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Carvalho Pinto e Silva,José Ricardo de; Fernandes Boaro Martins,Márcia Regina.
The objective of this study was to describe the anatomy of the opossum abdominal aorta sacral rami, emphasizing the common iliac arteries, external and internal iliac arteries and the middle sacral artery. Ten animals Didelphis albiventris from the Department of Anatomy, Instituto de Biociências ­ UNESP Botucatu, were used. After laparotomy, the aorta and its terminal rami were seen, dissected under microscopy and photographed. The abdominal aorta emitted rami, forming the right and the left common iliac arteries that divided, originating the external and internal iliac arteries. The middle sacral artery presented in 30% of cases now caudally rising from the right common iliac artery, then from the left one (30%) or in most cases (40%), as a...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomy; Opossum; Aorta.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Contribution to the Study of Aortic Mural Structure of Opossum (Didelphis albiventris) 77
Martins,Márcia Regina Fernandes Boaro; Pinto e Silva,José Ricardo de Carvalho; Martins,Bruna Boaro.
Opossum is considered one of the most primitive mammals, with transition evolutive characteristics. In mammals, the aorta artery is referred as the main body blood vessel. The arteries wall structural organization follows a basic pattern, being contituted of three tunics: Intima, Median and Adventicial. After euthanasia, three samples of opossum had segments from the aorta artery ascendent, thoracic descending and abdominal descending portions removed, fixed in phormalin at 10% for 48 hours. Then, the material was washed in alcohol 70% several times, dehydrated in alcohois of growing concentrations, diafanized in xylol and included in "paraplast". Cuts with 5 to 7µm of thickness were placed in histological laminae and submitted to color methods of...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Aorta; Opossum.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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¿Cuáles son los Rangos de Normalidad de los Diámetros de la Aorta Infrarrenal, Medidos con Ultrasonografía 2D, en Sujetos sin Antecedentes de Enfermedad Vascular? 77
Lagos,Marcelo; Manterola,Carlos.
El diámetro de la parte abdominal de la aorta (AAI), constituye un factor relevante para decidir reparar un aneurisma aórtico abdominal. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar rangos de normalidad de los diámetros de la AAI, medidos con ultrasonografía 2D, en sujetos sin antecedentes de enfermedad vascular. Estudio de corte transversal, realizado en los Hospitales Regional de Temuco y de Pitrufquen. Se estudiaron 399 sujetos mayores de 15 años, sin antecedentes de enfermedad vascular, que consultaron por cuadros de dolor abdominal. Se realizó ultrasonografía 2D con dos equipos diferentes (General Electric RT3200 Advantage II y Medison co. Ltda. Modelo SA-600; ambos con transductores de 3,5 Mhz.) y por dos observadores independientes. Las variables...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Aorta; Parte abdominal de la aorta; Diámetro de la parte abdominal de la aorta; Aneurisma de la parte abdominal de la aorta; Ultrasonografía; Estudio de corte transversal.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Efecto de la progesterona sobre la agregación plaquetaria y la producción de eicosanoides por aorta de rata 38
Polini,Nélida Nélida; Massheimer,Virginia Laura; Sellés,Juana.
En el presente trabajo se investiga la acción no genómica de la progesterona (Pg) sobre la síntesis de óxido nítrico (NO), prostaciclina (PGI2) y tromboxano (TX) y su vinculación con la regulación de la agregación plaquetaria (AP), utilizando anillos de aorta aislados de ratas hembras (RAS). Se obtuvo evidencia de que la Pg inhibe la AP en forma dosis-dependiente. El metil éster de N-nitro-L-arginina (L-NAME) revierte parcialmente el efecto antiagregante de Pg y sugiere que la inhibición de la AP inducida por la hormona es mediada en parte por el NO. Respecto a los eicosanoides, la Pg estimula significativamente la síntesis de ³H-6cetoPGF1alfa (42 al 182% con respecto al control). Por el contrario, la síntesis de tromboxano no es modificada a ninguna de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agregación plaquetaria; Progesterona; Óxido nítrico; Prostaciclina; Aterosclerosis; Hormonas ováricas; Aorta.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Meirelles Pereira,Leila Maria; Gonçalves Bezerra,Daniele; Mandarim-de-Lacerda,Carlos Alberto.
