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Growth curve of locally adapted pantaneiro cows raised under natural conditions 96
Barbosa,Eleonora Araújo; Egito,Andréa Alves do; Abreu,Urbano Gomes Pinto de; Juliano,Raquel Soares; Silva,Joseane Padilha da; Mariante,Arthur da Silva; Ramos,Alexandre Floriani.
The objective of this study was to use morphometric and ultrasound evaluations to estimate the growth curve of the Pantaneiro cattle breed, raised in its natural habitat, aiming at the re-insertion of this breed in production systems. One hundred and three females, aging from months to 11 years, and raised on native pastures, were evaluated. The animals belonged to the Conservation Nucleus of Embrapa Pantanal, located in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil). Weight, thoracic perimeter (TP), body length (BL), rump height (RH), height at withers (HW), hip height (HH), depth (DP), distance between the ilia (DI) (cm) and rib-eye area (REA) were measured. To relate the measurements with the age of the animals, the univariate regression model was used,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal production; Biometric; Cattle; Conservation; Genetic resources; Ultrasound.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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