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Colonization of benthic organisms on different artificial substratum in Ilha Grande bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BABT
Azevedo,Flávia Beatriz Beserra; Carloni,Giuliano Guilherme; Carvalheira,Lucia Verçosa.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of three different types of artificial substrates - concrete, metal and rubber - on the colonization of benthic organisms, using a structure called Multiple Disc Sampling Apparatus or MDSA. The results confirmed the hypothesis that the communities of incrusting invertebrates have preferences in relation to the type and orientation of the substratum to be colonized. Concrete and rubber, rougher surfaces, were more attractive to the organisms than the metal used. The orientation also had big influence because of the sedimentation that probably acted on the superior face of the materials, hindered the colonization.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial substrata; Colonization; Benthic organisms.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Genetic structure at different spatial scales in the pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera cumingii) in French Polynesian lagoons: beware of sampling strategy and genetic patchiness ArchiMer
Arnaud, Sophie; Vonau, Vincent; Rouxel, Catherine; Bonhomme, Francois; Prou, Jean; Goyard, Emmanuel; Boudry, Pierre.
In order to study further the genetic structure of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in French Polynesia with a special consideration for the sampling scale, we analyzed or re-analyzed sets of data based on nuclear DNA markers obtained at different spatial scales. At a large scale (several 1,000 km), the remote Marquesas Islands were confirmed to be significantly differentiated from Tuamotu-Gambier and Society archipelagos, with a marked difference however for the two main islands that are different from each other. At a medium scale (several 10 to several 100 km), overall homogeneity was observed within and between these two archipelagos, with some exceptions. This could be attributed both to large-scale larval dispersal and to human-driven spat...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Population genetics; Polynesia; Bivalve; Pearl oyster; Benthic organisms; Sampling strategy; Genetic patchiness.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Small-scale connectivity of coralligenous habitats: insights from a modelling approach within a semi-opened Mediterranean bay ArchiMer
Rossi, Vincent; Lo, Madiop; Legrand, Terence; Ser-giacomi, Enrico; De Jode, Aurélien; Thierry De Ville D’avray, Laure; Pairaud, Ivane; Faure, Vincent; Fraysse, Marion; Pinazo, Christel; Chenuil, Anne.
Habitat connectivity is central to several key evolutionary and ecological processes, having implications for the spatial structuring of marine populations. For benthic species that have no or little mobility as adults, connectivity is evaluated by analyzing the dispersal of propagules across the seascape. We investigate fine-scale connectivity of coralligenous habitats in Marseille Bay (located in the north-western Mediterranean) sea using high-resolution cartography and a particle-tracking model ran over a range of parameters derived from the biological traits of potential target species. We present annual and seasonal means of various connectivity diagnostics measuring the retention and exchange of propagules among coralligenous patches. A synthetic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat connectivity; Larval dispersal; Coralligenous assemblages; Benthic organisms; Oceanic circulation; Lagrangian modeling; Population genetics; Community composition.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Utilização de coletores com substrato artificial para o biomonitoramento da qualidade da água na aquicultura. Infoteca-e
Resumo: O uso de coletores de substrato artificial para o biomonitoramento da qualidade da água na aquicultura se apresenta como uma tecnologia de monitoramento viável para seu emprego por produtores, uma vez que utiliza material de baixo custo e de fácil confecção, instalação e manuseio. Ademais, a identificação dos organismos bentônicos por meio de ilustrações permi- te, de uma maneira fácil e objetiva, inferir sobre a qualidade da água com base na sensibilidade de cada organismo à poluição.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Biomonitoramento; Qualidade da áqua; Bentos; Aquicultura; Aquaculture; Water quality; Benthic organisms.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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