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Distribution des tailles de homard (Homarus gammarus L.) le long des côtes bas-normandes ArchiMer
Bertrand, Jacques.
Observations on lobsters catch with pots along the coasts of Basse-Normadie prove that large variations in the distribution of weight appear on adjoining zones. Influence of factors as environement, particularly substrat and tide, as also fishing effort are analysed. Effects of the evolutions in the year of animals catchability are also expected.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crustacés; Crustacea; Homard; Homarus gammarus; Normandie; Pêche; Distribution; Basse Normandie.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Etude relative à la qualité des eaux conchylicoles : la Basse-Normandie ArchiMer
Thillaye Du Boullay, Herve; Joly, Jean-pierre.
L'étude effectuée en 1986 et 1987, a eu pour but de réaliser un état de référence des eaux conchylicoles en Basse Normandie en application de la Directive CEF du 30 Octobre 1979. Un jugement critique est porté sur ce texte tel qu'il est rédigé au niveau des paramètres retenus, de leur fréquence et ceci en fonction des résultats acquis et des problèmes rencontrés. Sur le plan bactériologique, 12 zones sont classées conformes et 5 non conformes. Les résultats obtenus sur les différents métaux et pesticides organo-halogénés étudiés situent la Basse-Normandie dans la moyenne nationale.Il faut noter cependant une augmentation de la concentration de certains paramètres (Hg,Pb,Cd) sur 2 points de la côte du Calvados.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Environnement; CEE; Qualité; Eaux conchylicole; Basse Normandie.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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La dynamique sedimentaire dans les estuaires de la Baie de Seine. Consequences sur l''environnement ArchiMer
Avoine, J; Dubrulle, L; Larsonneur, C.
Tides and fluvial flow rate, factors of estuarine dynamics, explain physicochemical and biological properties, silting and clogging of these environments. Seine Bay is a macrotidal environment into which discharge several estuaries (Seine, Orne, Veys Bay). After speaking about the characteristics of water and sediment dynamics, the authors deal with the effects of man-made modifications and the necessity to protect the environment.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ANE; France; Basse Normandie; Orne estuary Temporal variations Sedimentation Stream flow Residual flow Environmental effects Estuaries Sediment dynamics.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Les radionucleides emetteurs gamma dans les sediments de P''estuaire de l''Orne pendant les annees 1973-1983 ArchiMer
Auffret, J; Guegueniat, P; Lepy, M; Patry, J; Saur, H.
This work has three objectives: 1) review of the evolution of gamma radioactivity in sediments and suspensions of Orne Estuary; 2) comparison of results of contamination here with other estuaries in the north of France; and 3) using artificial radioactivity to study Orne estuarine dynamics.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ANE; France; Basse Normandie; Orne Estuary Tidal motion Hydrodynamics Silt Industrial wastes Sediment composition Radioactive contamination Sediment pollution Suspended particulate matter Radioisotopes.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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ReMoNor : Mise en place et premier bilan du Reseau Mollusque de NORmandie (1998-1999) ArchiMer
Ropert, Michel; Blin, J.l.; Cornette, Florence; Pacary, S; Pien, S; Leganeur, E; Kopp, Joel; Richard, O.
Since 1998, a growth and quality monitoring study of reared molluscs has been developped as part of a close collaboration between the Shellfish Research Laboratory of Normandy (IFREMER Port-en-Bessin, Calvados) and the SMEL (Syndicat Mixte d'Expansion du Littoral) Experimental Centre (Blainville, Manche). REMONOR (REseau MOllusque de NORmandie) is based on the experience gained through the national monitoring network REMORA, which protocol has been entirely applied. Adults and spat of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas were placed in 13 stations all along the oysters rearing areas of Normandy. These oysters had the same origin and history (i.e. age and weight) until they were dispatched on the 13 stations. 4 essential criteria were used to monitor rearing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas; REMORA; Croissance qualité; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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ReMoNor : Résultats 2000 ArchiMer
Cornette, Florence; Blin, J.l.; Pacary, S; Pien, S; Le Gagneur, Eric; Kopp, Joel; Richard, O.
At the end of its third year, the regional network for monitoring REMONOR, confirms the particularities of oyster from Normandy in matter of growth and quality. Results from 2 000 are globally very close of those from 1998. Mortality of adults reached 14% and juvenile 6% which represent a low death rate. For this year the most blow area is the Baie des Veys with 31% death rate at Géfosse. Observed growth this year had been weaker than the past two years despite the spring and automnal growth. At spring, the higher recorded growth rate on the West coast with 0.42% (regional average : 0.29%). This seasonal trend seems more and more obvious every year. Regarding the classification of the special oysters, despite the change of the standard, the Baie des Veys...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas; REMORA; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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ReMoNor : Résultats 2001 ArchiMer
Cornette, Florence; Blin, J.l.; Pien, S; Simonne, Charlotte; Kopp, Joel; Richard, O.