Forty mature male rats (Wistar strain) were maintained alive for 40 days, separated in four groups of five rats each (Control, L-NAME, L-NAME + Enalapril, L-NAME + Verapamil). Three aortic wall parameters were analyzed, as follows: the Q A(SMN) (the number of the tunica media smooth muscle nuclear profiles per area), the S V(lamellae) (surface density of the aortic lamellae), and the aortic wall thickness (AWT). Rats of the L-NAME group showed high blood pressure and cardiac hypertrophy. The AWT, the Q A(SMN) and the S V(lamellae) showed the same tendency among the groups. The increased AWT, or the reduced Q A(SMN) and the S V(lamellae) in l-NAME rats were not completely prevented by the administration of enalapril or verapamil. Hypertension causes the AWT...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Nitric oxide; Aorta; Enalapril; Verapamil; Stereology.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Gross anatomical study of the aortic ARC branches of the paca (Agouti paca, Linnaeus, 1766) 62
OLIVEIRA,Fabrício Singaretti de; MACHADO,Márcia Rita Fernandes; MIGLINO,Maria Angélica; NOGUEIRA,Tatiana Monreal.
It was described the distribution of the aortic arc in eight animals of the Agouti paca species, which were 2 adult females, 3 young males and 3 young females that came from the Wild Animal Sector at the Faculty of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences of Jaboticabal - UNESP. After natural death, the animals had their arterial vessels injected with Neoprene latex 650® coloured by a specific pigment and set in a 10% formalin solution. After dissection, it was noticed that the aortic arc gives off the left subclavian artery and the brachiocephalic trunk. The latter originates the left carotid common artery and other trunk, that gives off the right carotid common artery and the right subclavian artery, that originates the vertebral artery, the costocervical trunk,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pacas; Aorta; Thoracic aorta.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Hematoma Disecante de la Parte Torácica de la Aorta: Estudio Anatomopatológico de Siete Casos de Autopsias 77
Guerini,Julio César; Storniolo Squintone,Andrea; Borchert,Alba; Fonseca,Ismael Bernardo; Avila,Rodolfo Esteban; Spitale,Luis Santos.
El hematoma disecante de aorta (HDA) se define como la disección de la pared aórtica por la sangre, con formación de una nueva luz. Es la patología letal de la aorta más frecuentemente diagnosticada y ocurre con una frecuencia tres veces mayor que la rotura del aneurisma de la aorta abdominal. Nuestro objetivo es presentar siete casos de HDA observados en autopsias, describir los hallazgos anatomopatológicos y comentar la literatura. Los casos estudiados corresponden al Servicio de Patología del Instituto de Medicina Forense de Córdoba, Argentina. Los tejidos fueron fijados en formol al 10%, incluidos en parafina y coloreados con hematoxilina-eosina, tricrómico de Masson y PAS (Peryodic Acid Schiff). De los siete casos presentados cuatro correspondieron a...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Hematoma; Disección; Aorta; Hipertensión arterial.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Histological and Histochemical Studies of the Aorta and Pulmonary Trunk in STZ-induced Diabetic Wistar Rats Treated with Momordica charantia 77
Komolafe,O. A; Ofusori,D. A; Adewole,O. S; Ayoka,A. O; Bejide,R.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious metabolic disorder with micro and macro-vascular complications that result in a significant morbidity and mortality. The present study investigated the effects of Momordica charantia (M. charantia) on histological changes of the aorta and pulmonary trunk in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Forty healthy adult Wistar rats of both sexes were randomly assigned into five groups A, B, C, D and E of eight rats each. Group A were the control (normal rats); B were the experimentally-induced diabetic rats; C were diabetic rats treated with methanolic extracts of M. charantia for two weeks (withdrawal group); D were diabetic rats treated with methanolic extracts of M. charantia for four weeks. E was diabetic rats...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Diabetes; Momordica charantia; Histological; Histochemistry; Aorta; Pulmonary trunk.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Interlinkages in the Tunica Media of Goat Aorta 77
Ogeng'o,Julius; Malek,Adel Abdel; Kiama,Stephen.
