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37 years of scientific activity in a Biochemistry Department in Brazil: patterns of growth and factors leading to increased productivity 42
Gomes,Urubatã E.; Oliveira,Diogo L. de; Berti,Luciana C.; Amaral,Olavo; Souza,Diogo O.; Wofchuk,Susana T..
Scientific activity in Brazil has experienced an accelerated growth in the past decades, with an increase in productivity that greatly surpasses the international average. This growth has occurred mostly at the expense of centers of excellence in public universities, which account for the vast majority of the country's scientific output. The aim of this study was to evaluate the production of the Department of Biochemistry of a large public university in southern Brazil (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), as well as to identify internal and external policies that have influenced this growing production profile. We have performed a historical analysis of the scientific output of this Department of Biochemistry, which accounts for a considerable...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Scientific productivity; Scientific growth profile; Biochemistry; UFRGS.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Antitumor and biochemical effects of Echis coloratus crude venom on Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells in vivo 79
The search for snake venom antitumor efficacy has attracted the interest of scientists since the beginning of last century. Snake venom possesses a wide spectrum of biological activities. In this study, we evaluated the effect of Echis coloratus crude venom on the evolution of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells (EAC). Normal and EAC-bearing mice were treated with 0.2 mg/kg body weight of crude venom. Crude venom was seen to suppress tumor growth by significantly decreasing EAC cell count and cell viability (p<0.01). There was also a significant increase in survival time of the venom-treated tumor-bearing mice (52.3%, p<0.05) in comparison to the non-treated tumor-bearing counterparts. The study of venom effect and/or tumor inoculation on some important...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Snake venom; Echis coloratus; Ehrlich ascites carcinoma; Tumor growth; Biochemistry.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Aspectos bioquímicos e mobilização de reservas na emergência de sementes de cupuaçuzeiro. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Emergence; Bioquímica; Cupuaçu; Emergência; Germinação; Semente; Theobroma Grandiflorum; Germination; Biochemistry; Seeds.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Assessing the viability of cryopreserved coconut zygotic embryos by electrolytic conductivity and potassium leaching 86
Gomes-Copeland,Kicia Karinne Pereira; Lédo,Ana da Silva; Almeida,Fabrício Tavares Cunha de; Miranda,Roberta Pereira; Santos,Izulmé Rita Imaculada.
The objective of this work was to adapt the application of electrolytic conductivity and potassium leaching tests to assess the viability of cryopreserved embryos of 'Anão Verde do Brasil de Jiqui' (AVeJBr) coconut. The zygotic embryos were excised, sterilized and subjected to four cryoprotectant treatments combined with three incubation times (12, 16 and 20 hours), totaling 12 treatments. The pre-treatment of mature zygotic embryos of AVeJBr coconut using a cryoprotectant with 1.75 mol L-1 of sucrose + 15% glycerol for 12 and 16 hours promoted lower embryo humidity and increased viability in electrolytic conductivity and potassium leaching tests. Samples with ten embryos are sufficient for electrolytic conductivity analysis in cryopreserved or...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cocos nucifera; Biochemistry; Cell membrane; Cryoprotectant; Genetic resources.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Atividade enzimática de um latossolo vermelho de cerrado sob sistemas integrados lavoura-pastagens. 14
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Microbial flora; Bioquímica do Solo; Biomassa; Cerrado; Enzima; Microbiologia do Solo; População Microbiana; Biochemistry; Biomass; Enzymes; Microbiology; Soil.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Balneola vulgaris gen. nov., sp nov., a member of the phylum Bacteroidetes from the north-western Mediterranean Sea 5
Urios, Laurent; Agogue, Hélène; Lesongeur, Francoise; Stackebrandt, Erko; Lebaron, Philippe.
A novel aerobic, Gram-negative bacterium, named 13IX/A01/164(T), was isolated from surface waters in the coastal north-western Mediterranean Sea. Cells were motile, straight rods, 2-5 mu m long and 0-2 mu m wide, and formed orange colonies on marine agar medium. The G+C content of the genomic DNA of strain 13IX/A01/164T was 42 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence placed the strain in the phylum Bacteroidetes within the family Crenotrichaceae. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison and physiological and biochemical characteristics, this isolate represents a novel species of a new genus, for which the name Balneola vulgaris gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Balneola vulgaris is 13IX/A01/164T (=DSM 17893T=CIP...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean sea; Coastal waters; Microbiology; Physiology; Biochemistry; Gene sequence; Balneola vulgaris.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Biomassa microbiana e atividade enzimatica em solos de Cerrado e sistemas agricolas anuais e perenes na regiao de Primavera do Leste/MT. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Enzimic activity; Microbial flora; Bioquímica do Solo; Atividade Enzimática; Biomassa; Carbono; Cerrado; Fosfatase Ácida; Microbiologia do Solo; População Microbiana; Solo; Acid phosphatase; Carbon; Biomass; Biochemistry; Soil; Soil biology.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Caracteristicas bioquimicas e nutricionais do oleo e do farelo de girassol. 14
Caracteristicas do oleo de girassol; Caracteristicas do farelo de girassol; Melhoramento genetico e a qualidade do grao; O oleo de girassol e a saude humana;
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Oil; Grain; Quality; Bioquímica; Composição Química; Farelo; Grão; Girassol; Nutrição Humana; Óleo; Qualidade; Biochemistry; Chemical composition; Human nutrition; Sunflower meal.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Croissance, engraissement et cycle sexuel de Crassostrea gigas dans le Bassin d'Arachon: comparaison des huîtres agées de 1 et 2 ans 5
Maurer, Daniele; Borel, Michel.
