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: A bioüzemanyagok adózása Magyarországon AgEcon
Palyi, Zoltan.
Megállapítható, hogy a bioetanol adózási helyzete kedvezőbb, mint a biodízelé. Az etanol forgalma dinamikusan növekszik. Magyarországon jelenleg több mint 200 benzinkúton kapható E85 üzemanyag. Annak érdekében, hogy Magyarországon legalább 10% legyen a közlekedési szektorban a „bio” arány, célszerű első lépésként az üzemanyagokban lévő biokomponens-arányt a jelenlegi 4,8%-ról 6,0%-ra, majd 1-2 év múlva 8,0%-ra emelni. A biodízelnél, például a B40- ---------------------------------------------- Apparently the status of bioethanol in terms of taxation is more favourable than that of biodiesel. Ethanol sales are growing dynamically. The E85 fuel is currently sold at more than 200 petrol stations in Hungary. In order to increase the share of “bio” to at...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Bioenergetika; Bioüzemanyag; Gabona-felhasználás; Adózás; Bioenergy; Biofuels; Ethics; Using cereals; Taxation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A Comparative Analysis of the Development of the United States and European Union Biodiesel Industries AgEcon
Carriquiry, Miguel A..
Worldwide production of biodiesel is growing at a rapid pace. Arguably, the European Union (EU) is the global leader in biodiesel production, but the United States has recently expanded its production. The growth of the biodiesel industry in both regions has been fueled by a series of government-provided financial incentives. However, the timing of the growth and incentive provisions, the nature of the main incentives, and the market conditions differ across regions. This article provides a comparative analysis of the EU and U.S. biodiesel industries, highlighting market and policy aspects that are leading to a rapid but distinct growth.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Biodiesel; Biodiesel industry; Biodiesel quality; Biofuels; Energy security; Rapeseed oil; Rapeseed methyl ester; Soybean oil; Soydiesel; Ultra low sulfur diesel; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Beach, Robert H.; Birur, Dileep K.; Davis, Lauren M.; Ross, Martin T..
With the rising global interest in energy security and climate change mitigation, biofuels have gained the prominent attention of researchers and policy makers. The U.S. has emerged as the leading producer of biofuels and is aiming for achieving a target of 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels by 2022 under its updated renewable fuels standard (RFS2) policy. In this paper, we study the longer-term global implications of large-scale renewable fuels production in the U.S. We utilize the GTAP v7.1 data base and introduce a detailed breakdown of agricultural crops, first and second generation biofuels and by-products. We update this fully disaggregated data base to reflect the 2010 global economy, based on secondary data for the sectors and regions included....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: ADAGE; Biofuels; Computable General Equilibrium; Recursive Dynamic; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A Global Model for Agriculture and Bioenergy: Application to Biofuel and Food Security in Peru and Tanzania AgEcon
Elbehri, Aziz; McDougall, Robert; Horridge, Mark.
This paper describes a global model for agriculture and bioenergy (GLOMAB) that incorporates biomass, biofuels and bioelectricity sectors into the GTAP-Energy model by expanding the global GTAP database, production and consumption structures. Biofuels are separated between first- generation (sugar ethanol, starch ethanol) and second- generation (cellulosic ethanol) biofuels and associated biomass feedstocks (maize, sugar cane, crop residues, woody biomass). Beside biofuels, the model also incorporates bioelectricity (as separate form conventional electricity) which competes for the same biomass feedstocks with cellulosic ethanol sector (agricultural residues, woody biomass). With this broad-based representation of the bioenergy system likely to prevail...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Renewable Energy; Biomass; Agricultural Markets; Computable General Equilibrium (CGE); Food Security and Poverty; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C68; Q18; Q42; R14.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Agricultural Impacts of Biofuels Production AgEcon
Walsh, Marie E.; Torre Ugarte, Daniel de la; English, Burton C.; Jensen, Kimberly L.; Hellwinckel, Chad M.; Menard, R. Jamey; Nelson, Richard G..
Analysis of the potential to supply 25% of projected 2025 U.S. transportation fuels indicates sufficient biomass resources are available to meet increased demand while simultaneously meeting food, feed, and export needs. Corn and soybeans continue to be important feedstocks for ethanol and biodiesel production, but cellulose feedstocks (agricultural crop residues, energy crops such as switchgrass, and forestry residues) will play a major role. Farm income increases, mostly because of higher crop prices. Increased crop prices increase the cost of producing biofuels.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biodiesel; Biofuels; Biomass; Cellulose feedstocks; Crop residues; Ethanol; Forest residues; Switchgrass; Agribusiness; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; O11; Q11; Q41.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Agriculture and Biofuels Issues: Cellulose, Greenhouse Gases, and EU and U.S. Policies AgEcon
Tyner, Wallace E..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Energy Policy; Biofuels Economics; Biofuels Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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An Outlook for the Biofuels Industry in the Southern United States AgEcon
Crooks, Anthony C.; Dunn, John R..
