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Heterogeneity of bird communities in a mosaic of habitats on a restinga ecosystem in southeast Brazil 103
Gomes,Verônica S. da M.; Vecchi,Maurício B.; Loiselle,Bette A.; Missagia,Caio C.C.; Alves,Maria Alice S..
ABSTRACT Restinga occurs as a narrow band of coastal habitats throughout the Atlantic Forest, although it presents considerable variation in vegetation structure, which likely contributes to heterogeneity in species inhabiting this endangered ecosystem. The goal of this study is to examine how variation in vegetation and abiotic conditions in the restinga ecosystem may contribute to heterogeneity of bird communities in Restinga de Jurubatiba, Brazil. Temperature, relative humidity, and vegetation structure were sampled to characterize four sites (dry forest, flooded forest, open scrub and closed scrub). Birds were sampled using observations, mist-netting and voice recordings. Results indicate that major differences of all variables occur between forest and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Avian community; NDVI; Restinga forest; Scrub; Vegetation structure.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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The Effects of Urban Sprawl on Birds at Multiple Levels of Biological Organization 7
Blair, Robert; University of Minnesota;
Urban sprawl affects the environment in myriad ways and at multiple levels of biological organization. In this paper I explore the effects of sprawl on native bird communities by comparing the occurrence of birds along gradients of urban land use in southwestern Ohio and northern California and by examining patterns at the individual, species, community, landscape, and continental levels. I do this by assessing the distribution and abundance of all bird species occupying sites of differing land-use intensity in Ohio and California. Additionally, I conducted predation experiments using artificial nests, tracked the nest fate of American Robins and Northern Cardinals, and assessed land cover in these sites. At the individual level, predation on artificial...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Avian community; California; Cardinalis cardinalis; Extinction; Faunal homogenization; Invasion; Landscape heterogeneity; Nesting success; Ohio; Predation; Turdus migratorius; Urbanization.
Ano: 2004
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