Two-year-old oysters have a physiology which is reproduction-oriented, their maturation occurring synchronously among oysters from the same batch. The importance of the spring accumulation of glycogenated stocks varies through the years and correlates with the growth stage. Glucidic components are quickly used during the month preceding egg-laying and are transformed into lipid stocks for the oocytes. One-year-old oysters develop at different rates, some of them not showing any sign of maturation and the percentage of laying individuals varies through the years. Glycogenated stocks accumulate in a similar way in both age-classes and their more precocious and more intense use by young molluscs is not necessarily linked with their gametogenesis and growth,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Arcachon; Maturation; Biochemistry; Crassostrea gigas; Bassin d'Arcachon; Maturation; Biochimie; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Defasagem entre as produtividades real e potencial do algodoeiro herbáceo: limitações morfológicas, fisiológicas e ambientais. 14
BELTRÃO, N. E. de M.; AZEVEDO, D. M. P. de.
Fatores limitantes relacionados com a morfologia, a organografia e arquiteture do algodoeiro herbaceo; fatores limitantes relacionados com -a fisiologia e a bioquimica da planta do algodoeiro herbaceo; fatores limitantes relacionados com as condicoes do ambiente; consideracoes holoticas envolvendo fatores da planta e do ambiente.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Herbaceo; Taxas de Crescimento; Cultura; Fotorrespiracao; Trofofilos; Dossel; Balanco; Assimilado; Limitacao incontrolavel; Desenvolvimento; Brasil; Paraiba; Annual cotton; Production; Growth rate; Reespiration; Assimilation; Crop; Levll; Not controllable; Limitation; Growth; Deelopment; Algodão; Bioquímica; Crescimento; Fisiologia Vegetal; Fotossíntese; Gossypium Hirsutum; Metabolismo; Respiração; Produção; Canopy; Biochemistry; Leaves; Metabolism; Photorespiration; Photosynthesis; Physiology.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Distribuicao da atividade enzimatica no perfil de um latossolo vermelho amarelo de cerrado sob vegetacao nativa e sob sistemas de plantio direto e convencional. 14
MENDES, I. de C.; REIS JUNIOR, F. B. dos; P. NETO, J. V..
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: ECOSOL160; Zero tillage; Bioquímica do Solo; Cerrado; Enzima; Perfil do Solo; Plantio Direto; Biochemistry; Enzymes; Soil; Soil profiles.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Donnees cytologiques, electrophysiologiques et biochimiques relatives au phenomene de fecondation chez le homard (Homarus gammarus ). Implication du processus d'activation sur le mecanisme d'attache des oeufs pondus 5
Goudeau, M; Lachaise, F; Kubisz, P; Goudeau, H.
Electrophysiological measurements and related cytological controls were done on immature and submature oocytes of Homarus gammarus . By chromatography (HPLC) and radio-immunoassays (RIA) it was established that submature oocytes displayed different ecdysteroids. Furthermore, the structure of the stalk (funiculus) for the laid eggs attachment was analyzed. it consisted of the two superimposed vitelline envelopes which were likely modified by the cortical reaction exudate during the fertilization process. In addition, the successive secretory phases, regarding to the embryonic envelopes were evidenced. Finally, the ecdysteroid titers of embryonic stages were measured.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Homarus gammarus; Malacostraca; Biological attachment; Hormones; Electrophysiology; Biochemistry; Cytology; Eggs; Embryonic development; Cell membranes; Oocytes; Fecundity; Homard; Decapode; Crustacé; Funicule; Mues embryonnaires; Enveloppe de fécondation; Ecdystéroîdes; Potentiel membranaire; Ovocyte.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Fumaric Acid on Growth Performance, Blood Hematological and Biochemical Profile of Broiler Chickens Exposed to Chronic Heat Stress 89
Ding,J; He,S; Xiong,Y; Liu,D; Dai,S; Hu,H.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary fumaric acid (FA) on the growth performance, hematological parameters and serum biochemistry in broilers under heat stress (HS) condition. A total number of 200 broilers were allocated to five treatments including the thermoneutral group, which was reared at standard ambient temperature and fed basal diet (CONT) and four heat-stressed groups, which were held at 32 ± 1ºC aged from 22 to 42 days and fed the basal diet supplemented with 0, 5, 10 and 15 g/kg FA, respectively. On day 42, body weight and feed intake were measured and feed conversion ratio was calculated. Blood was collected for the estimation of hematological and biochemical parameters. HS impaired the growth performance,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fumaric acid; Broiler; Chronic heat stress; Heamatology; Biochemistry.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Effects of Garlic (Alliumsativum) and chloramphenicol on growth performance, physiological parameters and survival of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) 80
Shalaby,A. M.; Khattab,Y. A.; Abdel Rahman,A. M..