Two seemingly unrelated topics are discussed- an outlook for biofuels in the southern United States, along with an overview of the important role that information technology is playing in the fuel ethanol industry. The outlook discussion is limited to issues involving the two principal biofuels, fuel ethanol and biodiesel, and their respective feed stocks, corn and soybean oil. The two topics are linked with a description of how information technology (IT) has enabled the development of the fuel ethanol franchise and a discussion of how IT is changing the very nature of biofuel operations.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biodiesel; Biofuels; Fuel ethanol; Fuel ethanol franchise; Information technology; IT; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; O14; O31; Q12; Q13; Q16.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Barkley, Andrew P.; Nalley, Lawton Lanier; Garay, Pedro V..
The impacts of biofuel-based commodity price shocks on wheat and maize producers and consumers in Mexico are quantified with a two-region welfare economics model of the world wheat and maize markets. This model captures the international flow of wheat and maize between Mexico and the rest of the world, enabling measurement of price and quantity changes in both Mexican and global wheat and maize markets due to supply shocks in the grain markets. The drastic shifts in supply that accompanied grain markets in 2007/2008 are used to quantify the effects on Mexican consumer and producer well-being.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Wheat; Corn; Mexican grain markets; Two-region welfare economic model.; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Dominguez, Juan M.; Espinel, Ramon L..
Increases in petroleum prices have affected the prices of its derived products. In addition, the interest in issues related to the environment and energy security at world-wide level has been increased. All of these factors have contributed to the development of alternative fuel such as the ethanol, biodiesel and natural gas. This study analyzes the main agricultural products used to produce biodiesel, their production costs and the utilization of those inputs in other industries. This study will also include a brief summary of different legislations in those countries under analysis. On the other hand, we will find break-even points and apply a sensibility analysis associated with distinct scenarios in terms of input-output prices.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Biodiesel; Feasibility; Legislations; Break-even points.; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Analysing Government Decision Making in the South African Biofuels Industry: A Game Theoretic Approach AgEcon
Funke, Thomas; Klein, Peter G..
The production of biofuels in many countries is largely driven by the government strategy and incentives that are in place. In South Africa the first round of the development of such a draft strategy took place in 2005 while the official stance on biofuels was finalized in December of 2007. During the policy development process various governmental departments had strategic goals and targets that they all were required to achieve. The achievement of these strategic targets and goals is also risky and the various departments that have some form of involvement in the biofuels industry need to decide on how much risk they are willing to take. This article sketches the game that the various governmental departments played as well as the risks that they were...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Game Theory; Government Strategy; Agricultural and Food Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Birur, Dileep K.; Beach, Robert H..
As the biofuels are emerging as promising alternative transportation fuels across the world, they also offer huge potential for international trade in biofuels. A number of trade barriers such as import tariffs and domestic support have limited the scope for trade in biofuels. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implications of U.S. biofuel mandates, subsidies and import tariffs on global trade and welfare. We utilize the GTAP-BIO model, which was developed as a customized version of the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model capable of analyzing domestic and trade policy issues associated with biofuels (Birur, 2010). We supplement this model with updated and detailed sectoral level information on feedstock crops, different types of first and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Computable General Equilibrium; Land use change; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Are there Carbon Savings from US Biofuel Policies? Accounting for Leakage in Land and Fuel Markets AgEcon
Bento, Antonio M.; Klotz, Richard; Landry, Joel R..
This paper applies the insights of the carbon leakage literature to study the emissions consequences of biofuel policies. We develop a simple analytic framework to decompose the intended emissions impacts of biofuel policy from four sources of carbon leakage: domestic fuel markets, domestic land markets, world land markets and world crude oil markets. A numerical simulation model illustrates the magnitude of each source of leakage for combinations of two current US biofuel policies: the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit (VEETC) and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). In the presence of both land and fuel market leakage, current US biofuel policies are unlikely to reduce greenhouse gases. Four of the five policy scenarios we consider lead to increases in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Multi-market; Carbon leakage; Biofuels; Greenhouse gases; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q42; Q54; Q58.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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As palmeiras e a produção de biodiesel. Infoteca-e
Publicado também em: ZooNews, 27 nov. 2008.
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Biocombusível; Biofuels.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Assessing the environmental externalities from biofuels in Australia AgEcon
Cuevas-Cubria, Clara.
In Australia, as in other countries, the environmental costs and benefits of biofuel production and use have been found to vary greatly according to the production method and feedstocks used. In general, the use of biodiesel produced in Australia has been found to provide greater environmental benefits than ethanol, both in terms of reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reduced air pollutant emissions. In this paper, estimates of GHG and air pollutant emissions arising from biofuels and petroleum fuels production and use are employed to calculate the change in environmental externalities when substituting biofuels for petroleum fuels in Australia. These estimates of externalities highlight the need to better understand the environmental implications...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Environmental policy; Greenhouse gas emissions; Air pollutants; Externalities; Australia; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Assessment of Alternative Fuel Production from Switchgrass: An Example from Arkansas AgEcon
Popp, Michael P..
