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Assessing biomass based on canopy height profiles using airborne laser scanning data in eucalypt plantations 63
Silva,André Gracioso Peres; Görgens,Eric Bastos; Campoe,Otávio Camargo; Alvares,Clayton Alcarde; Stape,José Luiz; Rodriguez,Luiz Carlos Estraviz.
This study aimed to map the stem biomass of an even-aged eucalyptus plantation in southeastern Brazil based on canopy height profile (CHPs) statistics using wall-to-wall discrete return airborne laser scanning (ALS), and compare the results with alternative maps generated by ordinary kriging interpolation from field-derived measurements. The assessment of stem biomass with ALS data was carried out using regression analysis methods. Initially, CHPs were determined to express the distribution of laser point heights in the ALS cloud for each sample plot. The probability density function (pdf) used was the Weibull distribution, with two parameters that in a secondary task, were used as explanatory variables to model stem biomass. ALS metrics such as height...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: LiDAR; Basal area; Biometric model; Forest inventory; Fast-growing plantations.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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