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A classification scheme for deep seafloor habitats ArchiMer
Greene, Hg; Yoklavich, Mm; Starr, Rm; O'Connell, Vm; Wakefield, Ww; Sullivan, De; Mcrea, Je; Cailliet, Gm.
A standard, universally useful classification scheme for deepwater habitats needs to be established so that descriptions of these habitats can be accurately and efficiently applied among scientific disciplines. In recent years many marine benthic habitats in deep water have been described using geophysical and biological data. These descriptions can vary from one investigator to another, which makes it difficult to compare habitats and associated biological assemblages among geographic regions. Using geophysical data collected with a variety of remote sensor systems and in situ biological and geologic observations, we have constructed a classification scheme that can be used in describing marine benthic habitats in deep water.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat; Classification universelle; Benthique; Gestion des pêcheries; Habitat; Universal classification; Benthic; Fisheries management.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Intraspecific variation in the shell ornamentation of benthic Ostracoda (Crustacea) from Kiribati, Pacific Ocean ArchiMer
Eagar, Sh.
Twenty four species of ostracod have been found on Tarawa Atoll and fifteen on Kuria Island, Republic of Kiri-bati in the western Pacific Ocean. Thirteen species are common to both atolls. A consistent difference has been discovered in the ostracod faunas of Tarawa and Kuria, with those from Kuria showing coarser texture in the ornamentation than their counterparts from Tarawa. The variation of carapace ornamentation has led to multiple names for a species. A characteristic ornamentation at a particular locality may be a due to a small number of specimens colonising the new locality and having a limited gene pool. Alternatively, any variation in the ornamentation may be a clue to multiple phases of colonisation within a small area.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ostracodes; Atoll; Benthique; Pacifique; Île; Ostracods; Atoll; Benthic; Pacific; Island.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Protection of marine benthic habitats in the Pacific islands. A case study of Guam ArchiMer
Gawel, Mj.
Guam consists of a single main island surrounded by shallow fringing coral reefs. The marine species and ecology of Guam's coral reefs have been studied extensively, especially through programs of the University of Guam's Marine Laboratory. In addition to overfishing and destructive fishing practices, the marine benthic communities of Guam have been damaged by major storm waves; loss of corals to crown of thorns starfish predation; damage by recreational swimmers, divers and watercraft operators; grounding of ships and pollutant discharges of sewage and of stormwater. But the most serious damage is due to accelerated siltation, sedimentation and turbidity due to erosion related to land use practices. Steps are being taken to protect Guam's coral reefs and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Récif; Protection; Benthique; Environnement; Guam; Reef; Protection; Benthic; Environment; Guam.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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