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Adoption and Profitability of Breeding Technologies on United States Dairy Farms 31
Khanal, Aditya R.; Gillespie, Jeffrey M..
Adoption decisions and profitability of advanced breeding technologies are analyzed for U.S. dairy farms. The bivariate probit with selection model is used. Results show that specialized, younger, more educated farmers with longer planning horizons are more likely to adopt the technologies, with positive impacts on profitability and negative influences on cost of production.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Breeding technologies; Dairy; Profitability; Bivariate probit; Selection; Artificial insemination; Sexed semen; Embryo transfer; Farm Management; Livestock Production/Industries; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Análise econômica dos sistemas de monta natural e de inseminação artificial na produção de bezerros de corte. 14
ARRUDA, Z. J. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Aspecto econômico; Economic situation; Acasalamento; Inseminação Artificial; Reprodução Animal; Sistema de Produção; Artificial insemination; Animal reproduction; Beef cattle; Copulation; Farming systems.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Assessing the Value of Coordinated Sire Genetics in a Synchronized AI Program 31
Parcell, Joseph L.; Schaefer, Daniel; Patterson, David J.; John, Mike; Kerley, Monty S.; Haden, Kent.
Synchronized artificial insemination was used to inseminate cows using different types of sire genetics, including low-accuracy, calving-ease, and high-accuracy. These three calf sire groups were compared to calves born to cows bred using natural service. We found substantial production efficiency grains, carcass merit improvement, and economic value to calves born to cows following a synchronized artificial insemination program with high-accuracy semen included. The economic advantage to the high-accuracy calf sire group was computed to be in the neighborhood of $40 to $80/head, relative to the natural service calf sire group.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Artificial insemination; Beef; Cow; Carcass; Feed-out; Genetics; Pre-conditioning; Sire synchronization.; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Aumento da rentabilidade em sistemas de produção de cria. 14
A atividade de cria pode ser considerada uma das mais importantes fases na produção de bovinos de corte. A razão para isso está no fato dessa etapa ser a responsável pelo principal produto que irá abastecer toda a cadeia produtiva – o bezerro. A correta adoção e gestão desses procedimentos possibilitam a manutenção de um rebanho em constante melhoria genética, com a substituição de vacas improdutivas, inférteis ou que desmamam bezerros leves, por novilhas de melhor valor genético. Adicionalmente, propiciam a produção de lotes de bezerros uniformes e mais pesados com a maximização do potencial genético e melhor retorno econômico na atividade.
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Buenas prácticas agrícolas; Terneros; Peso al destete; Cruce de animales; Rotación de cultivos; Estação de monta; Inseminación artificial; Manejo sanitário; Boas práticas agrícolas; Peso à desmama; Inseminação artificial a tempo fixo (IATF); Pasture quality; Ganado; Producción animal; Eficacia reproductora; Rentabilidad; Pecuária; Melhoramento Genético Animal; Produção Animal; Eficiência Reprodutiva; Rentabilidade; Transferência de Tecnologia; Gado Nelore; Bezerro; Pastagem; Qualidade; Rotação de Cultura; Profitability; Good agricultural practices; Technology transfer; Nellore; Calves; Weaning weight; Animal breeding; Crop rotation; Artificial insemination; Reproductive efficiency; Animal production; Livestock.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Avaliação de ciclo de vida de sistemas modais e melhorados de cria no Pantanal. 14
A bovinocultura de corte é uma das atividades humanas mais relevantes para a economia do Pantanal e do Brasil. O rebanho nacional em 2018 estava em torno de 213,5 milhões de cabeças (IBGE, 2018). Oliveira et al. (2016) estimaram a população de bovinos na planície pantaneira em 3,85 milhões de animais, sendo 70% desta (2,7 milhões de cabeças) no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul e 30% (1,15 milhões de cabeças) no estado de Mato Grosso. A Embrapa Pantanal vem desenvolvendo tecnologias para a ovinocultura de corte no Pantanal desde seu estabelecimento em 1975, muitas vezes em parceria com a Embrapa Gado de Corte. O arranjo de 'projetos+Precoce' estava entre as iniciativas desta parceria, o qual visou o desenvolvimento de tecnologias e sistemas de produção do...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Impacto Ambiental; Pecuária; Bovino; Inseminação Artificial; Artificial insemination; Environmental impact; Livestock production; Beef cattle.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Avaliação do sêmen refrigerado bovino durante quinze dias, comparando três diluidores comerciais. 14
CAVALCANTI, P. R.; MOTTI, A. C. L.; REIS, W. V. A. dos; SILVA, L. G. da; NICACIO, A. C.; DIAS, F. R. T.; NOGUEIRA, E.; SILVA, J. C. B..
