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Artesunate, a potential drug for treatment of Babesia infection 19
Goo, Youn-Kyoung; Terkawi, M. Alaa; Jia, Honglin; Aboge, G. Oluga; Ooka, Hideo; Kim, Suk; Igarashi, Ikuo; Nishikawa, Yoshifumi; Xuan, Xuenan.
The effect of artesunate, a water-soluble artemisinin derivative, against Babesia species, such as Babesia bovis, Babesia gibsoni, and Babesia microti was studied. Cultures of B. bovis and B. gibsoni were treated with 0.26 μM, 2.6 μM, 26 μM, and 260 μM artesunate, and the growth-inhibitory effect was shown in over 2.6 μM artesunate in day 4 and day 3 post-subculture for B. bovis and B. gibsoni, respectively, in dose-dependent manner. In vivo experiment for B. microti, strong inhibition effects were observed in mouse groups treated with over 1.0 mg/kg body weight of artesunate on day 9 and 10 post-infection. These results suggest that artesunate could be a potential drug for Babesia infection.
Palavras-chave: Artesunate; Babesia bovis; Babesia gibsoni; Babesia microti.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Aspectos epidemiológicos de um surto de babesiose cerebral em bovinos em zona livre de carrapato 65
Schild,Ana Lucia; Ruas,Jerônimo Lopes; Farias,Nara Amelia; Grecco,Fabiane Borelli; Soares,Mauro Pereira.
Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos de um surto de babesiose cerebral ocorrido em bovinos no município de Santa Vitória do Palmar, RS em uma propriedade localizada geograficamente na Latitude S 33°05'23" e Longitude WO 53°09'29", região considerada zona livre de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Em meados de novembro de 2007 foram transferidos para essa propriedade quatro touros, quatro novilhas e duas vacas provenientes do município de Minas do Leão,RS localizado geograficamente na Latitude S 30°12'07" e Longitude WO 52°03'25". De um total de 393 animais, 40 bovinos adultos morreram no período entre 19 de janeiro e 2 de março de 2008. O diagnóstico foi realizado pela observação das lesões macroscópicas e pela presença de numerosas formas...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Babesiose cerebral; Babesia bovis; Doenças transmitidas por carrapato; Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus; Epidemiologia.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Babesia bovis Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase (BboDHODH) is a Novel Molecular Target of Drug for Bovine Babesiosis 19
KAMYINGKIRD, Ketsarin; CAO, Shinuo; MASATANI, Tatsunori; MOUMOUNI, Paul Franck Adjou; VUDRIKO, Patrick; MOUSA, Ahmed Abd El Moniem; TERKAWI, Mohamad Alaa; NISHIKAWA, Yoshifumi; IGARASHI, Ikuo; XUAN, Xuenan; 西川, 義文; 五十嵐, 郁男; 玄, 学南.
The emergence of drug resistance and adverse side effects of current bovine babesiosis treatment suggest that the search of new drug targets and development of safer and effective compounds are required. This study focuses on dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH), the fourth enzyme of pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway as a potential drug target for bovine babesiosis. Recombinant Babesia bovis DHODH protein (rBboDHODH) was produced in Escherichia coli and used for characterization and measurement of enzymatic activity. Furthermore, the effects of DHODH inhibitors were evaluated in vitro. The recombinant B. bovis DHODH histidine fusion protein (rBboDHODH) had 42.4-kDa molecular weight and exhibited a specific activity of 475.7 ± 245 Unit/mg, a Km = 276.2 µM for...
Palavras-chave: Atovaquone; Babesia bovis; Chemotherapeutic target agent; Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase; Leflunomide.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Babesia bovis: Effects of cysteine protease inhibitors on in vitro growth 19
Okubo, Kazuhiro; Yokoyama, Naoaki; Govind, Yadav; Alhassan, Andy; Igarashi, Ikuo.
In the present study, we examined the effects of four kinds of cysteine protease inhibitors (E64, E64d, leupeptin, and ALLN) on the in vitro asexual growth of Babesia bovis. Of these, only the lipophilic inhibitors, E64d and ALLN, were found to effectively inhibit the growth of B. bovis. In further experiments, E64d, but not ALLN, significantly suppressed the parasite’s invasion of host erythrocytes, while both chemicals, especially ALLN, inhibited the parasite’s replication within the infected erythrocytes. These data suggested the presence of cysteine protease(s) derived from B. bovis, in which the protease(s) would play important roles in the erythrocyte invasion and/or replication processes of the parasite.
Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; Cysteine protease; Inhibitor; Invasion; Replication.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Babesiose cerebral em bovinos: 20 casos 65
Rodrigues,Aline; Rech,Raquel Rubia; Barros,Ricardo Rocha de; Fighera,Rafael Almeida; Barros,Claudio Severo Lombardo de.
Num estudo retrospectivo de 1.071 necropsias de bovinos, foram encontrados 20 casos de babesiose cerebral confirmados pelo exame de esfregaços do córtex telencefálico. A maioria desses casos ocorreu no verão, em bovinos adultos de raças européias ou suas cruzas. Além dos sinais clínicos neurológicos, observou-se hemoglobinúria, anorexia, febre, taquicardia, taquipnéia e queda na produção de leite. O hemograma realizado em cinco bovinos afetados revelou acentuada anemia regenerativa; em média, 20% dos eritrócitos estavam parasitados por Babesia bovis. Na necropsia de todos os casos, a substância cinzenta dos córtices telencefálico e cerebelar e dos núcleos da base era consistente e caracteristicamente róseo-cereja. Essa coloração devia-se ao seqüestro de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; Babesiose cerebral; Sistema nervoso central; Doenças de bovinos; Patologia.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Calcium ions are involved in egress of Babesia bovis merozoites from bovine erythrocytes 19
MOSSAAD, Ehab; ASADA, Masahito; NAKATANI, Daichi; INOUE, Noboru; YOKOYAMA1), Naoaki; KANEKO, Osamu; KAWAZU, Shin-ichiro; 井上, 昇; 横山, 直明; 河津, 信一郎.
Bovine babesiosis is a livestock disease known to cause economic losses in endemic areas. The apicomplexan parasite Babesia bovis is able to invade and destroy the host’s erythrocytes leading to the serious pathologies of the disease, such as anemia and hemoglobinuria. Understanding the egress mechanisms of this parasite is therefore a key step to develop new therapeutic strategies. In this study, the possible involvement of Ca2+ in the egress of B. bovis merozoites from infected erythrocytes was investigated. Egress was artificially induced in vitro using calcium ionophore A23187 and thapsigargin to increase Ca2+ concentration in the cytosol of the parasite cells. The increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration following these treatments was confirmed...
Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; Calcium ionophore; Calcium signalling; Egress.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Diagnóstico de Babesia bovis en búfalos de la región occidental de Cuba a través de un ensayo de nPCR 101
Obregón,D; de Sena Oliveira,Marcia Cristina; Tizioto,Polyana Cristine; Funnes,Maribel Elizabeth; Martínez,Siomara; Roque,E; Henrique Fonseca,A; Corona,Belkis.
Este trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de determinar si los búfalos en el Occidente de Cuba son portadores de la infección por Babesia bovis, empleando un ensayo de PCR Anidada (nPCR). Se procesaron 222 muestras de ADN, extraído de sangre de búfalos, de diferentes edades, procedentes de siete granjas de la región occidental de Cuba, a los que también se les realizó frotis sanguíneo. Como resultado encontramos que todas las muestras resultaron negativas al frotis sanguíneo. Sin embargo, 94 de ellas (42,1%) resultaron positivas en el nPCR, visualizándose bandas de 298pb. La infección estuvo presente en animales de todas las granjas y de las cuatro categorías estudiadas. Se secuenció el producto del nPCR de una muestra positiva. La secuencia obtenida se...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; PCRn; Rap1.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Epidemiological Survey of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina Infections of Cattle in Philippines 19
YU, Longzheng; TERKAWI, Mohmad Alaa; CRUZ-FLORES, Mary Jane; G. CLAVERIA, Florencia; ABOGE, Gabriel Oluga; YAMAGISHI, Junya; GOO, Youn-Kyoung; CAO, Shinuo; MASATANI, Tatsunori; NISHIKAWA, Yoshifumi; XUAN, Xuenan; 西川, 義文; 玄, 学南.
