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Etude des eaux de ballast de navires faisant escale dans les ports français 5
Masson, Daniel; Courtois, Olivier; Masson, Nadine; Guesdon, Stephane; Rocher, Gregory; Margat, Sylvie.
The carrier ship's deballasting activity in french ports and coastal areas can introduce unwanted or noxious species,with detrimental economical and sociological consequences upon shore based activities ; These activities represent one of the most preeminent sources for employment and incomes along the french coasts ,via coastal fishing,aquaculture,tourism. A ship's ballast water study in sorne french ports has been carried out ,to seek for presence of harmfull or pathogenic organisms.Results let appear pathogenic bacteriae in half of the ships,and weIl known toxic phytoplancton species (from Spain ,north Africa) The technical problem of ballast water treatment is considered.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Toxic phytoplankton; Introduced species; Shipping; Ballast waters; Phytoplancton toxique; Introduction d'espèces; Transport maritime; Eaux de ballast.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Evaluation du risque d'introduction d'espèces indésirables par l'intermédiaire des eaux de ballast des navires 5
Fouche, Dominique; Masson, Daniel.
The discharge of ship's ballast waters in coastal areas is considered as a vector for exotic species introduction, a threat for the local ecosystems or even the mariculture activities. The most worrying are the toxic phytoplanktonc. Unwanted effect presently documented in the world were rewieved. The risk analysis applied to this problem is discussed. Regulations and research programs about ballast waters in several countries were also overviewed. A ship's arrivai study in Charente-Maritime (France) let appear a large percentage of them were coming from areas where the occurrence of toxic phytoplankton blooms are common. Known technical solutions, populations and guidelines are recorded. A non exhaustive list of toxic phytoplankton blooms occurences in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Toxic phytoplankton; Introduced species; Shipping; Ballast waters; Phytoplancton toxique; Introduction d'espèces; Transmort maritime; Eaux de ballast.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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First record of the Asian copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 (Copepoda: Calanoida: Pseudodiaptomidae) in the southern bight of the North Sea along the coast of France 5
Brylinski, Jean-michel; Antajan, Elvire; Raud, Thomas; Vincent, Dorothee.
The presence of the demersal Asian copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus is reported for the first time in the southern bight of the North Sea, in both Calais harbour and the coastal waters off Gravelines, France. This is the first record of P. marinus in the Atlantic Ocean sector and the North Sea area. The species was collected in January and October 2010, and in January, February and April 2011. The very low number of collected individuals (0.2 to 4.0 ind.m-3) and the capture of only two ovigerous females and of a few numbers of copepodid CV stages suggest that the species survives and actually reproduces in both sites but does not manage to develop an abundant population. The presence of P. marinus in Calais harbour and coastal waters of the southern...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Non Indigenous Species (NIS); Ballast waters; Pseudodiaptomus marinus.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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