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A null model for explain crustacean zooplankton species associations in central and southern patagonian in land waters OceanDocs
De los Rios, Patricio.
Los ensambles zooplanctónicos en cuerpos de agua de la zona centro y sur de la Patagonia chilena se caracterizan por su alto endemismo y un relativo bajo número de especies lo cual se debería principalmente a la oligotrofía y niveles de conductividad de estos ambientes. El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en analizar información publicada y sin publicar sobre crustáceos zooplanctónicos en lagos y lagunas de la zona central y sur de la Patagonia (44 - 53g S). A estos datos se les estimó la razón especies / género, y se aplicó un modelo nulo basado en co-ocurrencia de especies mediante una matriz de presencia y ausencia de especies, con la intención de determinar ausencia de factores reguladores de las asociaciones de especies. Dentro de este mismo...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zooplankton; Assemblages; Lakes; Ponds; Crustaceans.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bathyal cumacean assemblages from the southern margin of the Cap Ferret Canyon (SE Bay of Biscay) ArchiMer
Corbera, Jordi; Sorbe, Jean Claude.
The structure of the cumacean assemblages from the southern margin of the Cap Ferret Canyon was studied at 13 stations ranging from 346 to 1099 m depth with a modified Macer-GIROQ suprabenthic sledge (four superimposed nets; 0.5 mm mesh size). A total of 1885 specimens were collected and classified into 5 families and 42 species. The total abundances fluctuated between 2.8 ind./100 m2 (station TS04; 484-485 m) and 55.8 ind./100 m2 (station TS08; 714-708 m). The highest values of species richness and diversity were recorded at station TS13 (1097-1099 m): S=25 species; H’(log2)=4.05. The near-bottom vertical distribution of the cumacean fauna showed the same pattern at all stations: at least 60% of the individu­als were sampled by the lower net of the sledge...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cumacea; Assemblages; Suprabenthos; Bathyal; Bay of Biscay; NE Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Distribución de la megafauna bentónica del Caribe colombiano asociada a variables ambientales del fondo marino OceanDocs
Vides Casado, M. P..
El presente análisis relaciona la distribución espacial de especies de la megafauna bentónica con gradientes de variables ambientales estimadas cerca al fondo oceánico, haciendo uso de datos obtenidos a lo largo de la provincia del mar Caribe colombiano. Los datos utilizados corresponden a muestras de megafauna bentónica obtenidas en 96 sitios de colecta entre los años 1999 y 2008 en un ámbito de profundidad entre 15 y 900 m. La distribución latitudinal de los taxa mayores se analizó a través de perfiles del fondo de 100 km de longitud desde la línea de costa. Se utilizaron curvas de acumulación de especies con intervalos de confianza de 95 % para hacer las comparaciones. La distribución de la megafauna bentónica se relacionó con los parámetros ambientales...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Benthos; Assemblages; Depth.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Diversity and stability of demersal species assemblages in the Gulf of Guinea OceanDocs
Koranteng, K.A..
The structure of demersal fish assemblages on the continental shelf and upper continental slope of the Gulf of Guinea is described. Community structure is determined primarily by depth and type of sediment on the seabed. Changes in the composition of the identified species assemblages over a 25-year period are examined. The dynamics of the assemblages are influenced by physico-chemical parameters of the water masses, mainly temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, which are periodically modified by the seasonal coastal upwelling that occurs in the western Gulf of Guinea. Increased irresponsible fishing operations (like the use of explosives) that lead to habitat alteration and other anthropogenic activities like oil and gas exploration which have the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Assemblages; Ecosystems; Demersal fish; Ecosystems; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Ecological boundaries in estuaries: macrobenthic ß-diversity in the Rio de la Plata system (34-36°S) OceanDocs
Giberto, D.A.; Bremec, C.; Cortelezzi, A.; Rodrigues Capitulo, A.; Brazeiro, A..