A total of 250 blood samples were collected from clinically healthy cattle in five provinces of Philippines. DNA was extracted from the samples and analyzed by nested PCR assays for an epidemiological survey of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina infections. Out of the 250 samples, 27 (10.8%) and 16 (6.4%) were positive for B. bovis infection and B. bigemina infection, respectively. Mixed infections were detected in a total of 4 samples (1.6%). Our data provide baseline information regarding the epidemiology of B. bovis and B. bigemina infections in cattle in Philippines, which can be utilized in developing proper strategies for disease control and management.
Palavras-chave: Babesia bigemina; Babesia bovis; NPCR; Philippines.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Estudo comparativo entre as provas de ELISA e imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) para detectar anticorpos contra Babesia bovis 65
Martins,João Ricardo; Corrêa,Bartolomeu Lima; Ceresér,Victor Hermes.
Comparou-se o desempenho de um kit de ELISA para detectar anticorpos contra Babesia bovis, em hemoparasita bovino, com o teste de Imunofluorescência Indireta (IFI) usualmente empregado em rotina sorológica. Sobre 97 amostras de soros oriundas de uma região livre de carrapatos e hematozoários, o teste de ELISA demonstrou uma especificidade de 98.9% contra 97.9% do teste de IFI. Ambos os testes apresentaram uma sensibilidade de 100% quando utilizados sobre 22 amostras de soro de bovinos experimentalmente infectados com B. bovis. Os resultados obtidos sobre 1560 amostras colhidas à campo, mostraram uma concordância de 90,1% (1406/1560) entre amostras positivas e negativas, enquanto que 4,2% (66) foram positivas para IFI e negativas para ELISA e 5,6% (88)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sorologia; Babesia bovis; ELISA; IFI.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Expression analysis of a Babesia bovis BboP67 gene homologous to the Theileria parva p67 gene 19
Sivakumar, T; Khukhuu, A; Alhassan, A; Rezk Ali Aboulaila, M.
A fragment of a novel gene, designated as the BboP67 gene, of Babesia bovis, which had been recently reported as a homolog of the gene encoding a sporozoite-specific P67 antigen of Theileria parva, was isolated from the genomic DNA of B. bovis and expressed as a recombinant (rBboP67) in E. coli. The antigenicity of rBboP67 was evaluated using 102 and 68 field serum samples collected from cattle in Ghana and Mongolia, respectively. All of the B. bovis- and B. bigemina-infected sera, which had been identified by the species-specific antigens, rRAP-1/CTs, for B. bovis and B. bigemina in the standard ELISA, positively reacted with the rBboP67 in ELISA. While B. bovis-infected field serum samples recognized the rBboP67 in Western blot analysis, sera collected...
Palavras-chave: BboP67; Babesia bovis; Babesia bigemina; Sporozoite; Theileria parva.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Takabatake, Noriyuki; Hashiba, Shintaro; Bork, Sabine; Okamura, Masashi; Yokoyama, Naoaki; Igarashi, Ikuo; 横山, 直明; 五十嵐, 郁男.
Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; Fucoidan.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Genetic diversity and antigenicity variation of Babesia bovis merozoite surface antigen-1 (MSA-1) in Thailand 19
Tattiyapong, Muncharee; Sivakumar, Thillaiampalam; Takemae, Hitoshi; Simking, Pacharathon; Jittapalapong, Sathaporn; Igarashi, Ikuo; Yokoyama, Naoaki.
Babesia bovis, an intraerythrocytic protozoan parasite, causes severe clinical disease in cattle worldwide. The genetic diversity of parasite antigens often results in different immune profiles in infected animals, hindering efforts to develop immune control methodologies against the B. bovis infection. In this study, we analyzed the genetic diversity of the merozoite surface antigen-1 (msa-1) gene using 162 B. bovis-positive blood DNA samples sourced from cattle populations reared in different geographical regions of Thailand. The identity scores shared among 93 msa-1 gene sequences isolated by PCR amplification were 43.5-100%, and the similarity values among the translated amino acid sequences were 42.8-100%. Of 23 total clades detected in our...
Palavras-chave: Antigenicity variation; Babesia bovis; Msa-1; Genetic diversity; Thailand.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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In vitro inhibitory effect of fosmidomycin on the asexual growth of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina 19
Sivakumar, T; Aboulaila, M. R. A.; Khukhuu, A; Iseki, H; Alhassan, A; Yokoyama, Naoaki; Igarashi, Ikuo; 横山, 直明; 五十嵐, 郁男.
