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Revision of the West Palaearctic species of the genus Agathis Latreille (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Agathidinae) Naturalis
Simbolotti, G.; Achterberg, C. van.
The West Palaearctic species of the genus Agathis Latreille, 1804 (Braconidae: Agathidinae) are revised and keyed. Forty-six species of Agathis are treated as valid, of which 29 occur in Europe; three species of the former Agathis mediator group (Bassus brevicaudus (Reinhard, 1867) comb. nov., B. mediator (Nees, 1814), and B. pumilus (Ratzeburg, 1844)) are transferred to the genus Bassus Nees, 1804. One new species (A. hemirufa) from Spain is described. The following species are synonymised: Agathis longicauda Kokujev, 1895, A. albanica Fischer, 1957, A. syriaca Fischer, 1957, A. caucasica Tobias, 1963, and A. taiwanensis Chou & Sharkey, 1989, with A. anglica Marshall, 1885; A. propinqua Kokujev, 1895, A. jakowlewi Kokujev, 1895, and A. anchisiades...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Braconidae; Agathidinae; Agathis; Bassus; Europe; North Africa; West Palaearctic; Biology; Distribution; Key.; 42.75.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Revision of the West Palaearctic species of the genus Bassus Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Naturalis
Simbolotti, G.; Achterberg, C. van.
The West Palaearctic species of the genus Bassus Fabricius, 1804 (Braconidae: Agathidinae) are revised and keyed, together with the similar Agathis mediator group. Twenty-two species of Bassus and four species of the Agathis mediator group are recognized, of which three are new: B. barbieri from Algeria, B. epinotiae from Great Britain, and B. graecus from Greece. Seven species are synonymized: Microdus lugubrator Ratzeburg, 1852 with B. mediator (Nees, 1814), Microdus punctatus Abdinbekova, 1975 with B. rugulosus (Nees, 1834), Microdus annae Enderlein, 1908, Microdus victoris Telenga, 1955, and M. anuphrievi Tobias, 1986 with B. tumidulus (Nees, 1814), Microdus rufiventris Abdinbekova, 1975 with B. nugax (Reinhard, 1867), and Agathis minuta Niezabitowski,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Braconidae; Agathidinae; Bassus; Agathis; Europe; North Africa; West Palaearctic; Biology; Distribution; Keys.; 42.75.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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The parasites of cereal stem borers (Lepidoptera: Cossidae, Crambidae, Noctuidae, Pyralidae) in Africa, belonging to the family Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) Naturalis
Achterberg, C. van; Polaszek, A..
A review is given of the parasites (parasitoids) of the African cereal stem borers (including introduced species) belonging to the family Braconidae (Hymenoptera); 38 species belonging to 19 genera are keyed and treated. Three new species are described: Macrocentrus sesamivorus spec. nov. from Kenya, Somalia, and Zaïre (Macrocentrinae), Iphiaulax pilisoma spec. nov. from Senegal, and Amyosoma flavistigma spec. nov. from Australia (Braconinae). New synonyms are: Euglyptobracon Telenga, 1936, with Pseudovipio Szépligeti, 1896; Lorenzoa de Stefani-Perez, 1909, Kulczynskia Niezabitowski, 1910, and Chivinia Shestakov, 1932, with Bracon Fabricius, 1804; Euvipio Szépligeti, 1904, with Stenobracon Szépligeti, 1901; Glyptomorpha baetica var. mauretanica Szépligeti,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Braconidae; Cossidae; Crambidae; Noctuidae; Pyralidae; Parasites; Parasitoids; Cereal stem borers; Amicrocentrum; Bassus; Amyosoma; Bracon; Digonogastra; Iphiaulax; Mesobraconoides; Steno- bracon; Euvipio; Tropobracon; Chelonus; Phanerotoma; Parallorhogas; Rhaconotus; Meteorus; Macrocentrus; Cotesia; Dolichogenidea; Glyptapanteles; Orgilus; Afrotropical; Oriental; Australian; East Palaearctic; Nearctic; Distribution; Keys; Biology.; 42.75.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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