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Designs and model effects definitions in the initial stage of a plant breeding program 86
Souza,Emanuel Fernando Maia de; Peternelli,Luiz Alexandre; Barbosa,Márcio Henrique Pereira.
The objective of this work was to compare the relative efficiency of initial selection and genetic parameter estimation, using augmented blocks design (ABD), augmented blocks twice replicated design (DABD) and group of randomised block design experiments with common treatments (ERBCT), by simulations, considering fixed effect model and mixed model with regular treatment effects as random. For the simulations, eight different conditions (scenarios) were considered. From the 600 simulations in each scenario, the mean percentage selection coincidence, the Pearsons´s correlation estimates between adjusted means for the fixed effects model, and the heritability estimates for the mixed model were evaluated. DABD and ERBCT were very similar in their comparisons...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Augmented design; Incomplete block; Selection; Heritability; Sugarcane; Stochastic simulation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Simulation of mixed models in augmented block design 63
Santos,Aladir Horacio; Bearzoti,Eduardo; Ferreira,Daniel Furtado; Silva Filho,João Luís da.
The augmented block design is widely used in breeding programs, with non-replicated treatments generally being selection units, and replicated treatments being standard cultivars. Originally, an intrablock analysis (fixed model) was proposed. Although non-replicated treatments and/or blocks can be considered of random nature, mixed linear models could be used instead. This work evaluated such an approach, using computer simulation. Populations consisted of sets of randomly generated inbred lines. Molecular marker data were also simulated to allow the estimation of the genetic covariance matrix. Different conditions were considered, varying heritability and the coefficient b of Smith of soil heterogeneity. For each condition 100 simulations were performed,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Augmented design; Mixed model; Molecular marker.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Spatial statistical analysis and selection of genotypes in plant breeding 86
Duarte,João Batista; Vencovsky,Roland.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of spatial statistical analysis in the selection of genotypes in a plant breeding program and, particularly, to demonstrate the benefits of the approach when experimental observations are not spatially independent. The basic material of this study was a yield trial of soybean lines, with five check varieties (of fixed effect) and 110 test lines (of random effects), in an augmented block design. The spatial analysis used a random field linear model (RFML), with a covariance function estimated from the residuals of the analysis considering independent errors. Results showed a residual autocorrelation of significant magnitude and extension (range), which allowed a better discrimination among genotypes...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Augmented design; Mixed model; Information recovery; Autocorrelation; Correlated data; Geostatistics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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