The in vitro inhibitory effect of fosmidomycin was evaluated against the asexual growth of bovine Babesia parasites (Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina). In the cultures with these parasites, severe reduction of parasite growth was observed by the addition of 1.25 μg/ml of the final drug concentration. Under these conditions, B. bigemina was completely cleared until the third day of cultivation. On the other hand, B. bovis was completely eliminated on the fourth day when the concentration was 6.25 μg/ml in the culture. These parasites failed to grow again when a drug-free medium was substituted for the subsequent cultivation. The IC50 values of fosmidomycin against B. bovis were determined as 0.88 and 0.63 μg/ml in the in vitro cultures with...
Palavras-chave: Fosmidomycin; Babesia bovis; Babesia bigemina; Asexual growth; In vitro culture.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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In Vitro Observations on Drug Responsiveness of Babesia bovis and on the Emergence of Drug Resistant Parasites 19
Tan-Ariya, Peerapan; Chetanond, Usa; Brockelman, Charia R..
Four culture lines of Babesia bovis Thai strain were successfully established in this study. The results of the in vitro microtest for their sensitivities to quinuronium sulfate revealed that all the culture lines were similarly drug responsive. The 50% inhibitory concentrations for the four culture lines were found to be within the same range, varying from 1.72x10-6 to 2.43x10-6 g/ml. One resistant line TS-2R selected from the drug-treated culture had an IC50 of 1.71x10-5 g/ml which was 7 times higher than that of its original isolate TS-2.
Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; Drug sensitivity; Drug resistant strain; In vitro microtest; Quinuronium sulfate.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Involvement of a Host Erythrocyte Sialic Acid Content in Babesia bovis Infection 19
TAKABATAKE, Noriyuki; OKAMURA, Masashi; YOKOYAMA, Naoaki; OKUBO, Kazuhiro; IKEHARA, Yuzuru; IGARASHI, Ikuo; 横山, 直明; 五十嵐, 郁男.
Host sialic acid (SA) has recently been suggested to play an important role in erythrocyte (RBC) infection by Babesia spp. The present study attempted to further determine the specific type of SAs important in the RBC invasion. Bovine RBC was found to bear abundant α2-3-linked SA residues but not α2-6-linked SA in nature, confirmed by flow cytometric analysis of the neuraminidase (Nm)-treated RBCs. Lectin-blot analyses revealed the removal of α2-3-linked SAs from the 97-, 33-, and 31-kDa bands by the Nm treatment. Addition of the Nm-treated RBCs into an in vitro culture of B. bovis resulted in a decreased population of the parasitized RBCs. The thin smear samples from the cultures were then observed under a confocal laser scanning microscope after staining...
Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; Erythrocyte; Invasion; Sialic acid.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Metodología diagnóstica para hemoparásitos dentro de la ganadería bovina con énfasis en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa y su variante múltiple 101
Bolívar,Ana María.
En la detección de algunos agentes hemáticos que comprometen la salud del ganado bovino, se emplean con mayor frecuencia, métodos parasitológicos directos y serológicos, muchas veces cuestionados dadas sus bajas especificidad y sensibilidad, adicional del tiempo consumido en la realización de los mismos. Por estas razones se discute en la presente reseña, las alternativas diagnósticas PCR y su variante múltiple como sistemas de detección alternativos con alto grado de confiabilidad y ahorros adicionales de tiempo y recursos en el entendimiento de la dinámica de infecciones hemotrópicas.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Diagnóstico; Trypanosoma vivax; Anaplasma marginale; Babesia bigemina; Babesia bovis; PCR; PCR multiple.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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RBC invasion and invasion-inhibition assays using free merozoites isolated after cold treatment of Babesia bovis in vitro culture 19
Ishizaki, Takahiro; Sivakumar, Thillaiampalam; Hayashida, Kyoko; Tuvshintulga, Bumduuren; Igarashi, Ikuo; Yokoyama, Naoaki.
