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Coastal waters freshening and extreme seasonality affect organic matter sources, quality, and transfers in a High Arctic fjord (Young Sound, Greenland) 5
Bridier, Guillaume; Meziane, Tarik; Grall, Jacques; Chauvaud, Laurent; Sejr, Mikael Kristian; Menneteau, Sylvain; Olivier, Frederic.
Arctic benthic ecosystems are expected to experience strong modifications in the dynamics of primary producers and/or benthic-pelagic coupling under climate change. However, lack of knowledge about the influence of physical constraints (e.g. ice-melting associated gradients) on organic matter sources, quality, and transfers in systems such as fjords can impede predictions of the evolution of benthic-pelagic coupling in response to global warming. Here, sources and quality of particulate organic matter (POM) and sedimentary organic matter (SOM) were characterized along an inner-outer gradient in a High Artic fjord (Young Sound, NE Greenland) exposed to extreme seasonal and physical constraints (ice-melting associated gradients). The influence of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arctic ecosystems; Benthic-pelagic coupling; Organic matter; Climate change; Fatty acids; Stable isotopes; Young Sound.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Feeding of Greenland halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides ) in the Canadian Beaufort Sea 5
Giraldo, Carolina; Stasko, Ashley; Walkusz, Wojciech; Majewski, Andrew; Rosenberg, Bruno; Power, Michael; Swanson, Heidi; Reist, James D..
Trophic patterns for Greenland Halibut are reported for the first time in the Canadian Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf (n = 269). Samples were collected from 2012 to 2014 on the upper (300–500 m) and lower continental slope (750–1500 m) and were analyzed for stomach contents, stable isotopes ratios and fatty acids (FA). Stomach contents indicated that Arctic Cod, Boreogadus saida, was the main prey ingested on the upper slope (50–94% of total biomass) whereas Gelatinous Snailfish (Liparis fabricii) and Zoarcids (Lycodes spp.) dominated diets on the lower slope (17–62% of total biomass). Stable isotope mixing models and FA analyses also identified benthopelagic fishes (i.e., Liparis spp., B. saida) as key prey and highlighted large dietary overlap among...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic-pelagic coupling; Trophic niche; Biomarkers; Arctic.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Primary production and depth drive different trophic structure and functioning of fish assemblages in French marine ecosystems 5
Cresson, Pierre; Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Bustamante, Paco; Bănaru, Daniela; Baudrier, Jerome; Le Loch, Francois; Mauffret, Aourell; Mialet, Benoit; Spitz, Jérome; Wessel, Nathalie; Briand, Marine; Denamiel, Margaux; Doray, Mathieu; Guillou, Gaël; Jadaud, Angelique; Lazard, Coline; Noûs, Camille; Prieur, Solène; Rouquette, Manuel; Saraux, Claire; Serre, Sandrine; Timmerman, Charles-andre; Verin, Yves; Harmelin-vivien, Mireille.
Investigating the drivers of fish assemblage trophic structure is a critical question, in order to better understand ecosystem functioning, predict the effects of perturbations and implement integrated management of exploited marine ecosystems. Ecosystemic surveys enabled the determination of the trophic structure of the fish assemblages in three French marine ecosystems, namely the Eastern English Channel, the Bay of Biscay and the Gulf of Lions, through the simultaneous collection of qualitative (stable isotopes and energy content) and quantitative (biomass) data. In the Bay of Biscay and in the Gulf of Lions, pelagic primary production supported at least 80% of the fish biomass production, and explained the dominance of pelagic species, but with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish community; Trophodynamics; Food webs; Benthic-pelagic coupling.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Sequential resuspension of biofilm components (viruses, prokaryotes and protists) as measured by erodimetry experiments in the Brouage mudflat (French Atlantic coast) 5
Dupuy, Christine; Mallet, Clarisse; Guizien, Katell; Montanie, Helene; Breret, Martine; Mornet, Francoise; Fontaine, Camille; Nerot, Caroline; Orvain, Francis.
Resuspension thresholds in terms of friction velocity were experimentally quantified for the prokaryotes, protists and for the first time, viruses of intertidal mudflat biofilms. Differences in resuspension thresholds could be related to the type, behaviour and size of microorganisms and their association with particles. Free microorganisms (viruses, bacteria and some nanoflagellates) were resuspended by weak flow at friction velocities lower than 2 cm s- 1. Chlorophyll a, some nanoflagellates and attached bacteria were resuspended together with the bed’s muddy sediment, which required friction velocities larger than 3 cm s- 1. Diatoms smaller than 60 μm were resuspended at velocities between 3 and 5 cm s- 1, while those larger than 60 μm were resuspended...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Viruses; Microorganisms; Resuspension; Benthic-pelagic coupling; Spatial distribution; Mudflat.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Temporal variability of benthic-pelagic coupling in shallow enclosed environment: A case study with eutrophying shrimp ponds 5
Hochard, Sébastien; Royer, Florence; Hubert, Morgane; Lemonnier, Hugues.
The evolution of benthic pelagic coupling was followed in two semi-intensive shrimp ponds in New Caledonia, with a special emphasis on the role of microphytobenthos (MPB). Three distinct periods could be identified. During the first period, MPB activity led to relative decoupling between the water column and the sediment, both compartments being autotrophic with low nutrients exchanges. During the second period, the sediment operated at the edge of a functional switch between autotrophy and heterotrophy. The amplitude of nutrient fluxes depended of the pool considered (DIN, DIP) and showed light dark variation. In the last period, sediment switched to heterotrophy with the establishment of benthic-pelagic coupling concomitantly to a massive sediment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tropical aquaculture; Shrimp; Eutrophication; Benthic-pelagic coupling; Microphytobenthos; Bioturbation.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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