The arrangement and interconnections between various components of the aortic wall influence its physicomechanical properties and functional alterations that occur in disease and ageing. The goat is a suitable model for studying cardiovascular disease, but details of the intrinsic organization of its aorta are unknown. This study therefore investigated the histomorphology of aortic tunica media in the goat by transmission electron microscopy. Sixteen healthy juvenile and adult domestic male goats (capra hircus) purchased from livestock farms in the outskirts of Nairobi were used in the study. The animals were euthanized with overdose of sodium pentabarbitone 20mg/kg, and fixed with 3% phosphate buffered glutaraldehyde solution by gravimetric perfusion....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Matrix; Smooth muscle; Interlinkage; Aorta; Goat.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Niveles de Bifurcación Aórtica en Individuos Chilenos 77
Puelma,F; Olave,E.
Durante el abordaje anterior de la región lumbosacra de la columna vertebral es necesario considerar la disposición de los vasos relacionados, evitando así cualquier lesión en ellos. La información sobre la bifurcación de la aorta referida en los textos de anatomía señalan que ésta se realiza a nivel de la cuarta vértebra lumbar. Con el propósito de identificar el nivel de bifurcación de la aorta, realizamos un estudio de registros angiotomográficos obtenidos a través de tomografia axial computarizada de 74 pacientes chilenos, adultos, de ambos sexos, 40 hombres y 34 mujeres. El nivel de bifurcación fue relacionado con los componentes de la columna vertebral, dividiendo las vértebras en tercios. En 10 pacientes (13,5%) la bifurcación se observó a nivel de...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomía; Aorta; Bifurcación aórtica; Vértebras lumbares.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Origens e ramificações das artérias aortas esquerda e dorsal do jabuti (Geochelone carbonaria, Spix, 1824) 62
FARIA,Tânia Negreiros; MARIANA,Arani Nanci Bomfim.
Trabalhamos com 6 jabutis, 3 fêmeas e 3 machos da espécie Geochelone carbonaria, descrevendo as principais artérias responsáveis pela vascularização dos órgãos da cavidade celomática. Observamos que a aorta esquerda emite três ramos principais, para a irrigação dos órgãos da porção cranial do animal, antes de se unir com a aorta direita para formar a aorta dorsal, responsável pela irrigação da região caudal do animal, através de vários ramos que se apresentam variáveis quanto ao número e origem.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anatomia; Aorta; Geochelone carbonaria.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Patterns of Sudanophilic Lesions at Ostia of Descending Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta in Cholesterol-Fed Adult Rabbits 77
Shahid,Uzma; Butt,Shadab Ahmed; Zareen,Nusrat.
Sudan-positive atherosclerotic lesions preferentially occur at downstream and lateral margins of arterial branch ostia in human neonates and weanling rabbits but tend to develop at lateral and upstream margins in old subjects. We investigated (i) the pattern of sudanophilic lesions at aortic ostia of cholesterol-fed adult rabbits and (ii) determined any differences in lesion distribution between descending thoracic and abdominal aorta. Ten adult males, New Zealand white rabbits were fed 2% high cholesterol diet. After six weeks, aortas were excised, opened longitudinally and stained with Sudan-IV for gross examination of atherosclerotic lesions. A total of 156 descending thoracic and 90 abdominal ostia were examined. Mean lesion frequencies upstream,...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sudanophilic lesions; Aorta; Ostia; Rabbits.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Pitfalls in the assessment of murine atherosclerosis 56
Catanozi,S.; Rocha,J.C.; Passarelli,M.; Chiquito,F.C.; Quintão,E.C.R.; Nakandakare,E.R..
