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Antimicrobial effect of turmeric (Curcuma longa) on chicken breast meat contamination 89
Lourenço,TC; Mendonça,EP; Nalevaiko,PC; Melo,RT; Silva,PL; Rossi,DA.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of turmeric (Curcuma longa), also known in Brazil as saffron, on the reduction of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli counts in chicken meat. Forty breast meat samples were divided in two groups (A and B). In group A, 10³-10(4)E. coli (ATCC 25922) cells were inoculated and group B samples were inoculated with 10(4)-10(5)S. aureus (ATCC 9801) cells, after which each group was divided in three samples. The first sample was analyzed immediately after inoculation. The second sample (control group) was stored at 4 ºC for 48 hours and turmeric at 1% (w/w) was added to the third sample, which was homogenized and then stored under the same conditions as the second sample. E. coli and S. aureus were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Turmeric; Bacterial growth; Escherichia coli; Staphylococcus aureus.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Caracterização morfológica de estirpes de rizóbio obtidos de nódulos de feijoeiro. 14
Tipo: Resumo em anais e proceedings Palavras-chave: Morfologia de colônia; Crescimento bacteriano; Colony morphology; Bacterial growth; Phaseolus Vulgaris.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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MUÑOZ BODNAR,Alejandra; CRUZ GÓMEZ,Leidy Mariel; BERNAL,Adriana; SZUREK,Boris; LÓPEZ CARRASCAL,Camilo Ernesto.
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) is the causal agent of cassava bacterial blight (CBB), a major disease for cassava crops in South America and Africa. Until now the development of the disease is measured via AUDPC (Area Under Disease Progress Curve) but no reliable quantitative methods are available probably due to high variability of bacterial growth in planta. To establish an accurate method for bacterial quantification during the course of Xam infection within the host tissues, we analyzed bacterial populations upon stem and leaf-puncturing as well as leaf-clipping of cassava varieties MCOL1522 and SG107-35 challenged with the virulent Xam strain CIO151. Here, we show that the movement of bacteria along the tissues and especially in leaves is...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bacterial growth; Cassava; Inoculation methods.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Growth kinetic models of five species of Lactobacilli and lactose consumption in batch submerged culture 58
Rezvani,Fazlollah; Ardestani,Fatemeh; Najafpour,Ghasem.
Abstract Kinetic behaviors of five Lactobacillus strains were investigated with Contois and Exponential models. Awareness of kinetic behavior of microorganisms is essential for their industrial process design and scale up. The consistency of experimental data was evaluated using Excel software. L. bulgaricus was introduced as the most efficient strain with the highest biomass and lactic acid yield of 0.119 and 0.602 g g-1 consumed lactose, respectively. The biomass and carbohydrate yield of L. fermentum and L. lactis were slightly less and close to L. bulgaricus. Biomass and lactic acid production yield of 0.117 and 0.358 for L. fermentum and 0.114 and 0.437 g g-1 for L.actobacillus lactis were obtained. L. casei and L. delbrueckii had the less biomass...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bacterial growth; Exponential kinetic model; Contois model; Lactobacilli.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Immune priming and portal of entry effectors improve response to vibrio infection in a resistant population of the European abalone 5
Dubief, Bruno; Nunes, Flavia; Basuyaux, Olivier; Paillard, Christine.
Since 1997, populations of the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata suffer mass mortalities attributed to the bacterium Vibrio harveyi. These mortalities occur at the spawning season, when the abalone immune system is depressed, and when temperatures exceed 17 °C, leading to favorable conditions for V. harveyi proliferation. In order to identify mechanisms of disease resistance, experimental successive infections were carried out on two geographically distinct populations: one that has suffered recurrent mortalities (Saint-Malo) and one that has not been impacted by the disease (Molène). Furthermore, abalone surviving these two successive bacterial challenges and uninfected abalone were used for several post-infection analyses. The Saint-Malo population...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Immunity; Hemocyte; Abalone; Disease; Extracellular products; Immune priming; Vibrio harveyi; Flow cytometry; Resistance; Phagocytosis; Bacterial growth; QPCR; Gill.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Isolated or associated experimental contamination of albumen and egg yolk for Salmonella Enteritidis and Escherichia coli: influence of temperature and storage time 45
Pinto,A.T.; Mendonça,A.D.; Silva,E.N..
