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A Generic Four-step Methodology For Institutional Analysis AgEcon
Herrera, Paul A.; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido; Espinel, Ramon L..
The central hypothesis of this paper is that there may be situations in which the traditional approach to institutional analysis is of limited applicability. Such an approach, which has been called 'comparative institutional analysis', consists of comparing institutional environments and institutional arrangements in terms of specific economic or other efficiency criteria to see which one performs better. However, because of limitations to accurately predict the future performance of alternative institutional settings, comparisons are not always possible. Furthermore, in most cases the only information available is the performance of the current institutional setting. To account for this methodological deficiency, a generic methodology for institutional...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: New Institutional Economics; Governance structures; Institutional Change.; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; B52; D02; Q25.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Beyond Economic Efficiency in Biodiversity Conservation AgEcon
Gatzweiler, Franz W.; Volkmann, Jorg.
This paper aims at explaining the importance of the democracy stance as compared to the efficiency stance in order to deal with complexity in biodiversity conservation. While the efficiency stance refers to the realm of relatively simple systems, individual rationality, and instrumental values, the complexity stance transcends these boundaries into the realm of complex systems, social rationality and intrinsic values. We argue that the task of biodiversity conservation is impossible to achieve in economically efficient ways, because (a) it is impossible to come to a (fully informed) complete account of all values, not only because it is costly but also because (b) moral values are involved which (by their nature) exclude themselves from being accounted...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Biodiversity conservation; Efficiency; Complexity; Values; Institutions; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; B52; Q51; Q57.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Governmental Learning as a Determinant of Economic Growth AgEcon
Grusevaja, Marina.
Systemic economic transition is a process of determined radical institutional change, a process of building new institutions required by a market economy. Nowadays, the experience of transition countries with the implementation of new institutions could be reviewed as a method of economic development that despite similar singular steps has different effects on the domestic economic performance. The process of institutional change towards a market economy is determined by political will, thus the government plays an important role in carrying out the economic reforms. Among the variety of outcomes and effects the attention is drawn especially to economic growth that diverges significantly in different post-transition countries. The paper attempts to shed...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Institutional change; Governmental learning; Economic growth; Agribusiness; B52; D80; O43.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Greenhouse emissions and economic recessions: Did industrial economies “Stay Cool” during the 1930s economic crisis? AgEcon
Giedraitis, Vincentas Rolandas; Girdenas, Sarunas; Rovas, Adomas.
In this historical economic interdisciplinary research we investigate the impact of the 1930s economic crisis and their relationship to global warming. We investigate two consecutive hegemonic powers: the United Kingdom and the United States. Our assumption was that a reduction in demand would lead to a decrease in mean global temperatures during depressions. We find that in fact reduced carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from lowered production does not result in cooling temperatures.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Historical economic sociology; Kondratiev wave theory; World-systems analysis; Economic crises; Global climate change; Environmental Economics and Policy; Financial Economics; International Development; B23; B52; N50; Q54.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Is Certification a Promising Way to Ensure Sustainable Resource Use? An Analysis Based on the Concept of 'Self-Enforcing Contracts' AgEcon
Lippert, Christian.
In the past decade several certification schemes have been developed in order to promote sustainable resource use, especially in foreign countries where it is impossible to rely on direct enforcement of process standards. Based on the concept of 'Self-Enforcing Contracts' a model is developed simulating the simultaneous market equilibrium for certified natural resource units and physically identical units produced without observing certain environmental standards. The model along with some empirical evidence from tropical forestry yields that very likely certification will fall short in ensuring sustainable resource use. Basic natural resource management has to be primarily steered by governments and administrations, not by market forces.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Renewable resources and conservation; Demand and supply; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q21; B52; D62; K42; L14.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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La nueva economía institucional y la economía de los recursos naturales: comunes, instituciones, gobernanza y cambio institucional AgEcon
Caballero-Miguez, Gonzalo; Garza-Gil, Maria Dolores.