O uso de sêmen refrigerado na reprodução bovina tem ganhado destaque em consequência do aumento da inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) no Brasil, possibilitando a coleta pré-agendada e preparação do sêmen permitindo o melhor uso dessa biotécnica. A principal vantagem que o sêmen refrigerado apresenta é a maior viabilidade espermática, por não passar pelo processo de criopreservação. Recentemente, estudos mostraram maior taxa de prenhez quando comparado ao sêmen congelado, chegando a um aumento de 20% (SILVA et al., 2016, 2017, 2019). O estudo foi conduzido com objetivo de comparar três diluidores comerciais, sendo dois a base de gema de ovo e um a base de lecitina, durante 15 dias, analisando a viabilidade do sêmen refrigerado, com base na...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Inseminação Artificial; Criopreservação; Sêmen; Artificial insemination; Cryopreservation.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Beef Reproductive Technology Adoption- Impact of Production Risk and Capitals 31
Rees, Lisa; Parcell, Joseph L.; Patterson, David J.; Smith, Michael F.; Poock, Scott.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agriculture; Beef; Artificial insemination; Estrus synchronization; Social capital; Production risk; Technology adoption; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Best practice in artificial insemination of sows. 14
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Boas práticas; Best practice; Inseminação Artificial; Porca; Artificial insemination.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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Body condition score to predict the postpartum fertility of crossbred beef cows 86
Moraes,José Carlos Ferrugem; Jaume,Carlos Miguel; Souza,Carlos José Hoff de.
The relationship between changes in body condition score (BCS) during the postpartum and fertility in beef cows suckling calves under extensive conditions were investigated. Cows were subjected to four BCS evaluations over the postpartum period, starting around one month after calving. In the second evaluation cows were treated with medroxy-progesterone acetate impregnated pessaries and received an injection of estradiol benzoate. At the third evaluation, pessaries were removed and calves were separated from the cows for 96 hours, during which time estrous was observed twice a day, and animals artificially inseminated 12 hours after detection. When calves returned to their dams, bulls were introduced until a 60-day mating period was reached. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bos taurus; Artificial insemination; Breeding season; Pregnancy rates.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Dargatz, David.
As part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS ), USDA:APHIS:Veterinary Services conducted a national study of beef production, the Beef Cow/Calf Health and Productivity Audit (CHAPA). This study was designed to provide both participants and the industry with information on cow/calf health, productivity, and management practices. Data for Part 1: Beef Cow/Calf Herd Management Practices in the United States, were collected from beef producers September 29 through October 9, 1992. The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collaborated with VS to select a statistically designed producer sample that represented all U.S. cow/calf operations in the 48 continental United States. Eighty-one percent of operations had commercial cattle...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Epidemiology; Beef cattle; Calves breeding; Artificial insemination; Mortality; Branding; Injections; Castration; Weaning; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Como implementar inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em sua fazenda : conheça os pontos-chave. 14
A adoção da inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) é a biotecnologia aplicada à reprodução animal que mais aumentou em 10 anos, passando de 8%, em 2012, para 18%, em 2021. Em 2022, espera-se um aumento de mais de 20%. Com objetivo de salientar os principais fatores que influenciam no bom resultado dessa biotécnica, esta cartilha foi confeccionada para que o produtor pudesse entender e avaliar, dentro de sua realidade, a viabilidade do investimento nessa prática. Os pontos abordados e as fotos mostradas servem para compartilhar nossas experiências a fim de contribuir para uma adoção segura e satisfatória da técnica pelo produtor.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: IATF; Bovino; Reprodução Animal; Coleta de Sêmen; Artificial insemination.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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Comparação de protocolos de 8 e 9 dias de duração à base de estradiol e progesterona em vacas submetidas à inseminação artificial em blocos. 14
PFEIFER, L. F. M.; CESTARO, J. P.; NEVES, P. M. A.; ANDRADE, J. S. de; CASTRO, N. A. de.
