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Aerial surveillance of operational oil pollution in Belgium's Maritime Zone of Interest OMA
Volckaert, F.A.M.J.; Kayens, G.; Schallier, R.; Jacques, T.G..
Belgium's Maritime Zone of Interest (BMZI), including the Belgian Territorial Sea, Belgian Continental Shelf, and Bonn Agreement Zone of Multilateral Responsibility, were regularly surveyed by remote-sensing aircraft for the presence of operational oil spills between 1991 and 1995. Simultaneously wind speed and direction were recorded; wave height was obtained from the literature. In total, 228 spills of various sizes, volumes and origins were analysed by means of univariate statistical analysis. We documented that the observed oil spills were generally elongate, narrow and thin, that spill dimensions were interrelated, and that wind speed and wave height affected these dimensions. A major fraction of the total variation however could be attributed to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aerial surveys Airborne sensing Coastal waters Hydrodynamics Marine pollution Monitoring Oil pollution Oil slicks Oil spills Pollution control Pollution dispersion Pollution monitoring Remote sensing Statistical analysis Water pollution Wave height Waves Waves Wind speed Winds ANE; Belgium Belgium.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Drie copepoden, nieuw voor de Belgische fauna OMA
Heip, C.H.R..
During a research of a shallow brackish water sheet, the Dievengat, located on the territory of the region of Knokke, some copepoda were collected, amongst which three that had not previously been found in Belgium. The items originate from soil samples through means of a glass tube with a diameter of 6 cm²; it concerns a soil rich in detritus. The water is about 20 cm in depth at the location of the sample taking. Samples were taken over the period from August 1968 until May 1969. The salinity is susceptible to a relatively wide variation. Usually values between 12 promille S and 18 promille S were measured. The maximum measured was 19.03 promille S on 16/12/68 and the minimum measured 8.41 promille S on 5/5/69. According to the system of Venece, 1958, the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: New records Taxonomy Copepoda [copepods] ANE; Belgium Belgium; Knokke-Heist; Dievengat.
Ano: 1969 URL:
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Heavy metal contamination in sediments from the Belgian coast and Scheldt estuary OMA
Araújo, M.F.D.; Bernard, P.C.; Van Grieken, R.E..
Sixty-two samples of total sediments and the separated clay/silt fractions were analysed by the energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to evaluate the pollution level and the trends in samples collected along the Belgian coast over a period of 6 yr and at four stations located in the Scheldt estuary where two of these were sampled periodically for 4 yr. Three correction methods for grain size effects were applied, either to the bulk sediment samples or to the clay/silt size fractions, and the results were compared. Local variations on the concentrations in some of the elements determined were used to establish whether they result from an anthropogenic or natural origin. The level of pollution was assessed as a function of the location, sampling...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Heavy metals Marine pollution Pollution monitoring Sediment pollution Sediments ANE; Belgium Belgium; Zeeschelde.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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The arrest of ships in maritime zones beyond internal waters in Belgian maritime law OMA
Somers, E..
Opportunities may arise to arrest a ship in maritime zones beyond internal waters, e.g. in the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). This paper examines the possibilities for arrest in those areas on the basis of jurisdiction <i>ratione loci</i> and <i>ratione materiae</i>. Under Belgian law the territorial sea is not part of the State's territory; accordingly, the Belgian Judicial Code does not provide for an attachment judge nor a bailiff to have jurisdiction in this area and <i>a fortiori</i> in the EEZ. The law of April 22, 1999 solved the problem of territorial jurisdiction in this respect. As far as a ship's arrest in the EEZ is concerned, it is not clear whether the United Nations Law of the Sea...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coastal states Exclusive economic zone Governments International law Jurisdiction Ocean policy Policies Surveillance and enforcement Territorial waters ANE; Belgium Belgium.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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