The regional network REMONOR showed 2001's characteristics of growth and quality of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in the three rearing areas of Normandy. Compared to year 2000, two additional stations along the East Coast have been settled. The summer adults mortalities have been registered between 0 % and 25 %. The average for all the rearing areas reached 6 %. Highest rates have been noticed in the Baie des Veys and the East Coast. The juvenile's mortality occurred during the same season, in summer. This year 2001 is included in lower growth years in all Normandy. This year, the West Coast growth rate appeared to be quit unusual. For the first time growth rates were in the average in the northern area that usually shows very bad performance. We can...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas; REMORA; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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REMONOR : Résultats 2002. Evaluation de la mortalité, croissance et qualité des huîtres creuses ArchiMer
Simonne, Charlotte; Pien, S; Hugonnet, Virginie; Le Gagneur, Eric; Ropert, Michel; Kopp, Joel; Richard, O.
The national REMORA network is targeted on the studies of growth, flesh quality and mortality of a sample of cupped oyster Crassostrea gigasdistributed on 9 stations along the coast of Normandy. As a better precision is needed for regional purpose, 7 new stations have been added. A total number of 16 stations is now sampled from Chausey to Meuvaines. Weak rates of mortality have been noticed in 2002 on both adults (7%) and spat (6 %). These rates are the weakest ever seen. The mortality rates in the Baie des veys were less than 10 %. This rearing area shows usually a much higher mortality level. Growth rates were noticed weaker than usual. They slowly decline from 1999. From Mach to December, the growth rate of adults has been computed to 0,21 %/day (for a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas; REMORA; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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REMONOR : Résultats 2003. Evaluation de la mortalité, croissance et qualité des huîtres creuses ArchiMer
Simonne, Charlotte; Pien, S.; Hugonnet, Virginie; Le Gagneur, Eric; Ropert, Michel; Kopp, Joel; Richard, O..
The network named REMONOR (REseau MOllusqueNORmandie) aims to assess mortality, growth and tissue quality of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, cultivated in Normandy over an annual cycle. This local network relies on the same material and methods as the national one named REMORA (REseau Mollusques Ressources Aquacoles). The study was carried out in 17 sites, which were distributed in the four basins where oyster rearing occurs in Normandy (West and East coast of Cotentin, Baie des Veys and Meuvaines). In 2003, a new site was added, which was located in the area of Ver-Sur-Mer (Calvados). The results obtained in 2003 showed a low annual mortality for adults (8%) as well as for juveniles (10%). Growth was also low for the two age classes of oyster...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas; REMORA; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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REMONOR : Résultats 2004. Evaluation de la mortalité, croissance et qualité des huîtres creuses ArchiMer
Mary, Charlotte; Pien, S..
Since 1998, a growth and quality monitoring study of reared molluscs has been developed between the Shellfish Research Laboratory of Normandy (IFREMER Port-en-Bessin, Calvados) and the SMEL (Syndicat Mixte d'Expansion du Littoral) Experimental Centre (Blainville, Manche). REMONOR (REseau MOllusque de NORmandie). This study is based on the experience gained through the national monitoring network REMORA, which protocol has been entirely applied. Adults and spat of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas were dispatched on 17 stations all along the four oysters rearing areas of Normandy (Meuvaines-Asnelles, the Baie des Veys, the East and West coasts of the Cotentin peninsula -including Chausey archipelago-). These molluscs had the same origin and history (i.e....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; REMONOR; Cupped (gigas) oyster; Crassostrea gigas; REMORA; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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REMONOR : résultats 2005. Evaluation de la mortalité, croissance et qualité des huîtres creuses ArchiMer
Mary, Charlotte; Pien, S; Blin, J.l.; Ropert, Michel.
The regional monitoring network REMONOR, relying on the experience of IFREMER's REMORA national network, each year assesses the mortality, growth and quality for two age classes ("adults" = 2 years and "juveniles" = 1 year) of cup oysters, distributed among various farm sites in the main oyster farming sectors of Lower Normandy. This network, led in collaboration by LERN (Environment Resources Laboratory) and SMEL (Coastline Installations Public-Private Entity), this year welcomes a new farm site in Veules les Roses, in Seine Maritime (76), bringing to 18 the total number of monitored sites. For operational reasons, a reduced monitoring protocol was conducted in 2005 on this last farm site, which will not take on the network's standardised protocol until...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; REMONOR; Cupped (gigas) oyster; Crassostrea gigas; REMORA; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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REMONOR : Résultats 2006. Evaluation de la mortalité, croissance et qualité des huîtres creuses ArchiMer
Ropert, Michel; Pien, S.; Mary, Charlotte; Bouchaud, B..