This review provides examples of the fact that different procedures for the measurement of atherosclerosis in mice may lead to interpretation of the extent of atherosclerosis having markedly different biological and clinical significance for humans: 1) aortic cholesterol measurement is highly sensitive for the detection of early and advanced atherosclerosis lesions, but misses the identification of the location and complexity of these lesions that are so critical for humans; 2) the histological analysis of the aortic root lesions in simvastatin-treated and control mice reveals similar lesion morphology in spite of the remarkable simvastatin-induced reduction of the aortic cholesteryl ester content; 3) in histological analyses, chemical fixation and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atherosclerosis; Animal models; Disease models; Aorta; Pathology.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Prevalência de mineralização aórtica detectada no abate de bovinos no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil 45
Silva,M.X.S.; Guedes,R.M.C..
Descreve-se a prevalência da mineralização aórtica em bovinos abatidos em frigorífico de Belo Horizonte, MG. Foram examinados 783 fragmentos de aorta torácica de bovinos de diferentes grupos raciais, sexo e idades. As lesões foram caracterizadas em: grau I, grau II, grau III ou grau IV, baseado na intensidade das alterações macroscópicas. Duzentas e noventa e oito (38,1%) aortas foram classificadas com algum tipo de lesão: 180 com grau I (23,0%), 59 com grau II (7,5%), 35 com grau III (4,5%) e 24 com grau IV (3,1%). Houve diferenças nas freqüências de mineralização aórtica quanto ao sexo, a idade e a raça. Fêmeas e machos castrados (54,6% e 50,7%, P<0,00001 e P<0,0001, respectivamente) comparados a machos inteiros (27,5%), mestiços zebuínos de dupla...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovino; Mineralização; Aorta; Prevalência; Minas Gerais.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Ramos do arco aórtico de bubalinos 65
Cortellini,Leandro Marcel Fernandes; Machado,Márcia Rita Fernandes; Oliveira,Fabrício Singaretti de; Miglino,Maria Angélica; Artoni,Silvana Martinez Baraldi.
Os ramos do arco aórtico (Arcus aortae) em bubalinos foram investigados neste trabalho. Assim, foram dissecadas as artérias oriundas desse arco previamente injetadas com solução corada de látex Neoprene 650â (Du Pont do Brasil S.A.) em 20 fetos dessa espécie, machos e fêmeas com idades entre 4 e 8 meses de gestação. Em 80% dos casos, observou-se que o tronco braquiocefálico (Truncus brachiocephalicus) emite a artéria subclávia (Arteria subclavia) esquerda, artérias carótidas comuns (Arteria carotis communis) esquerda e direita, sem caracterizar tronco bicarotídeo (Truncus bicaroticus), e a artéria subclávia direita. As artérias subclávias direita e esquerda originam em comum o tronco costocervical (Truncus costocervicalis), a artéria cervical superficial...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Búfalos; Aorta; Arco aórtico; Tronco braquiocefálico.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Ramos do arco aórtico e da aorta torácica em bicho-preguiça (Bradypus variegatus) 45
Albuquerque,P.V.; Sena,D.G.F.; Braz,R.S.; Mesquita,E.P.; Lacerda,M.A.S.; Silva,W.J.; Sá,F.B.; Amorim,M.J.A.A.L..
RESUMO As preguiças são mamíferos arborícolas, bem específicos quanto aos hábitos e à morfofisiologia. Essa condição faz delas ainda mais vulneráveis aos impactos ambientais. Com o objetivo de fornecer informações que auxiliem na clínica médico-cirúrgica desses Xenarthras, realizou-se um estudo do arco aórtico e da artéria aorta torácica, a fim de se identificarem seus principais ramos. Foram utilizados 10 animais da espécie Bradypus variegatus, sendo uma fêmea e três machos submetidos a dissecação, por meio da qual foram obtidas medidas de diâmetro e comprimento dos vasos, enquanto três fêmeas e três machos destinaram-se à técnica de radiografia digital com contraste. Constatou-se uma sintopia uniforme do arco, bem como da porção descendente da artéria...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pilosa; Bradypus variegatus; Angiologia; Aorta.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Renal- and calcium-dependent vascular effects of Polybia paulista wasp venom 80
Vinhote,JFC; Torres,AFC; Dantas,RT; Praciano,TP; Menezes,RRPPB; Sousa,DF; Brito,TS; Lima,FJB; Toyama,MH; Magalhães,PJ; Monteiro,HSA; Martins-Nunes,AMC.