In recent decades, the New Institutional Economics has brought about the “return of institutions” to the economic mainstream, and institutional theory and analysis have been developed from Ronald Coase’s notion of transaction costs and Douglass North’s view on institutions. The Nobel Prize award in Economics to Oliver Williamson and Elinor Ostrom in 2009 has pointed out the relevance of the new institutional approach. Natural Resource Economics has included the institutional determinants of the management of natural resources into its research agenda. In this sense, the advances of the New Institutional Economics allows the development of institutional analysis in the field of the Economics of Natural Resources, such as Elinor Ostrom’s work has shown. This...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; B52; Q00; L22.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Major methodological challenges for the economic theory of the firm in the economies of Central and Eastern Europe AgEcon
Boehlke, Jerzy.
This paper presents the major methodological challenges in microeconomic theory of the firm in the economies of Central and Eastern Europe. The methodological weaknesses of the theory are not only the cause of cognitive limitation but also an important condition for an effective economic policy during the transition period.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Transition; Theory of the firm; Post-socialist economies; Countries of Central and Eastern Europe; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; B52; L20; P31.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Methodological aspects of research done in contemporary enterprises in the light of disputes between Modernists and Post-Modernists AgEcon
Boehlke, Jerzy.
The objective of this paper is to present and analyze preliminary some selected methodological consequences of the disputes held between modernists and post-modernists for the contemporary theory of the firm. There is no doubt that the subject of these disputes constitutes the main axis in the discussion on the structure and functioning of the modern enterprise. In the situation of the intense debate between modernists and post-modernists, it appears that chances of the economic theory of the firm to find explicit answers to the questions on the essence and causes of establishing the enterprise are decreasing. However, at the same time our knowledge on the causes and mechanisms of differentiating enterprises in current market economies is increasing. The...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Contemporary enterprise; Modernists and post-modernists; Complexity of modern firm; Epistomological analysis; Cognitive economics of firm.; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; B40; B52; L20.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Russlands Ratifikation des Kyoto-Protokolls - ein kritisches Pladoyer AgEcon
Schwerd, Joachim.
At the beginning of December 2003 the ninth conference of the parties (COP) of the UN framework convention on climate change (Rio declaration 1992) will take place. This meeting is crucial as it depends only on Russia's ratification to get the Kyoto protocol started soon. This paper reflects the current state of the protocol and highlights the particular features of COP 9, e.g. the double ratification hurdle, which - as a technical speciality of the protocol - was suitable to strengthen Russia's position in these negotiations up to now. It will be discussed, why Russia shall comply with the protocol for its own sake, too. Only one of the flexible Kyoto instruments is considered hereby: emissions trading. Two arguments are used for making the point, that it...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Kyoto protocol; Emissions trading; Dynamic efficiency; Russia; Environmental Economics and Policy; B52; D78; D90; F18.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Transfer of Institutions: Actors and Constraints - The Russian Case in a Global Context AgEcon
Oleinik, Anton.
Modernity is usually thought as a complex society with clearly differentiated spheres of everyday life. It means, in particular, that economic rules do not interfere with the norms structuring political, social, scientific and other interactions. The complex, differentiated society sharply contrasts with a "small" and homogeneous "pre-modern" society. The process of modernization, i.e. differentiation of the spheres of everyday life, can take various forms. In an advanced country it relies on internal forces. Modernization in this context looks like an evolutionary, "bottom-up" development. In a backward country (Russia and Germany in the first half of the 20th century), modernization requires a strong governmental (from the top to the bottom)...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: State bureaucracy; Economic backwardness; Catch-up modernization; Conservative modernization; Opportunism; Institutional constraints; Power; Authority; Invidious comparison; Institutional importation; Democracy; Shared mental model; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; A13; A14; B15; B25; B52; D73; H83; K42; N40; O17; P21; P37; P51.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Transformations of agricultural extension services in the EU: Towards a lack of adequate knowledge for small-scale farms AgEcon
Labarthe, Pierre; Laurent, Catherine E..
This paper examines the consequences of the transformations of extension services for small scale farms. It presents the results of investigations embedded in regulation theory, which combine a comparative institutional analysis, statistical data processing (national agricultural census) and direct surveys. We describe the transformations in the EU and show that they make it more difficult for small farms to access extension services and to benefit from “front office” support (i.e. direct advice from extensionists). Finally, we emphasize that due to the modification of the knowledge production regime, these small farms may also suffer new specific adverse effects resulting from the re-organization of the "back-office" R&D activities of these extension...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural extension services; Small-scale farms; Institutional Analysis; Europe; Knowledge; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Q16; Q12; B52; P51; D83.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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