We studied and compared the effects of chloramphenicol antibiotic and garlic (Allium sativum), used as immunostimulants and growth promoters, on some physiological parameters, growth performance, survival rate, and bacteriological characteristics of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish (7±1g/fish) were assigned to eight treatments, with three replicates each. Treatment groups had a different level of Allium sativum (10, 20, 30, and 40g/kg diet) and chloramphenicol (15, 30, and 45mg/kg diet) added to their diets; the control group diet was free from garlic and antibiotic. Diets also contained 32% crude protein (CP) and were administered at a rate of 3% live body weight twice daily for 90 days. Results showed that the final weight and specific growth...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Allium sativum; Chloramphenicol; Nile tilapia; Growth parameter; Hematology; Biochemistry; Aeromonas hydrophila.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Effects of microalgal diet on growth, survival, biochemical and fatty acid composition of Ruditapes decussatus larvae 5
Andres Aranda-burgos, Jose; Da Costa Gonzalez, Fiz; Novoa, Susana; Ojea, Justa; Martinez-patino, Dorotea.
Successful bivalve larval growth and survival depend on stored reserves provided by diet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of microalgal diet on growth, survival, together with biochemical and fatty acid composition during larval development in grooved carpet shell (Ruditapes decussatus). Four mono- and multi-species diets were tested: (1) Isochrysis galbana, Pavlova lutheri and Chaetoceros muelleri (1:1:1, IPC); (2) I. galbana, P. lutheri and C. muelleri (1:1:2, IP2C); (3) I. galbana and P. lutheri (1:1, IP); (4) C. muelleri (C). Our results showed that feeding regime greatly influenced larval growth and survival, as well as biochemical and fatty acid composition. Higher growth and survival rates were observed in the IPC, IP2C and C...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes; Decussatus; Larvae; Diets; Biochemistry; Fatty acids.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Estudios preliminares en un cuerpo de agua dulce de Punta Fort William-Isla Greenwich 20
Arcos, F..
Durante la Tercera Expedición Ecuatoriana a la Antártida en enero-febrero de 1991, como parte de los estudios de evaluación del impacto ambiental, se ha iniciado un reconocimieno físico, químico y biológico de un cuerpo de agua dulce en Punta Fort Williams, Isla Greenwich, Shetland del Sur. Se escogió un lago formado en una depresión del terreno con aporte de tipo glacial, expuesto al viento por tres de sus lados, poca profundidad por lo que es bién oxigenado y existe disponibilidad de nutrientes por degradación de materia orgánica vegetal proveniente de los alrededores y acarreada por los vientos. El lago es oligotrófico, sin aporte significativo de excretas de aves y mamíferos. Del plancton estudiado se define que hay un importante componente...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Biochemistry; Biological surveys; Fresh water; Inland water environment; Freshwater ecology; Biochemistry; Freshwater ecology.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Estudo da atividade e caracterização bioquímica e molecular de estirpes de Bacillus thuringiensis tóxicas ao bicudo do algodoeiro (Anthonomus grandis Boheman, 1983). 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Anthonomus grandis Boheman; 1983; Caracterização; Cotton plant; Molecular; Characterization; Algodão; Bactéria; Bacillus Thuringiensis; Bioquímica; Bicudo; Gossypium spp; Biochemistry.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Etude de quelques parametres ecologiques, biologiques et biochimiques chez une pheophycee des cotes bretonnes Laminaria ochroleuca 5
Braud, Jean-paul.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phaeophyta; Laminaria; Alginic acid; Biochemistry; Ecology.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Evolution des acides nucleiques au cours du developpement larvaire de la crevette rose Palaemon serratus (Pennant). 5
Campillo, Albert; Regnault, M.; Luquet, P..
The evolution of nucleic acids in larvae of P. serratus reared in the laboratory from hatching to metamorphosis has been studied. From the 1st larval stage to the post-larval stage, DNA and RNA concn decrease: from 185 to 95 uMoles-bases/g PSD for DNA and from 133.5 to 78.75 uMoles-bases for RNA. The concn decrease is not regular; it is emphasized between stages 4 and 5 on the one hand, and between stage 7 and the post-larva on the other hand. The amount of DNA and RNA per larva increases proportionally to the wet weight from stage 1 to the post-larva. As the weight is multiplied by 7.6, total DNA and total RNA are multiplied by 3.80 and 4.25 respectively. The RNA/DNA ratio has a mean value of 0.77; it increases slightly from stage 1 (0.72) to the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calliphora; Crangon crangon; Palaemon serratus; Nucleic acids; Larval development; Invertebrate larvae; Biochemistry; Physiology.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Genética bioquímica poblacional del delfín Tonina Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821) de Cuba. 20
Pérez-Cao, H..
Existe un grado de diferenciación entre las 2 poblaciones analizadas, así mismo hay una tendencia no significativa hacia un exceso de heterocigóticos en la población total.
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Population genetics; Biochemistry; Marine mammals.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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