In the present study, the effects of Polybia paulista venom (PPV) on renal and vascular tissues were investigated. Isolated kidneys perfused with PPV (1 and 3 μg/mL) had increased perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow, and glomerular filtration rate; and reduced sodium tubular transport. Histological evaluation demonstrated deposits of proteins in Bowman's space and tubular lumen, and focal areas of necrosis. The venom promoted a cytotoxic effect on Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. A significant increase in lactic dehydrogenase levels was observed in response to venom exposure. In isolated mesenteric vascular beds, pressure and vascular resistance augmented in a dose-dependent manner. PPV increased the contractility of aortic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Polybia paulista; Venom; Kidney; Aorta; MDCK.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Ultra-sonografia da aorta abdominal e de seus ramos em cães 65
Kamikawa,Lilian; Bombonato,Pedro Primo.
O ultra-som bidimensional e o ultra-som Doppler foram utilizados para avaliar a biometria e a hemodinâmica da aorta abdominal e artérias ilíacas externas de 131cães clinicamente normais. Os resultados da avaliação biométrica da aorta abdominal indicaram um diâmetro médio de 0,80cm para o seu segmento diafragmático (AOD); 0,74cm para o seu segmento caudal às artérias renais (AOR) e 0,69cm para o segmento cranial à sua bifurcação (AOT). A artéria ilíaca externa direita (AIED) apresentou o diâmetro médio de 0,42cm e a artéria ilíaca externa esquerda (AIEE) o diâmetro médio de 0,39. O estudo hemodinâmico da aorta abdominal apresentou velocidade de pico sistólico médio de 104,00cm/s para AOR; 99,61cm/s para AOT; 85,47cm/s para AIED e 99,51cm/s para AIEE....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ultra-sonografia; Aorta; Cães.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Vasa Vasora in the Tunica Media of Goat Aorta 77
Ogeng'o,Julius A; Mwachaka,Phillip M; Olabu,Beda O.
This study aimed at describing the distribution of vasa vasora in the tunica media of various parts of goat aorta, since this influences the physico-mechanical properties and disease occurrence. Specimens were obtained from ascending, arch, each vertebral level of descending thoracic and various segments of abdominal aorta of sixteen healthy adult male domestic goats (Capra hircus). They were fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution, and routinely processed for paraffin embedding. Seven micron thick sections were stained with Mason's Trichrome stain. Vasa vasora are present in the tunica media of all the aortic segments. In the proximal segments, they co-localize with muscle islands found in the adventitial half. Their density declines caudally, but they are...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Vasa vasora; Aorta; Goat.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Vasoconstrictor effect of Africanized honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) venom on rat aorta 80
Sousa,Paulo César P; Brito,Teresinha S; Freire,Daniel S; Ximenes,Rafael M; Magalhães,Pedro Jorge C; Monteiro,Helena SA; Alves,Renata S; Martins,Alice Maria C; Toyama,Daniela O; Toyama,Marcos H.
Background : Apis mellifera stings are a problem for public health worldwide, particularly in Latin America due to the aggressiveness of its Africanized honeybees. Massive poisoning by A. mellifera venom (AmV) affects mainly the cardiovascular system, and several works have described its actions on heart muscle. Nevertheless, no work on the pharmacological action mechanisms of the AmV in isolated aorta has been reported. Thus, the present work aimed to investigate the actions of AmV and its main fractions, phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and melittin, on isolated aorta rings and a probable action mechanism. Results : AmV and the complex PLA2 + melittin (0.1-50 μg/mL) caused contraction in endothelium-containing aorta rings, but neither isolated PLA2 nor melittin...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apis mellifera; Venom; Mellitin; Phospholipase A2; Aorta.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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