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CAMBIOS, Station profiles: CTD and LADCP 5
Gaillard, Fabienne; Lherminier, Pascale; Lagadec, Catherine; Branellec, Pierre.
The Cambios cruises aimed at studying the variability of the circulation in the Canary basin, specifically: the evolution of the Azores front and the detection of meddies. The dataset includes the vertical profiles collected with the CTD and LADCP equipment.
Tipo: Dataset Palavras-chave: LADCP; CTD; North-East Atlantic; Azores front; Meddies.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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CAMBIOS, Vessel mounted ADCP data (RDI NB-75) 5
Gaillard, Fabienne; Lherminier, Pascale; Remy, Elisabeth; Abel, Karine.
This dataset includes the VMADCP data from the 3 CAMBIOS cruises (processing level: L2b, sofware: Cascade)
Tipo: Dataset Palavras-chave: VMADCP; SADCP; Canary basin; North-East Atlantic; Azores front.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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