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Impact of climate policy on the Basque country. 31
Gonzalez, Mikel; Dellink, Rob B..
In this paper analyze the economic effects of CO2 emission reductions in the Basque Country (Spain) using an applied general equilibrium (AGE) model with specific attention to environment-energy-economy interactions. Environmental policy is implemented through a system of tradable pollution permits that the government auctions. The costs of different levels of CO2 abatement are discussed, focusing on the variations of macroeconomic, sectoral and environment-energy variables. Results show that the costs for achieving the Kyoto targets can remain limited if the appropriate combination of changes in fuel-mix and restructuring of the economy is induced. Impacto económico del control del cambio climático en el País Vasco Resumen En este trabajo analizamos...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Applied General Equilibrium; Climate change; Tradable pollution permits; Basque Country; Environmental Economics and Policy; D58; H21; Q20; Q28.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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