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Evaluating the ecological status of cold-water coral habitats using non-invasive methods: An example from Cassidaigne canyon, northwestern Mediterranean Sea 5
Fabri, Marie-claire; Vinha, Beatriz; Allais, Anne-gaelle; Bouhier, Marie-edith; Dugornay, Olivier; Gaillot, Arnaud; Arnaubec, Aurelien.
Cold-water coral ecosystems have been identified as vulnerable, but quantitative data on their conservation status is very limited. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is the tool implemented by the European Union’s Integrated Maritime Policy to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) of marine waters by 2020. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the Ecological Status of benthic habitats in Cassidaigne canyon, focusing in particular on cold-water coral habitats dominated by Madrepora oculata. Data were collected during the Videocor1 cruise (2017). Videos and photos collected during eight dives of the H-ROV Ariane were used to reconstruct, in 3-dimensions, the areas where cnidarians have settled in the canyon. A total of 33 3D...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Photogrammetry; Habitat mapping; Bauxite residues; Vulnerable marine ecosystems.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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