Babesia bovis is an apicomplexan hemoprotozoan that can invade bovine red blood cells (RBCs), where it multiplies asexually. RBC invasion assays using free viable merozoites are now routinely used to understand the invasion mechanism of B. bovis, and to evaluate the efficacy of chemicals and antibodies that potentially inhibit RBC invasion by the parasite. The application of high-voltage pulses (high-voltage electroporation), a commonly used method to isolate free merozoites from infected RBCs, reduces the viability of the merozoites. Recently, a cold treatment of B. bovis in vitro culture was found to induce an effective release of merozoites from the infected RBCs. In the present study, we incubated in vitro cultures of B. bovis in an ice bath to...
Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; Cold treatment; Invasion-inhibition assay; Merozoite isolation; RBC invasion.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Seroprevalence of Babesia bovis, B-bigemina, Trypanosoma evansi, and Anaplasma marginale antibodies in cattle in southern Egypt 19
Fereig, Ragab M.; Mohamed, Samy G. A.; Mahmoud, Hassan Y. A. H.; AbouLaila, Mahmoud Rezk; Guswanto, Azirwan; Thu-Thuy Nguyen; Mohamed, Adel Elsayed Ahmed; Inoue, Noboru; Igarashi, Ikuo; Nishikawa, Yoshifumi.
Babesia bovis, B. bigemina, Trypanosoma evansi, and Anaplasma marginate infections cause serious diseases in cattle, and are primarily transmitted by arthropod vectors (ticks for B. bovis, B. bigemina, and A. marginate and various types of flies for T. evansi). In the last few years, there have been many reports of a high prevalence of certain protozoan infections in northern Egypt, but no accurate or adequate data are available for the southern regions. Therefore, in this study, we screened for evidence of such diseases in economically important cattle species using serum samples. The seroprevalence of protozoan infections in cattle was determined with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays using species-specific diagnostic antigens. In a total of 301 cattle...
Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; Babesia bigemina; Trypanosoma evansi; Anaplasma marginale; Cattle; Egypt.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Soroepidemiologia da babesiose em rebanho de bovinos da raça Curraleiro 65
Juliano,Raquel Soares; Machado,Rosângela Zacarias; Fioravanti,Maria Clorinda Soares; Andrade,Gisele Maria; Jayme,Valéria de Sá.
A babesiose bovina é uma hemoparasitose causada, no Brasil, pelos protozoários B. bovis e B. bigemina, as quais apresentam como único vetor biológico o carrapato Boophilus microplus. Foram avaliadas amostras dos animais da Estação Experimental de Estudos de Bovinos Curraleiros (EEEC) colhidas nos anos de 2001 (n=117) e 2003 (n=113). A detecção de anticorpos anti-B. bovis e anti-B. bigemina foi realizada pelo ELISA-indireto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a soroepidemiologia da babesiose bovina em rebanho Curraleiro, obter informações sobre a situação da doença na população e relacionar os resultados obtidos com informações edafoclimáticas e de manejo disponíveis. A taxa de ocorrência em 2001 foi de 92,3% para B. bovis e de 83,8% para B. bigemina e,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovino; Babesia bovis; Babesia bigemina; Estabilidade enzoótica; Pé-duro.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Surto de babesiose cerebral em bovinos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul 65
Antoniassi,Nadia Aline Bobbi; Corrêa,André Mendes Ribeiro; Santos,Adriana da Silva; Pavarini,Saulo Petinatti; Sonne,Luciana; Bandarra,Paulo Mota; Driemeier,David.
Descreve-se um surto de mortalidade em bovinos por Babesia bovis em abril de 2007, no Município de Picada Café, Rio Grande do Sul. Em um rebanho com 55 novilhas, 28 (50,9%) morreram em cinco dias. A doença iniciou vinte dias após o ingresso dos bovinos na propriedade. Os sinais clínicos incluíam febre, incoordenação, agressividade, anemia, petéquias nas mucosas e morte 1 á 2 dias após. Em 4 animais necropsiados, observaram-se palidez de mucosas, hemorragias múltiplas, esplenomegalia, fígado aumentado e alaranjado, vesícula biliar com parede edemaciada e contendo bile grumosa. Os rins estavam vermelho-escuros e a bexiga continha urina cor de vinho tinto. O encéfalo apresentou cor róseo-cereja externamente e ao corte, mais marcado no córtex telencefálico,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Babesia bovis; Babesiose cerebral; Bovinos.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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