As the hunt for renewable energy sources from agriculture intensifies, many agricultural producers are contemplating what crops to grow in the foreseeable future. On the one hand, there are traditional food crops, such as soybean, corn, and wheat, which have recently enjoyed a spike in prices, primarily because of the seemingly ever-growing demands of the corn to ethanol industry. On the other hand, there are the lesser-known perennial energy crops, such as switchgrass. Although much information on various aspects of switchgrass production exists, this paper discusses the adaptation of existing production and processing information to Arkansas conditions as a potential alternative to crop production.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Production costs; Switchgrass; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q42.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Balanço de emissões de CO2 por biocombustíveis no Brasil: histórico e perspectivas. Infoteca-e
RESUMO: O presente estudo teve dois objetivos principais. O primeiro objetivo foi efetuar um balanço entre as emissões efetivamente verificadas com o uso de biocombustíveis (etanol hidratado, etanol anidro e biodiesel) em veículos da frota brasileira, bem como estimar as emissões evitadas, em função do uso de biocombustíveis como sucedâneos de derivados de petróleo (gasolina A e diesel), no período compreendido entre 2000 e 2011. O segundo objetivo foi estimar as emissões dos biocombustíveis e as emissões evitadas por seu uso, em três cenários que se diferenciavam pela manutenção do apoio atual (BAU), incentivo moderado (PRO) ou agressivo (SUS) do Governo Federal ao sistema de PD&I das cadeias de biocombustíveis, à sua produção e uso e à adequação da...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Biocombustível; Combustível; Biofuels.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Benefit-Cost Analysis of Biodiesel Production in Korea AgEcon
Lee, Sang-Min; Han, Hye-Sung.
The purpose of this study is to take a close look at Korea‘s biodiesel developing trends and assess economic feasibility based on benefit-cost analysis. This study finally presents directions to actively promote the biodiesel in Korea. The role of bio-energy is significantly emphasized due to the continuous rise in oil price and environmental problems. According to some researches that have considered various factors such as breed, productivity, production costs and levels of technology, the most feasible bio-ingredients are rape and barley. By means of the benefit-cost analysis, rape has positive values in the net profits when considered with indirect benefits. Also, it is estimated that rape is feasible when produced in place of barley for...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Biodiesel; Cost-benefit analysis; Korea; Agribusiness; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Biocarbones (Biochars), caracterización y efecto en la biomasa y nutrición de N P K en una gramínea. Colegio de Postgraduados
Escalante Rebolledo, María Ariadna.
Uno de los desafíos actuales para la ciencia y la tecnología es crear o innovar conocimientos existentes que permitan resolver las necesidades que tiene la población del país. Para ello es necesario conocer tales necesidades y poder estudiar las estrategias y tecnologías pertinentes que lleven a la solución de dicha situación. La demanda alimenticia actual en México es cada día mayor y ésta contrasta con el estado de abandono del campo. En particular nos preocupa el grado de deterioro que presenta el recurso suelo, así como la escasez de prácticas agronómicas que eleven la productividad de los cultivos. Esto nos lleva a probar tecnologías que en otras partes del mundo, aunque sea a nivel de investigación, han resultado en un beneficio para el campo. El...
Palavras-chave: Biochar; Pirólisis; Caracterización; Secuestro de carbono; Bioenergía; Biomasa; Pyrolysis; Soil carbon sequestration; Biofuels; Biomass; Edafología; Doctorado.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Biocombustíveis sólidos: fonte energética alternativa visando à recuperação de áreas degradadas e à conservação do Bioma Caatinga. Infoteca-e
De acordo com a definição da Convenção de combate à desertificação e mitigação dos efeitos da seca (CCD), realizada em 1994, desertificação é a degradação da terra nas zonas áridas, semiáridas e subúmidas secas. É um processo que resulta de vários fatores, incluindo as variações climáticas e as atividades humana. No caso do Semiárido brasileiro, o mais populoso do mundo, com 23 milhões de habitante, a principal causa desse fenômeno é o desmatamento da Caatinga, seja para ampliar as áreas de plantio e pastagem, seja para fornecer madeira para os fornos das indústrias locais. Esta obra parte do estudo da realidade da região do Baixo-Açu potiguar, uma das áreas com os piores índices de desenvolvimento humano do País, a qual se encontra em franco processo de...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Semiárido; Código Florestal; Briquete; Meio Ambiente; Biofuels; Briquettes.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Bioenergy production capacity in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Bioenergy is a renewable source of primary energy and its sustainable use is an advantage to the current global energy crisis. The use of vegetable resources for energy purposes requires specific studies of the impacts that might occur to the economy and the environment. The province of Santa Fe (Argentina) has an agroproductive structure capable of providing biomass for its processing and production of energy. The objective of this work was to value the capacity of this province for bioenergy production from grains transformation into biofuels and the biomass energy from crop straw, and speculates on the impact on soils from removed crop residues. Crop residues of the ten most important grain and oilseed crops (15.2x10(6) Mg year-1) and bioethanol and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Bioenergy; Crops residues; Sustainability.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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