In this study, we analyse spatial patterns of macrobenthic communities of the Río de la Plata system, and assess the species turnover or beta diversity and its relationship with environmental gradients. Macrobenthic samples and physico-chemical parameters were collected from 20 sampling sites along a transect of 560 km, including the freshwater (FW), estuarine (ES)and marine (MA)sectors. Three main assemblages corresponding to the above mentioned sectors were defined with multivariate analysis (cluster, MDS). In total 134 taxa were recorded, 81 in MA, 33 in FW and 38 in ES, represented mainly by polychaete, mollusc and crustacean species. Depth, salinity and clay showed the strongest correlation with the observed faunal patterns (pw=0.62; BIO-ENV...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Macrobenthos; Assemblages; Brackishwater environment; Estuaries; Estuaries; Macrobenthos; Brackishwater environment; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Ensambles de peces en los arrecifes norpatagónicos: diversidad, abundancia y relaciones tróficas y con el hábitat OceanDocs
Galvan, D.E..
This study describes the structure and seasonal dynamics of the reef fish assemblages that inhabit the Nuevo and San José gulfs of the Argentine coast. It analyzes relationships between the structure of the assemblage and several habitat variables, with emphasis on shelter availability and refuge characteristics. The diets and feeding strategies of the most conspicuous fish species are described and their impact on the density of one of their preys is evaluated. The northern Patagonian gulfs are in a temperate region (41° – 43° Lat. S) and are characterized by large extensions of sandy bottoms scattered by patches of rocky outcrops that form reefs. The fish assemblage associated to these reefs is low in species richness and has components of the...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Reef fish; Demersal fish; Ecological associations; Assemblages; Feeding; Feeding; Ecological associations; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Estructura de las asociaciones de peces en los arrecifes coralinos del Parque Nacional Ganahacabibes, Cuba OceanDocs
Perera-Valderrama, S.; Claro-Madruga, R.; Caballero-Aragón, H.; Cobián-Rojas, D.; Chevalier-Monteagudo, P.P..
Para la ejecución del plan de manejo del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes es necesario establecer una línea base sobre la diversidad y estructura de las asociaciones de peces, así como sus posibles cambios como consecuencia de las variaciones espaciales y temporales. Se realizaron censos visuales de todas las especies en períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso de los años 2007-2008, en sus principales zonas del arrecife. Se evaluaron 15 estaciones, mediante 6 tramos de 50 x 2 m. Entre los períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso no se observaron diferencias significativas en los principales indicadores de la estructura de las asociaciones (diversidad de especies, densidad, biomasa, tallas y categorías tróficas), pocas especies mostraron diferencias en su abundancia como...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Assemblages; Population abundance (in number); Marine fish; Coral reefs.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Le merlu du golfe de Gascogne et de la mer Celtique : Croissance, Répartition spatiale et bathymétrique, Ecologie alimentaire et Assemblages ArchiMer
Kacher, Mohamed.
In the Bay of Biscay and Celtic Sea waters, hake is considered as genetically homogeneous and form a unique stock with identical meristic characteristics. The vertebral mean vary from 50,68 (vertebrae) during the first year of life to 51,11 (vertebrae) for adults. 0-group Merluccius display a rapid growth with significant interannual variability (0.71 in 2001 versus 0.74 in 2002). The spawning period occurs in April and the average length on the firth January following the hatching is of 17.3 cm (first seasonal check / increment on the sagittal otolith is located about 0.143 cm from the nucleus). At the end of the first year of life the average length is about 24 cm. The longevity of the species is important and growth parameters (L =...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Celtic sea; Bay of biscay; Ecologie; Juvéniles; Otolith; Growth; Assemblages; Hake; Mer celtique; Golfe de Gascogne; Ecologie; Juvéniles; Otolithe; Croissance; Assemblages; Merlu.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Native and exotic woody vegetation communities in domestic gardens in relation to social and environmental factors Ecology and Society
van Heezik, Yolanda M.; University of Otago;; Freeman, Claire; University of Otago;; Porter, Stefan; University of Otago;; Dickinson, Katharine J. M.; University of Otago;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Assemblages; Communities; Community composition; Diversity; Plants.
