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No net loss of biodiversity or paper offsets? A critical review of the French no net loss policy 5
Quetier, Fabien; Regnery, Baptiste; Levrel, Harold.
French regulations concerning the mitigation of development impacts have been progressively strengthened with offsets now required for impacts on forests, wetlands, and protected species, among others. In 2012, following a national consultative process called Grenelle de l’Environnement, legal requirements in terms of monitoring and effective implementation of measures aimed at avoiding, reducing and offsetting impacts were strengthened. This has created strong “demand” for offsets. The workability of these new requirements has come under scrutiny, not least because of their strong legal and financial implications for developers. In this context, official government guidance on implementing the mitigation hierarchy was published in 2012. Under this...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: No net loss; Biodiversity offsets; Ecological compensation; EU Habitats Directive; European biodiversity strategy; Environmental impact assessment; Ecological equivalencies; France.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Of sets of offsets: Cumulative impacts and strategies for compensatory restoration 5
Thebaud, Olivier; Boschetti, Fabio; Jennings, Sarah; Smith, Anthony D.m.; Pascoe, Sean.
Biodiversity offsets are increasingly advocated as a flexible approach to managing the ecological costs of economic development. Arguably, however, this remains an area where policy-making has run ahead of science. A growing number of studies identify limitations of offsets in achieving ecologically sustainable outcomes, pointing to ethical and implementation issues that may undermine their effectiveness. We develop a novel system dynamic modelling framework to analyze the no net loss objective of development and biodiversity offsets. The modelling framework considers a marine-based example, where resource abundance depends on a habitat that is affected by a sequence of development projects, and biodiversity offsets are understood as habitat restoration...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversity offsets; Compensatory restoration; Cumulative impacts; Habitat-resource interactions; Bio-economic modelling; Social acceptability.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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