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Fossil brachiopods from the Pleistocene of the Antilles Naturalis
Harper, D.A.T.; Donovan, S.K..
Pleistocene brachiopods are poorly known from the Antillean region, but are locally common in forereef deposits of Jamaica (lower Pleistocene Manchioneal Formation) and Barbados (Coral Rock). Of the four species known, two are new. Lacazella sp. cf. L. caribbeanensis Cooper, an encrusting thecideidean, is known from only three valves. Other species are terebratulides. Tichosina inconstanta sp. nov. is a large, ventribiconvex Tichosina species of elongate oval to tear-drop shaped outline, variably uniplicate with a pedicle foramen of moderate diameter. It differs from the similar Tichosina? bartletti (Dall) in having a larger pedicle foramen and a less-marked plication. Argyrotheca barrettiana (Davidson) is a medium to large, usually transverse Argyrotheca...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Brachiopoda; Pleistocene; Systematics; Jamaica; Barbados; Antilles; 42.72; 38.22.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Rethinking the role of the agriculture sector in the economic development of Barbados "Some emerging challenges" AgEcon
Hippolyte, Rommell.
Bridgetown, Barbados 6th – 10th July, 2009
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Barbados; Agriculture; Economic development; Challenges; Rising prices; High imports; Agriculture policies; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Tectonics and sedimentation interactions in the east Caribbean subduction zone: An overview from the Orinoco delta and the Barbados accretionary prism ArchiMer
Deville, Eric; Mascle, A.; Callec, Y.; Huyghe, P.; Lallemant, S.; Lerat, O.; Mathieu, X.; De Carillo, C. Padron; Patriat, Martin; Pichot, Thibaud; Loubrieux, B.; Granjeon, D..
Several marine geophysical data and piston-coring surveys acquired during the last decade allow one to better understand the close dynamic interactions between the sand-rich Orinoco turbidite system and the compressional structures of the Barbados prism. These interactions have been active since Eocene time as illustrated by the study of outcrops onshore Barbados Island. Because of strong morphologic and tectonic control in the east-Caribbean active margin, the present-day Orinoco turbiditic pattern system does not exhibit a classic fan geometry. The sea-floor geometry between the slope of the front of the Barbados prism and the slope of the South-American margin induces the convergence of the turbidite channels toward the abyssal plain, at the front of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbidite system; Active margin; Orinoco; Barbados.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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