No presente estudo, foram comparados dois dos protocolos mais utilizados de IATF para vacas Nelore lactantes no Brasil na técnica IAB com o objetivo de avaliar: 1) se a utilização de IAB em protocolos, baseados no uso de estradiol e progesterona, com 9d é tão efetiva quanto em protocolos com 8d de duração, e; 2) o efeito da categoria animal na fertilidade de vacas inseminadas em Blocos.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Inseminação em bloco; Jaru (RO); Rondônia; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Reprodução Animal; Gado Nelore; Vaca; Inseminação Artificial; Controle Hormonal; Estradiol; Progesterona; Animal reproduction; Nellore; Cows; Artificial insemination; Genetic techniques and protocols; Hormonal regulation; Progesterone.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Comparação entre monta natural e inseminação artificial na espécie suína. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Monta natural; Inseminação artificial; Acasalamento natural; Reprodução animal; Suíno; Leitegada; Artificial insemination; Natural mating; Animal breeding; Swine; Piglets.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Comparison between deep intracornual artificial insemination (dIAI) and conventional artificial insemination (AI) using low concentration of spermatozoa in beef cattle 52
Meirelles,Ciro; Kozicki,Luiz Ernandes; Weiss,Romildo Romualdo; Segui,Marcio Saporski; Souza,Antonio; Santos,Ivo Walter dos; Breda,Jose Carlos dos Santos.
This study aimed to compare the pregnancy rate using the conventional artificial insemination (AI) or deep intracornual artificial insemination (DIAI), with low number of spermatozoa (4.0 million sperm) in 270 Nelore cows. The animals were divided in two groups (G: G1 (135 cows) conventional AI was performed (=semen deposition in the uterine body) and in G2 (135 cows) to DIAI, in ipsilateral horn where the dominant follicle in the ovary had previously been detected, by ultrasound examinations. For both the methods, a single artificial insemination was carried out after visual estrus observation, checked three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening). The pregnancy diagnosis after 45 days was conducted by ultrasound. Results showed a better pregnancy...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Deep intracornual artificial insemination; Beef cattle; Artificial insemination; Nelore cows.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Compte rendu des premières expérimentations de fécondation artificielle chez l'ombrine, Sciaenops ocellatus : études préliminaires de la maturation finale des ovocytes et de la qualité du sperme 5
Gardes, Lionel; Buchet, Vincent; Villanove, Philippe; Fauvel, Christian.
Artificial insemination mastery in red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, requires a first experimental step wOOng at getting basic biological data. Regarding males, a relation between optical density of the solution (OD) measured by spectrophotometry and sperm concentration (SC) has been established : OD O,161*SC + 0,119. Mean sperm concentration measured is 4,36.10 10 spz.mL-1. This study shows an influence of the solution of dilution on spermatozoa motility and its evolution during short term preservation. As far as females are concemed, the follow-up of final maturation through the observation of samples taken during reguIar strippings, seems to he a good technique to limit overripening and spontaneous liheration of ovules. Some artificial insemination trials...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fécondation artificielle; Concentration spermatique; Motilité du sperme; Ovogenèse; Ovulation; Sur maturation; Ombrine; Sciaenops ocellatus.; Artificial insemination; Sperm concentration; Sperm motility; Oogenesis; Ovulation; Overripening; Red drum.; Sciaenops ocella/us.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Cooperatives' Role in the Artificial Insemination Industry 31
Hogeland, Julie A..
