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Eficiência de três fungicidas no controle da murcha da teia micélica do feijoeiro no Acre. Infoteca-e
Este trabalho avalia a eficiência de três fungicidas no controle da murcha da teia micélica do feijoeiro no Acre.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Web blight; Oxicloreto de cobre; Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Enfermedades fungales de las plantas; Frijoles; Doença de planta; Feijão; Fungo; Murcha da teia micélica; Mela; Thanatephorus cucumeris; Fungicida; Fungal diseases of plants; Beans; Fungicides; Benomyl; Mancozeb.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Enhancement of growth of Lentinus crinitus in soil using benomyl and vegetable oil BJM
Machado,Kátia M.G.; Matheus,Dácio R.; Rodrigues,Tatiana A.; Bononi,Vera L.R..
In order to identify alternatives for soil fumigation in bioremediation process, the addition of benomyl and vegetable oil on the growth of L. crinitus and mitosporic fungi were evaluated. Benomyl can be used as an alternative to methyl bromide. Addition of vegetable oil favors the growth of L. crinitus.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Benomyl; Basidiomycetes; Fungicide; Soil bioremediation; Laccase.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Filtration enrichment method for isolation of auxotrophic mutants of Trichoderma harzianum rifai Rev. Microbiol.
Cassiolato,Ana Maria R.; Melo,Itamar Soares de.
The isolation of genetic markers, like drug resistance and auxotrophy, is a laborious but important step in genetic research. The isolation of auxotrophic mutants of Trichoderma harzianum using the filtration enrichment technique was more effective than using the total isolation technique. Most of 12 auxotrophic mutants exhibited similar growth rate and higher sporulation when compared with the wild type, but only two mutants (TWS-410 and TW5-523) could grow in 500µg/L of benomyl.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Filtration enrichment technique; Auxotrophic mutants; Trichoderma harzianum; Benomyl.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Fungicide resistance and genetic variability in plant pathogenic strains of Guignardia citricarpa BJM
Possiede,Y.M.; Gabardo,J.; Kava-Cordeiro,V.; Galli-Terasawa,L.V.; Azevedo,J.L.; Glienke,C..
Citrus black spot (CBS) is a plant disease of worldwide occurrence, affecting crops in Africa, Oceania, and South America. In Brazil, climate provides favorable conditions and CBS has spread to the Southeast and South regions. CBS is caused by the fungus Guignardia citricarpa (anamorph: Phyllosticta citricarpa) and its control is based on the use of fungicides, such as benzimidazoles. In South Africa, the disease was kept under control for 10 years with benomyl, until cases of resistance to high concentrations of this fungicide were reported from all citrus-producing areas. Azoxystrobin (a strobilurin) has been found effective in controlling phytopathogens, including CBS, in a wide range of economically important crops. The present study investigated in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: G. citricarpa; Azoxystrobin; Benomyl; Citrus black spot; Fungicides.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Genetic variability in regenerated Metarhizium flavoviride protoplasts BABT
Kuklinsky-Sobral,Júlia; Luna-Alves-Lima,Elza Áurea de; Araújo,Janete Magali de; Azevedo,João Lúcio.
Protoplast isolation and regeneration were evaluated in two wild-type and two colour mutant strains of Metarhizium flavoviride. Cultivation in liquid medium, followed by mycelium treatment with Novozym 234 in the presence of KCl 0.7M as osmotic stabilizer, produced 5.05 x 10(6) to 1.15 x 10(7)x mL-1 protoplasts. The percentage of regeneration ranged from 6.65 to 27.92%. Following protoplast regeneration, one strain produced spontaneously stable morphological variant colonies. Although colonies with altered morphology have been reported in bacteria following protoplast regeneration, this is the first time that the same is described in a filamentous fungus. The original strain and one derived variant were tested for sensitivity to the fungicides benomyl and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Metarhizium flavoviride; Protoplasts; Genetic variability; Benomyl; Captan.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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RESISTÊNCIA DE Colletotrichum fragariae E C. acutatum AO BENOMYL NA CULTURA DO MORANGO NO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO Scientia Agricola
O fungicida benomyl, utilizado intensivamente na cultura do morango a partir do final da década de 60, tem sido ineficiente para o controle da flor preta, causada por Colletotrichum acutatum, devido ao aparecimento de formas resistentes ao fungicida, já detectadas desde 1984. Para C. fragariae, no entanto, não há registro de ocorrência de resistência no Estado de São Paulo, embora venha se observando há alguns anos que o produto não tem apresentado resultados satisfatórios para o controle da podridão do rizoma ("chocolate"). Para verificar a ocorrência de resistência em C. fragariae foram testados 22 isolados, coletados em diversas regiões produtoras de morango do Estado de São Paulo, e 22 isolados de C. acutatum, para comparação. Todos os isolados de C....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Morango; Fragaria X ananassa; Antracnose; Fungicida; Benomyl; Resistência; Fungo.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Severidade de isolados de Fusarium subglutinans f. sp. ananas sensíveis e resistentes ao benomyl, em abacaxizeiro Trop. Plant Pathol.
Mudas das cultivares de abacaxi (Ananas comosus) 'Pérola' (suscetível) e 'Primavera' (resistente) foram inoculadas em casa de vegetação com isolados de Fusarium subglutinans f. sp ananas, resistentes e sensíveis ao benomyl, de diferentes áreas produtoras de abacaxi do Espírito Santo, visando estudar a virulência do patógeno. Foi utilizada suspensão de conídios obtidos pela raspagem da superfície das colônias desenvolvidas em meio BDA, cuja concentração final foi 10(5) conídios/ml. A inoculação de F. subglutinans f. sp ananas foi efetuada pela imersão de mudas injuriadas mecanicamente na base, com três meses de idade, na suspensão de inóculo. Dos 22 isolados testados preliminarmente, selecionou-se oito de F. subglutinans f. sp ananas, sendo quatro...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ananas comosus; Fusariose; Resistência; Benomyl.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The impact of fungicides on Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson epizootics and on populations of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), on soybean Neotropical Entomology
Sosa-Gómez,Daniel R.; Delpin,Katiaíres E.; Moscardi,Flávio; Nozaki,Márcia de H..
The fungus Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson is one of the most important natural enemies of soybean caterpillars, mainly under humid weather conditions. Outbreaks of the fungus Microsphaera diffusa Cooke & Peck have demanded fungicide applications on soybeans, which could result in outbreaks of noctuid populations by reduction of the natural inocula of N. rileyi. The recommended fungicides have shown to be detrimental to beneficial fungi, reducing infection, delaying epizootics, and resulting in increased host population densities. In laboratory assays, benomyl, difenoconazole, sulphur and carbendazim affected conidial germination of N. rileyi, being the latter less deleterious. To assess the impact of fungicides used to control M. diffusa, on N....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Entomopathogenic fungi; Difenoconazole; Benomyl; Carbendazim; Microsphaera diffusa; Biocontrol.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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