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Bioproducts Development Survey: Analysis of the Summary Results AgEcon
Sparling, David; Cranfield, John A.L.; Henson, Spencer J.; Laughland, Pamela.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Sparling; Bioproducts; Bioproduct Development Survey; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Financial Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Land Economics/Use; Livestock Production/Industries; Marketing; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Characterization of biomasses from the north and northeast regions of Brazil for processes in biorefineries Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
RAMBO,Magale Karine Diel; ALEXANDRE,Gerso Pereira; RAMBO,Michele Cristiane Diel; ALVES,Aparecido Roberto; GARCIA,Wokimar T.; BARUQUE,Edmond.
Abstract In search for renewable energy sources, the Brazilian residual biomasses stand out due to their favorable physical and chemical properties, low cost, and their being less pollutant. Therefore, they are likely to be used in biorefineries in the production of chemical inputs to substitute fossil fuels. This substitution is possible due to the high contents of carbohydrates (>40%), low contents of extractives (<20%), ashes (<8%) and moisture (<8%) found in these residual biomasses. High calorific values of all residues also offer them the chance to be used in combustion. A principal components analysis (PCA) was performed for better understanding of the samples and their hysic-chemical properties. Thus, this study aimed to characterize...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bioproducts; Biorefinery; Hysic-chemical properties; Lignocellulosic residues.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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