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Analyse des déterminants environnementaux de la variabilité du recrutement - approche macroécologique appliquée aux populations exploitées du Nord-Est Atlantique 5
Brunel, Thomas.
Recruitment - the number of young fishes that integrate each year the exploitable stock¿ has a central importance for stock dynamics. The high temporal variability in recruitment is a result of the environmental influence on survival during early life stages. Understanding the determinism of the influence of environment on recruitment remains one of the most important question in fisheries ecology. The present work aimed at answering some general questions about the influence of environment on fish recruitment using a macroecological approach. The study focused on the exploited fish populations of the Northeastern Atlantic. The first chapter of the thesis makes a review of the different methods used to estimate recruitment, compares recruitment estimates...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Time series; Recruitment variability; Regime shift; Recruitment synchrony; North East Atlantic; NAO; Long term trends; Environmental influence; Effect of temperature; Effect of fishing; Climate change; Biogeography; Variabilité du recrutement; Synchronisme; Séries chronologiques; Tendances à long terme; NAO; Influence de l'environnement; Effet de la température; Effet de la pêche; Changement de régime; Changement climatique; Biogéographie; Atlantique Nord Est.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Ecologie du système hôte - parasite, juvéniles G0 de sole (Solea solea) - métacercaires de Digènes : dynamique et effets de l'infestation 5
Durieux, Eric.
Coastal areas, such as shallow water bays and estuaries, serve as nurseries for juveniles of many marine fishes and especially flatfishes. Parasites play an important role in these marine ecosystems, but it remains poorly studied. Little attention has been paid to parasitism as a potential factor of variation in flatfish juveniles biological performances in these habitats. Sole juveniles, Solea solea (Pleuronectiformes, Soleidae), that is a species of primary importance for fisheries, are infected by digenean metacercariae. Thus, the aims of this PhD thesis were: i) to determine the spatio-temporal dynamics of the digenean metacercariae infection of 0-group sole juveniles at different scales; ii) to estimate the effects of this infection at different...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North East Atlantic; Mussel farming; Biological tags; Behaviour; Condition indices; Growth; Immunity; Parasitism; Flatfish; Nurseries; Atlantique Nord Est; Mytiliculture; Marqueurs biologiques; Comportement; Indices de condition; Croissance; Immunité; Parasitisme; Pleuronectiformes; Nourriceries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Etude lithostratigraphique des carottes prélevées dans la zone d'immersion des déchets radioactifs de l'Atlantique nord est (zone aen). Intérêt pour la prévision des impacts 5
Kerbrat, Rene.
Divers pays de la C.E.E. ont procédé à l'immersion de déchets radioactifs de faible activité dans une zone de l'Atlantique Nord Est. Dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche et de surveillance mené dans un but d'évaluation de la zone, des carottes sédimentaires ont été prélevées. L'étude lithostratigraphique de ces carottes met en évidence des processus sédimentaires différenciés selon la topographie, en particulier l'existence de phénomènes gravitaires. L'enregistrement dans les carottes du climat passé, notamment de périodes d'intense dissolution des carbonates, apporte des éléments nouveaux pour un modèle prévisionnel d'évolution des déchets.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantique Nord Est; Déchets radioactifs; Sédiment; Pleistocène; Paléoclimat..
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Interactions entre comportement et variations de la croissance des juvéniles de la sole (Solea solea) dans les nourriceries des pertuis Charentais 5
Laffargue, Pascal.
This thesis aimed to identify and analyse processes involved in the functioning of sole Solea solea (L.) nurseries in the Pertuis Charentais, the most important oyster cultivation basin in Europe and a major nursery for the Bay of Biscay sole. Juveniles concentrate in coastal and estuarine habitats, which are essential in the biological cycle of this species but implies (i) adaptation to environmental variability and (ii), accessibility to habitat resources. Assuming that effective nurseries account for what fish must perform in response to habitat constraints, especially in selecting feeding, resting or refuge areas, we used both field works and mesocosm experiments to obtain integrative indicators of the nursery quality (growth rate, Fulton's condition...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic North East; Shellfish culture; Ingested organic carbon; Feeding; Tri iodothyronine T3; Thyroxine T4; Fulton's K; Growth rate; Flatfish; Essential habitat; Atlantique Nord Est; Conchyliculture; Carbone organique ingéré; Alimentation; Tri iodothyronine T3; Thyroxine T4; K de Fulton; Taux de croissance; Poisson plat; Habitat essentiel.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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La dynamique des pêches côtières du pays bigouden 5
Charuau, Anatole.
In the beginning, the coastal fleet of the Bigouden region fished by trawling and was completely focused on exploiting lobster and hake. It is a traditional business that expanded between the last war and the 70s, reaching its peak between 1975 and 1980. The best image to give an idea of this fleet is that of a "bucket waterwheel" endlessly discharging its catch in the four ports of the Guilvinec district. Where there is a seafaring business in Guilvinec, Loctudy and Saint-Guénolé, there is a complementarity that is expressed in two ways: - coastal fishing constitutes a very noticeable and regular supplement to production, since sales happen daily and only bad winter weather causes a relative decrease in the supplement. - coastal fishing gives a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Brittany; Data; Fishing zone; Fleet; Trawling; Commercial species; Costal fisheries; Finistere; Bretagne; Atlantique Nord Est; Golfe de Gascogne; Merluccius; Lophius; Pisces; Nephrops Norvegicus; Zone peche; Exploitation; Flottille; Chalut; Donnee; Espece commerciale; Peche cotiere.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Poissons de l'Atlantique Nord-Est : Relations Taille-Poids 5
Dorel, Didier.
This report corresponds to a compilation of length-weight relationships for the main fin-fishes of French north-east Atlantic commercial fisheries, completed by minimal legal lengths. When known, other parameters have been added such as length/age scale, length at first spawning and the 50 % retention length (L 50) according to legal mesh-sizes.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clés taille / poids; Atlantique Nord Est; Poissons commerciaux; North east Atlantic; Length weight relationships; Commercial fin fishes.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Schéma de mise en valeur de la mer de la pointe du Raz à l'Odet 5
Talidec, Catherine.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantique Nord Est; Bretagne; Peche a Pied; Plaisance; Flottille; Peche professionnelle; Economic analysis; Recreative fishing; Fishing gear; Commercial species; Etuarine fisheries; Marine fisheries.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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