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Treatment of Bothrops alternatus envenomation by Curcuma longa and Calendula officinalis extracts and ar-turmerone Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Melo,M.M.; Habermehl,G.G.; Oliveira,N.J.F.; Nascimento,E.F.; Santos,M.M.B.; Lúcia,M..
It was investigated the efficiency of two extracts of plants and one fraction of their properties against the local effects of bothropic envenomation. Bothrops alternatus venom (1.25µg) diluted in 100µl of sterile saline solution was inoculated (intradermally) into the shaved dorsal back skin of 30 New Zealand rabbits. The animals were divided in six groups receiving the following treatments: group I: subcutaneous application of Curcuma longa extract (1.0ml); group II: topic treatment of Curcuma longa hydroalcoholic extract (1.0ml); group III: topic application of ar-turmerone in vaseline (1.0g); group IV: topic application of Curcuma longa methanolic extract (1.0ml); group V: topic application of Calendula officinalis ointment (1.0g); group VI: topic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Plant extract; Ar-turmerone; Bothrops alternatus; Rabbit.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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