Registros recuperados: 21 | |
Borcier, Elodie; Charrier, Gregory; Couteau, Jérôme; Maillet, Géraldine; Le Grand, Fabienne; Bideau, Antoine; Waeles, Mathieu; Le Floch, Stephane; Amara, Rachid; Pichereau, Vianney; Laroche, Jean. |
The objective of this study was to develop an integrative approach in ecotoxicology (from biomarkers to population genetics) to assess the ecological status of fish populations. Flounders (Platichthys flesus) collected after the spawning season in the heavily polluted Seine estuary were compared with the moderately polluted Bay of Douarnenez. The muscle energetic reserves were highly depleted in Seine vs. Douarnenez fish. The Seine fish displaying a reduced capacity to manage the oxidative stress and a higher energetic metabolism. An increase in the content of muscle membrane phospholipids (sphingomyelin, phosphatidylserine, free sterols) was detected in the Seine vs. Douarnenez fish. The data integration allowed to hypothesize relationships between... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Platichthys flesus; Estuaries; Biomarkers; Bioenergetics; Polar lipids; Population genetics. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00658/76981/78238.pdf |
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Huret, Martin; Vandromme, Pieter; Petitgas, Pierre; Pecquerie, Laure. |
Connectivity during early life stages of pelagic fish, defined here by survival probability between spawning and early juvenile habitats, depends on a combination of sufficient food availability and low predator encounter along drift trajectories. For anchovy in the Bay of Biscay, larval transport experiments throughout the spawning season suggest accumulation of early juveniles in the offshore area of the southern Bay, as well as retention over the mid-shelf at mid-latitude. However, late summer-early autumn surveys suggest presence of juveniles only in the former region. From this observation, we set up a bioenergetic individual based model to test for the effect of food availability on survival patterns. The model couples a Lagrangian transport module... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Connectivity; Larval IBM; Bioenergetics; Zooplankton; Bay of Biscay; European anchovy. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00105/21655/19237.pdf |
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Angelescu, V.A.; Anganuzzi, A.. |
The paper was developed in order to arrange the data gathered on this subject and to generate new hypotheses in connection with the trophic strategy of the northern stock of anchovy in the area between latitudes 35°-42°S. Such estimates were finally compared with the values of the gravimetric determinations of stomach contents- as converted to caloric values - of individuals grouped by total-length amd age classes, ecological areas, and seasons of the year. The set of results as obtained conforms the initial basis for developing Part IV of the Trophic Ecology of the Argentine anchovy as related to food consumption estimates, by stock biomass and annual classes, with back-calculations to age class 0, and for applying "regional patterns" that result from the... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Growth curves; Bioenergetics; Migrations; Length-weight relationships; Condition factor. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/2022 |
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Dubreuil, Julien; Petitgas, Pierre. |
The energy density (E-D) of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Bay of Biscay was determined by direct calorimetry and its evolution with size, age and season was investigated. The water content and energy density varied seasonally following opposite trends. The E-D g(-1) of wet mass (M-W) was highest at the end of the feeding season (autumn: c. 8 kJ g(-1) M-W) and lowest in late winter (c. 6 kJ g(-1) M-W). In winter, the fish lost mass, which was partially replaced by water, and the energy density decreased. These variations in water content and organic matter content may have implications on the buoyancy of the fish. The water content was the major driver of the energy density variations for a M-W basis. A significant linear relationship was... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Seasonal cycle; Reserves; Bioenergetics. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6143.pdf |
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Sangare, Nathanael; Lo-yat, Alain; Le Moullac, Gilles; Pecquerie, Laure; Thomas, Yoann; Lefebvre, Sebastien; Le Gendre, Romain; Beliaeff, Benoit; Andréfouët, Serge. |
The black-lipped pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) is extensively farmed in French Polynesia to produce black pearls. For a sustainable management of marine resources, studying interactions between organisms and environment, and the associated factors and processes that will impact their life cycle and thus modulate population dynamics is a major research priority. Here, we describe black-lipped pearl oyster energy acquisition and use, and its control by temperature and food concentration within the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory framework. The model parametrization was based on literature data and a specific laboratory experiment. Model validation was carried out thanks to historical in-situ datasets and a dedicated field survey. Three theoretical... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bivalve; Physiology; Bioenergetics; Dynamic energy budget theory; Environmental change; Pearl farming. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00613/72469/71614.pdf |
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Lavaud, Romain; La Peyre, Megan K.; Casas, Sandra M.; Bacher, Cedric; La Peyre, Jerome F.. |
We present a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, which enables the inclusion of salinity as a third environmental variable, on top of the standard foodr and temperature variables. Salinity changes have various effects on the physiology of oysters, potentially altering filtration and respiration rates, and ultimately impacting growth, reproduction and mortality. We tested different hypotheses as to how to include these effects in a DEB model for C. virginica. Specifically, we tested two potential mechanisms to explain changes in oyster shell growth (cm), tissue dry weight (g) and gonad dry weight (g) when salinity moves away from the ideal range: 1) a negative effect on filtration rate and 2) an additional... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: DEB theory; Bioenergetics; Filtration; Maintenance; Growth; Estuary; Louisiana. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00400/51137/53773.pdf |
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Teulier, Loïc; Thoral, Elisa; Queiros, Quentin; Mckenzie, David; Roussel, Damien; Dutto, Gilbert; Gasset, Eric; Bourjea, Jerome; Saraux, Claire. |
We investigated links between swimming behavior and muscle bioenergetics in two emblematic Mediterranean fish species that have very different ecologies and activity levels. European sardines Sardina pilchardus are pelagic, they swim aerobically, school constantly and have high muscle fat content. Gilthead seabream Sparus aurata are bentho-pelagic, they show discontinuous spontaneous swimming patterns and store less fat in their muscle. Estimating the proportion of red and white muscle phenotypes, sardine exhibited a larger proportion of red muscle (~10% of the body mass) compared to gilthead seabream (~5% of the body mass). We firstly studied red and white muscle fiber bioenergetics, using high-resolution respirometers, showing a 4-fold higher oxidation... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Red muscle; Bioenergetics; Marine fishes; Lipids. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00502/61390/65054.pdf |
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Meyerreil, L; Graf, G. |
The seasonal development of benthic communities was followed in a coastal marine sediment of the Kiel Bight (Baltic Sea; FRG). Total benthic biomass, (ATP), bacterial biomass, overall benthic activity (heat production), and enzymatic decomposition rates of carbohydrate (d-amylase activity) followed a seasonal cycle strongly related to certain events in the sediment. Among these, the input of the phytoplankton blooms in autumn and spring, the accumulation of organic material during winter, and changes in the physical characteristics of the sediment turned out to be most important for the development of benthic biomass and activity. Processes within the benthic community occurred in very short time scales (within days). |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Organic matter; Sediments; Bioenergetics; Enzymatic activity; Biomass. |
Ano: 1984 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1984/acte-944.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 21 | |