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Age and growth of Zapteryx brevirostris (Elasmobranchii: Rhinobatidae) in southern Brazil 83
Carmo,Wanessa P. D.; Fávaro,Luís Fernando; Coelho,Rui.
ABSTRACT Age and growth studies are fundamental to successful fisheries management. Zapteryx brevirostris (Müller & Henle, 1841) is distributed off the Brazilian continental shelf and this species is assessed as “Vulnerable” in the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Thus, the objective of this study was to present previously unknown information about the age and growth of Z. brevirostris that can be used for its management, conservation, and fisheries. A total of 162 specimens were sampled, with total lengths (TL) varying between 35.7 cm and 56 cm. The vertebrae were embedded in resin, sectioned in cuts with 0.5 mm thickness and the growth bands of the vertebrae were read under a light microscope. In the studied...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Back-calculation; Conservation; Growth rate; K value; Von Bertalanffy curves (VBGF).
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Correction of the weight and length for juveniles Atherinella brasiliensis (Actinopterygii: Atherinopsidae) after fixation in formalin and preservation in ethanol 103
Melo,Marcelo T.; Saturnino,Cíntia; Santos,Joaquim N. S.; Vasconcellos,Ruan M.; Cruz-Filho,Antonio G.; Araújo,Francisco G..
The present study compared losses of weight and length in specimens of Atherinella brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) after fixation in formalin 10% during ten days, and posterior preservation in ethanol 70% for 45 days, in two solvents: freshwater and marine water. Additionally, correction factors were proposed to calculate the correction for weight and length from preserved specimens. The specimens were weighted and measured after collection (fresh), and with 10, 20, 27, 34, 41 and 55 days of fixation plus preservation. The largest losses in weight occurred during the first 20 days (10.35 ± 0.31% - freshwater; 11.29 ± 0.44% - marine water), continuing with lesser intensity up to the 27th day in freshwater dilution, and up to the 34th day in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Back-calculation; Initial length; Shrinkage; Size conversion.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Length correction for early-juvenile Brazilian herring Sardinella janeiro (Eigenmann, 1894) after preservation in formalin, ethanol and freezing 83
Santos,Joaquim N. S.; Araújo,Francisco G.; Silva,Débora S..
This work aims to quantify the variation in total length and body mass for the early-juvenile Brazilian herring Sardinella janeiro and to determine total length and body mass correction equation to allow fresh measures to be calculated from preserved ones. Fishes were randomly assigned to one of five preservation methods (freezing at - 20º C, 2.5% and 5% formalin, 70% and 95% ethanol), and measured for total length (TL) and body mass (W) before preservation, and on days 5, 15, 30, and 60 after storage. Significant reductions in total length and body mass occurred during the first 5 days after preservation and continued to contract significantly at a lesser rate through 30 days in most methods. Exceptions were shown for body mass in freezing and 5%...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Shrinkage; Storage; Back-calculation; Initial length; Size conversion; Clupeidae.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Trends of anthropogenic CO 2 along 20º W in the Iberian Basin 5
Fajar, N. M.; Pardo, P. C.; Carracedo, Lidia; Vazquez-rodriguez, M.; Rios, A. F.; Perez, Ff.
The carbon system in the water masses of the Iberian Basin (North Atlantic Ocean) has been affected over the last two decades by the increase in anthropogenic CO2 (C-ant). In order to study the storage of C-ant in the Iberian Basin, variables of the carbonic system (i.e., pH, total inorganic carbon, and total alkalinity), among others, were measured during the CAIBOX cruise conducted between July and August 2009 within the framework of the CAIBEX project (Shelf-Ocean Exchanges in the Canary-Iberian Large Marine Ecosystem). The storage of C-ant was estimated using two different back-calculation techniques (i.e., the phi C degrees(T) and TrOCA methods) and for six layers of the water column corresponding to the approximate locations of the characteristic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anthropogenic CO2; Back-calculation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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