Le réseau régional de suivi REMONOR s'appuyant sur les acquis du réseau national REMORA de l'Ifremer, évalue chaque année la mortalité, la croissance et la qualité sur deux classes d'âges d'huîtres creuses (« adultes » = 2 ans et « juvéniles » = 1 an), réparties entre différentes stations dans les principaux secteurs ostréicoles Bas-Normands. Ce réseau, mené en collaboration par le LERN (Laboratoire Environnement Ressources de Normandie) et le SMEL (Syndicat Mixte de L'Equipement du Littoral), intègre deux nouvelles stations en 2006 : Veules les Roses (VR01), dont le suivi, allégé l'an dernier, est aujourd'hui complet et Denneville (CO10) qui doit compléter les connaissances sur le nord de la Côte Ouest du Cotentin. Une station est à l'étude cette année...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; REMONOR; Cupped (gigas) oyster; Crassostrea gigas; REMORA; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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REMONOR. Résultats 2007. Evaluation de la mortalité, croissance et qualité des huîtres ArchiMer
Ropert, Michel; Pien, S; Mary, Charlotte; Bouchaud, B.
Each year, the regional network REMONOR assesses the mortality, growth and quality of cupped oysters in two age classes ("adults", 2 years old; "juveniles", 1 year old) at various stations in the main oyster farming areas in Normandy. We used the protocol established by the national network REMORA. REMONOR is implemented by the Normandy Environment Resources Laboratory (LERN) in conjunction with the Joint Association for Coastal Fisheries (SMEL). This year, a new station at Fermanville (NC01), in the north of the Manche "département», was integrated into the network. This is the first deep-water station of the regional network....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; REMONOR; Cupped (gigas) oyster; Crassostrea gigas; REMORA; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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REMONOR, Résultats intermédiaires 2007: Evaluation de la mortalité, croissance et qualité des huîtres creuses en Normandie ArchiMer
Pien, S.; Mary, Charlotte.
The first half of 2007 is characterised by very low summer mortality rates (spring mortality has not been analysed due to the bad quality of the original batch). This low rate concerns the two different size classes of each station except Géfosse (BV02) where a high mortality has been monitored (see SUMON monitoring). Growth seems significant, but the adults' initial weight required a finer analysis. Juveniles had a larger growth than the previous years, and especially on the west coast. On the adult side, maturation was well advanced in June, but the September biometrics showed disparate filling rates between the different stations, and had us suppose that the spawning season was on.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REMORA; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; REMONOR; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Réseau national de suivi des performances de l'huître creuse (Crassostrea gigas). Synthèse des résultats des stations nationales REMORA. Année 2006 ArchiMer
Bedier, Edouard; Claude, Serge; Simonne, Charlotte; D'Amico, Florence; Palvadeau, Hubert; Guilpain, Patrice; Le Gall, P; Pien, S.
En 2006, le cheptel d'origine d'huîtres adultes présentait un poids moyen individuel de 28,8g. La mise à l'eau s'est effectuée entre le 13 et le 17 mars 2006 sur les stations Manche et Atlantique et le 20 mars en Méditerranée. Au niveau national, la croissance observée en 2006 pour les adultes s'avère bonne, avec des valeurs supérieures à la moyenne en Normandie (+9,6%), en Bretagne Nord (+24,7%) et dans les Pays de la Loire (+11,7%). En revanche, les performances sont médiocres dans le bassin d'Arcachon (-13,3%). En Méditerranée, le poids atteint en décembre est plus faible que la normale (-8,5%), en raison des conditions de malaïgues qui ont prévalu sur l'étang de Thau. Sur les autres secteurs, les croissances sont moyennes. Les mortalités observées chez...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Remora; Qualité; Croissance; Mortalité; Basse Normandie; Remonor; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas; Remora; Quality; Growth; Mortality; Normandy; Remonor; Cupped (gigas) oyster; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The repetitive and expanding occurrence of a green, bloom-forming dinoflagellate (Dinophyceae) on the coasts of France ArchiMer
Sournia, Alain; Belin, Catherine; Billard, Chantal; Catherine, Martial; Erard-le Denn, Evelyne; Fresnel, Jacqueline; Lassus, Patrick; Pastoureaud, Annie; Soulard, René.
A dinoflagellate has produced green-water events along the Atlantic and English Channel coasts of France since 1982. It differs morphologically from each of the 12 taxa or so of green gymnodinoid dinoflagellates previously known. As some morphological details, as well as their variability, remain to be ascertained, this organism is illustrated and described here under the provisional designation of Gymnodinium "sp. 1982". The presence of chlorophyll b has been confirmed by HPLC analysis but it could not be ascertained whether true chloroplasts are present, or symbionts. The distribution is coastal and estuarine. The number and intensity of the outbreaks may be related to river runoff and to the amount of preceding rainfall. An encysted stage is described....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bloom; Océan Atlantique; Manche; Morphologie; Chlorophylle b; Répartition géographique; Zone côtière; Milieu marin; Phytoplancton; Basse Normandie; France; Europe; Pyrrophycophyta; Algae; Thallophyta; Gymnodinium; BLOOMS; DINOFLAGELLATES; GREEN WATERS; GYMNODINIUM; PHYTOPLANKTON.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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