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Crude ethanol extract from babassu (Orbignya speciosa): cytotoxicity on tumoral and non-tumoral cell lines 42
Rennó,Magdalena N.; Barbosa,Gleyce M.; Zancan,Patricia; Veiga,Venicio F.; Alviano,Celuta S.; Sola-Penna,Mauro; Menezes,Fábio S.; Holandino,Carla.
Plant-derived substances have been considered as important sources of drugs, including antineoplasic agents. Babassu mesocarp is popularly used in Brazil as a food additive, and in popular medicine against several conditions, such as inflammations, menstrual pains and leukaemia. From babassu Orbignya speciosa (Mart.) Barb. Rodr. [Arecaceae (Palmae)] epicarp/mesocarp, an ethanol extract was prepared and named OSEME, which was tested on the viability,morphology and metabolism of several cell lines, such as the leukaemic cell lines, HL-60, K562 and the latter multidrug resistant counterpart K562-Lucena 1, the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, the mouse fibroblast cell line 3T3-L1 and fresh human lymphocytes. OSEME promoted a dose-dependent decrease on the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antitumoral agents; Ethanol extract; Orbignya speciosa.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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