The artificial insemination industry provides breeding products and services for both dairy and beef cattle. Two-thirds of the industry is organized as producer-owned cooperatives. The industry has been so highly successful in meeting the needs of producers for a high-quality reliable product that the United States is the world's leading producer and exporter of bull semen. Yet, more bulls (and consequently more cooperatives) are available than are technically needed for genetic variation and breeding requirements. The result of such product proliferation is higher semen prices and excessive costs for inventory, distribution, and marketing. To maintain their prominent role in the industry, the 22 cooperatives need to consolidate to streamline the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Cooperatives; Artificial insemination; Semen; Dairy cattle; Breeding; Agribusiness.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Decontamination of naturally contaminated liquid nitrogen storage tanks 96
Pessoa,Gilson Antonio; Rubin,Mara Iolanda Batistella; Silva,Carlos Antonio Mondino; Rosa,Denize Costa da.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of cleaning and decontamination procedures in liquid nitrogen tanks. We evaluated 151 canisters and 133 bottoms from 133 nitrogen tanks of companies or farms for the presence of bacteria and fungi. Samples were collected from the canisters and the bottom of tanks containing liquid nitrogen. Tanks were divided into Group 1 (G1): tanks decontaminated with 2% glutaraldehyde - Glutaron® II (n = 16 canisters in 8 tanks); Group 2 (G2): decontamination with 70% ethanol (n = 20 canisters in 10 tanks); and Group 3 (G3): decontamination with 70% ethanol (n = 115 canisters in 115 tanks). Tanks in Groups 1 and 2 belonged to companies; Group 3 tanks belonged to farms. The culture of canisters showed twelve genera...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial insemination; Bacteria; Fungi; Semen.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Desempenho reprodutivo obtido através da inseminação artificial de vacas leiteiras em Roraima. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bovino de leite; Brasil; Roraima; Inseminação Artificial; Reprodução; Artificial insemination; Dairy cattle; Reproduction.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Different times to perform timed artificial insemination when using a P4/E2/eCG-based protocol in buffalo 65
Carvalho,Nelcio Antonio Tonizza de; Carvalho,Júlia Gleyci Soares de; Sales,José Nélio de Sousa; Macari,Rodrigo Caron; Baruselli,Pietro Sampaio.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate different times for timed artificial insemination (TAI) in buffalo submitted to a P4/E2/eCG-based protocol. In this study, 204 buffaloes were distributed into one of two groups (TAI56, n=103 and TAI64, n=101). At a random stage of the oestrous cycle (Day 0 = D0), in the morning (TAI56, a.m.) or afternoon (TAI64, p.m.), buffaloes received an intravaginal progesterone device (P4; 1.0 g) plus EB (2.0 mg i.m.). On D9 a.m. (TAI56) or p.m. (TAI64), the P4 was removed and buffaloes received PGF2a (0.53 mg i.m. sodium cloprostenol) and eCG (400 IU i.m.). On D10 a.m. (TAI56) or p.m. (TAI64), 24 h after P4 removal, buffaloes were treated with EB (1.0 mg i.m.). Buffaloes from TAI56 and TAI64 were inseminated 56 and 64 h...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anoestrous; Artificial insemination; Oestradiol benzoate; Follicle; Induction of ovulation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Effect of Bovine Somatotropin Administration on Day 11 after Artificial Insemination in Estrus-Induced Ewes during the Non-Breeding Season 19
Fukui, Yutaka; Yamamura, Kunio; Matsunaga, Nobuyoshi; Miyamoto, Akio; 福井, 豊; 宮本, 明夫.
The present study aimed to examine the possibility that bovine somatotropin (BST) treatment after artificial insemination (AI) may improve the fertility by the stimulation of corpus luteum (CL) function in seasonally anestrous ewes. The experiment was conducted at the Tawa Field Station, Shibecha-cho in Hokkaido, Japan, during the non-breeding season (May, 1995). Eighty-nine mature (2 to 3 years old) Suffolk and Suffolk-crossed ewes were treated with controlled internal drug release devices containing 0.3 g progesterone (CIDR-G) for 12 days. Ewes were injected intramuscularly with 500 IU PMSG the day before CIDR removal. Eighty-seven ewes were assigned to an insemination of frozen semen on a fixed-time basis (42 to 50 h) after removal of CIDR. On the 11th...
Palavras-chave: Bovine somatotropin; Artificial insemination; Progesterone; Conception rate; Ewes.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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