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Detection of introduced sessile species on the near shore continental shelf in southern Brazil 103
Bumbeer,Janaína de Araújo; Rocha,Rosana Moreira da.
Invasion by marine species, often considered a grave threat to marine ecosystems, occurs throughout the world as a consequence of many anthropogenic activities. In coastal Paraná, many factors including shipping, aquaculture and the use of artificial substrates provide suitable environments for the establishment and rapid spread of introduced marine species. To better understand this process, the encrusting community was studied on polyethylene plates (n = 120, 10 x 10 cm) that were placed seasonally at fixed locations on the inner continental shelf to detect non-native species. Of the 62 taxa found, 40 were identified to species, 14 of which were native, 9 introduced and 17 cryptogenic. We found a new introduction while most introduced species were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial substrate; Biofouling; Marine bioinvasion; Sublittoral.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Influence of periphyton substrates and rearing density on Liza aurata growth and production in marine nursery ponds 5
Richard, Marion; Maurice, Julien-thomas; Anginot, Aurore; Paticat, Francois; Verdegem, M. C. J.; Hussenot, Jerome.
The main objectives of this investigation were to test the effects of (i) the presence of periphyton substrates, (ii) rearing density and (iii) supplemental feeding with dry feed on the growth and production of golden mullet (Liza aurata) juveniles. Twenty-six 1 m(2)-cages were installed in a French marine pond from April till June 2008. Mullets were stocked in cages with or without substrate at a density of 0, 20,40 or 60 individuals per cage. Each treatment was carried out in triplicate. In addition, 20 fish were put in three tanks and fed ad libitum with dry feed. The results showed that (i) although mullets were seen to graze on periphyton substrates, their presence did not affect,mullet growth and production. In future studies, meshed substrates could...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Periphyton; Mullet; Extensive aquaculture; Artificial substrate; Marine pond.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Non indigenous ascidians in port and natural environments in a tropical Brazilian bay 103
Marins,Flávia O.; Novaes,Roberto L. M.; Rocha,Rosana M.; Junqueira,Andrea O. R..
Despite limited natural dispersal, some species of ascidians can be transported vast distances via oceanic petroleum platforms, ship hulls and ballast water and therefore may be good indicators of bioinvasion. Usually non indigenous species (NIS) are abundant in harbors. This is caused in part because of the higher propagule delivery rate in these areas. An alternative explanation of why invasion is enhanced in harbor and marinas is that environmental degradation commonly found in these habitats favors the establishment of NIS. Most surveys for introduced species were not comprehensive and targeted mainly ports and marinas. Angra dos Reis is an excellent system that provides an opportunity to compare the potential distribution of introduced and native...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial substrate; Bioinvasion; Exotic species; Organic pollution; Tunicata.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Optimization of sampling, cell collection and counting for the monitoring of benthic harmful algal blooms: Application to Ostreopsis spp. blooms in the Mediterranean Sea 5
Jauzein, Cecile; Acaf, Laury; Accoroni, Stefano; Asnaghi, Valentina; Fricke, Anna; Hachani, Mohamed Amine; Saab, Marie Abboud-abi; Chiantore, Mariachiara; Mangialajo, Luisa; Totti, Cecilia; Zaghmouri, Imen; Lemee, Rodolphe.
Toxic blooms of Ostreopsis spp. are greatly challenging to monitor due to the complexity and variability of cell repartition among benthic and pelagic compartments. This results in marked differences in employed methodologies for the survey of their dynamics and hampers the definition of the associated toxic risk. The present study aims at testing and improving common methodologies used for sampling, processing and counting of field samples. It contributes to the identification of the most suitable strategies for the monitoring and mitigation of Ostreopsis blooms in coastal waters. For a sampling based on the collection of macrophytes, the role of the fixative addition and of agitation steps in the efficiency of epiphytic cell collection was defined. For...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Patchiness; Macrophyte substrate; Artificial substrate; Recommendations for monitoring.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Periphytic diatoms from an oligotrophic lentic system, Piraquara I reservoir, Paraná state, Brazil 49
Silva-Lehmkuhl,Angela Maria da; Tremarin,Priscila Izabel; Vercellino,Ilka Schincariol; Ludwig,Thelma A. Veiga.
Abstract: Knowledge of biodiversity in oligotrophic aquatic ecosystems is fundamental to plan conservation strategies for protected areas. This study assessed the diatom diversity from an urban reservoir with oligotrophic conditions. The Piraquara I reservoir is located in an Environmental Protection Area and is responsible for the public supply of Curitiba city and the metropolitan region. Samples were collected seasonally between October 2007 and August 2008. Periphytic samples were obtained by removing the biofilm attached to Polygonum hydropiperoides stems and to glass slides. The taxonomic study resulted in the identification of 87 diatom taxa. The most representative genera regarding the species richness were Pinnularia (15 species) and Eunotia (14...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial substrate; Diatom ecology; Macrophytes; Reservoirs.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Submersion time, depth, substrate type and sampling method as variation sources of marine periphyton 5
Richard, Marion; Trottier, C.; Verdegem, M. C. J.; Hussenot, Jerome.
Periphyton is an additional food source in African and Asian brackish and freshwater fish ponds. The present study was a preliminary assessment of periphyton development on artificial substrates in temperate marine ponds. The effects of submersion time, substrate type, water depth, and total or partial sampling methods on the quantity and quality of periphyton collected, were evaluated. Four types of substrate (W: wooden poles, S: smooth fiber-glass strips, m: mosquito screen (1 mm-mesh) and M: garden netting (5 mm-mesh)) were deployed in a marine pond, and periphyton was collected 15 and 30 days later. The total amount of periphyton per substrate unit was collected as one sample or as 5 sub-samples. Results showed that (i) periphyton biomass in a marine...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Marine pond; Artificial substrate; Fouling; Periphyton.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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