune responses against protein and peptide antigens are T-cell dependent, the molecular target of such vaccines is to generate at least 50-100 complexes between MHC molecule and the antigenic peptide per antigen-presenting cell, sensitizing a T cell population of appropriate clonal size and effector characteristics. Thus, the immunobiology of antigen recognition by T cells must be taken into account when designing new generation peptide- or gene-based vaccines....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vaccines; MHC; Antigen recognition; Antigen processing; T cells; Molecular evolution.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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