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Stability of spatial structures of demersal assemblages: a multitable approach 5
Gaertner, Jean-claude; Chessel, Daniel; Bertrand, Jacques.
The present work is based on a set of bottom trawl surveys performed in the Gulf of Lions between 1983 and 1992. A new method which couples the STATIS multitable approach with the logic of correspondence analysis (CoA) is proposed to study the stability of spatial organization of demersal assemblages in terms of species composition. This CoA version of STATIS has provided a clear representation of the stable part of the spatial structure of the assemblages. In addition, it gave an insight into the interannual variations of the distribution of each population around the reference structure. Our results showed that the demersal assemblages of the Gulf of Lions exhibited strong spatial structuring, mainly orientated along a bathymetric gradient. This gradient...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Assemblage de poissons; Chalutage; Analyse multitableaux; Méditerranée; Stabilité; Structure spatiale; Fish assemblage; Trawl surveys; Multitable analysis; Correspondence analysis; Mediterranean sea; Stability; Spatial structure.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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The demersal fish assemblage of the coastal area adjacent to the Tagus estuary (Portugal): relationships with environmental conditions 5
Prista, N; Vasconcelos, Rp; Costa, Mj; Cabral, H.
The subtidal fish assemblage of Tagus estuary coastal area was sampled in order to infer about its relationship to environmental conditions and its possible nursery function for marine species. Fish sampling took place between May 2001 and February 2002 with an otter trawl. In addition to fish sampling, a physical, chemical and biological characterization of the water column and bottom sediment was performed. Density and biomass were determined and ecological and feeding guilds assigned to each fish species. Correspondence analysis (CA) was used to determine the spatio-temporal structure of the assemblage and its correlation to environmental variables. A total of 36 fish species were identified. The fish assemblage was dominated by few species, both in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zone côtière; Assemblage de poissons; Structure de la communauté; Environnement; Estuaire du Tage; Coastal area; Fish assemblage; Community structure; Environmental conditions; Tagus estuary.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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