Ano: 2014
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Occurrence of Hirudinea species in a post urban reach of a Patagonian mountain stream Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Miserendino,M. Laura; Gullo,Bettina S..
Temporal (May 2005 to February 2006) and habitat distribution (pools and riffles) of Hirudinea species was analyzed at a post urban reach from Esquel stream (Chubut province, Patagonia, Argentina). Site was located 5.7 km downstream a Waste Treatment Plant. Mean values of nutrients: ammonia, nitrates and soluble reactive phosphate, as well water conductivity, turbidity and total suspended solids indicated physical and organic pollution. Leeches assemblage was composed by the glossiphonids: Helobdella scutifera Blanchard, 1900, H. michaelseni (Blanchard, 1900), H. simplex (Moore, 1911), Helobdella sp., H. hyalina Ringuelet, 1942, H. obscura Ringuelet, 1942 and the semiscolecid Patagoniobdella variabilis (Blanchard, 1900). From these H. hyalina and H....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leeches; Assemblages; Streams; Urbanization; Organic pollution.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Patrón espacial y temporal de las áreas de asociaciones ícticas demersales costeras (34°S-41°S) y su relación con los factores ambientales. OceanDocs
Jaureguizar, A.J..
The spatial and temporal changes of the fish assemblage areas composition at the coastal ecosystem of the western South Atlantic (34 degree -41 degree S) during six springs (1981, 1983, 1994, 1995, 1998 and 1999), were examined. For each assemblage area the most common species and those species that discriminate it from adjacent assemblages areas within years, were identified. Within each area, also resident (common in all years) and facultative (contributing to less than 90% of similarity within any year) species, were studied. Also were identified what parameters control the main structuring of the fish community on the spatial and temporal patterns. In order to determine how the environmental factors influenced the fish community structure, the...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Marine fish; Community composition; Coastal fisheries; Ecosystem management; Species diversity; Coastal zone; Ecological zonation; Environmental factors; Assemblages; Ecological zonation; Environmental factors; Coastal fisheries; Species diversity; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Variación espacial de la biodiversidad mesozooplantónica en un sector de la plataforma costera bonaerense (34°-41° S) OceanDocs
Cepeda, G..
En las últimas décadas ha crecido la conciencia a nivel mundial de que la biodiversidad en el océano está sufriendo importantes alteraciones debido a la actividad humana y al cambio climático global, y de que estas alteraciones en muchos casos son irreversibles. Por tal motivo diversos autores señalan la necesidad de enfatizar los estudios de biodiversidad en todos los ambientes marinos (Angel, 1991; Lasserre, 1991; Gray, 2001). Actualmente se están realizando grandes esfuerzos a nivel internacional para incrementar el conocimiento de la diversidad, distribución y abundancia de la vida marina en general (Proyecto Census of Marine Life; y del zooplancton en particular (Proyecto Census of Marine Zooplankton; La biodiversidad de...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Zooplankton; Environmental conditions; Hydrography; Abundance; Assemblages; Identification keys; Geographical distribution; Geographical distribution; Zooplankton; Environmental conditions; Hydrography; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Variations ontogéniques et spatio temporelles des écophases larvaires des poissons: évaluation de la condition nutritionnelle et détermination des périodes critiques ArchiMer
Di Pane, Julien.
As a deterministic factor in recruitment, the study of the survival success of fish larvae has since the work of Hjort (1914) become crucial to understanding variations in population dynamics. Nutrition and the consequences of larval starvation are now widely accepted as major sources of variability in survival, explaining that the number of offspring recruiting the adult population is not proportional to the spawning biomass. It is in this context that this thesis was written with the aim of identifying in situ the critical periods (i.e. high mortality stages) of the larval development, and defining the environmental conditions that are favourable to them using biochemical and histological condition indices. By carrying out several winter and spring...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ichtyoplancton; Manche est; Condition; Assemblages; Variations temporelles.; Chtyoplankton; Eastern English Channel; Condition; Assemblages; Temporal variations..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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