The behavior of Salmonella enteritidis (SE) and Escherichia coli in albumen and yolk of chicken eggs submitted to two different temperatures, 8ºC and 30ºC, when separately inoculated or in the form of mixed cultures was studied. There was no difference in the behaviour of the tested agents even when inoculated together. Even under high temperature, E. coli did not multiply in the albumen, demonstrating the inhibition power for that microorganism, while SE increased its population up to three logarithmic cycles. In egg yolk, SE demonstrated psychrotrophic characteristics.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Hicken; Egg quality; Bacterial growth; Temperature; Storage.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Measuring of Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth: a correlation of the optical measurements with colony forming units 58
Peñuelas-Urquides,Katia; Villarreal-Treviño,Licet; Silva-Ramírez,Beatriz; Rivadeneyra-Espinoza,Liliana; Said-Fernández,Salvador; León,Mario Bermúdez de.
The quantification of colony forming units (cfu), turbidity, and optical density at 600 nm (OD600) measurements were used to evaluate Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth. Turbidity and OD600 measurements displayed similar growth curves, while cfu quantification showed a continuous growth curve. We determined the cfu equivalents to McFarland and OD600 units.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Bacterial growth; Colony forming units; McFarland; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Optical density.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Optimal control of bacterial growth for the maximization of metabolite production 5
Yegorov, Ivan; Mairet, Francis; De Jong, Hidde; Gouze, Jean-luc.
Microorganisms have evolved complex strategies for controlling the distribution of available resources over cellular functions. Biotechnology aims at interfering with these strategies, so as to optimize the production of metabolites and other compounds of interest, by (re)engineering the underlying regulatory networks of the cell. The resulting reallocation of resources can be described by simple so-called self-replicator models and the maximization of the synthesis of a product of interest formulated as a dynamic optimal control problem. Motivated by recent experimental work, we are specifically interested in the maximization of metabolite production in cases where growth can be switched off through an external control signal. We study various optimal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Optimal control; Nonlinear dynamical systems; Mathematical modelling; Bacterial growth; Biotechnology.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Optimal feedback strategies for bacterial growth with degradation, recycling, and effect of temperature 5
Yegorov, Ivan; Mairet, Francis; Gouze, Jean-luc.
Mechanisms of bacterial adaptation to environmental changes are of great interest for both fundamental biology and engineering applications. In this work, we consider a continuous-time dynamic problem of resource allocation between metabolic and gene expression machineries for a self-replicating prokaryotic cell population. In compliance with evolutionary principles, the criterion is to maximize the accumulated structural biomass. In the model, we include both the degradation of proteins into amino acids and the recycling of the latter (ie, using as precursors again). On the basis of the analytical investigation of our problem by Pontryagin's maximum principle, we develop a numerical method to approximate the switching curve of the optimal feedback control...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacterial growth; Chattering regime; Effect of temperature; Feedback strategy; Optimal control; Pontryagin's maximum principle; Protein degradation; Recycling; Resource allocation; Singular regime; Switching curve.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Ultrasound for improving the preservation of chicken meat 116
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of power ultrasound on the microbiota of chicken meat. Samples were treated under the following conditions of frequency and power: 20 kHz and 27.6 W/cm2; 40 kHz and 10.3 W/cm2; 850 kHz and 24.1 W/cm 2. Microbial counts were done before the ultrasound treatment, immediately after and following 7 days of aerobic storage at 4 °C. The results indicate that high intensity ultrasound helps inhibit the growth of lactic acid, mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria present in chicken meat at the ultrasound frequency levels used in this study. The number of mesophilic bacteria decreased with the ultrasound probe at 20 kHz and 27.6 W/cm2 in relation to the treatment with higher frequency and less...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bacterial growth; Bacterial count; Chicken meat; Deterioration; Storage.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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