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Allen-Smith, Joyce E.; Wimberley, Ronald C.; Morris, Libby V..
This study focuses on the longstanding impoverishment of the rural South and three of its subregions-Appalachia, the Mississippi Delta, and the Black Belt. The poor quality of life in rural Appalachia and along the Mississippi Delta has been publically acknowledged by programs and commissions for improving conditions. However, the more comprehensive Black Belt subregion that links parts of Southern Appalachia and the Southern Delta has not received such regional policy attention. While the South as a whole is more rural and impoverished than other U.S. regions, this is largely due to the poor conditions in the Black Belt. In addition to region and rurality, a third feature of the pattern is race. It is in the Black Belt that the South's poor socioeconomic...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Appalachia; Black Belt; Mississippi Delta; Policy; Poverty; Quality of life; Rural; South; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Examining Factors Affecting Population Change in the Southern United States: An Ongoing Case Study 31
Hill, Anquinette; Gyawali, Buddhi Raj; Banerjee, Swagata (Ban).
Urban sprawl and rural rebound are major foci of recent regional economic studies. Using 1980 and 2000 Census data from 11 southern states, binary logit regressions of population changes in rural-and-metropolitan counties and Black Belt-and-non-Black Belt counties reveal education, poverty, employment, and age differences are related to population changes.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: African Americans; Black Belt; Census; Population change; Rural rebound; Urban Sprawl; Southern; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Income Convergence and Growth in Alabama: Evidence from Sub-county Level Data 31
Gyawali, Buddhi Raj; Fraser, Rory; Banerjee, Ban; Bukenya, James O..
1980 and 2000 Census Block Group (CBG) data were used to examine income convergence in all Alabama counties vis-à-vis Alabama’s Black Belt and Northwest regions. Though all three models demonstrated conditional income convergence, CBGs with smaller initial populations, smaller changes in African-American or dependent age populations had higher income changes.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Alabama; African-Americans; Black Belt; Census Block Groups; Income Convergence; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Income Convergence in the South: Myth or Reality? 31
Gyawali, Buddhi Raj; Banerjee, Swagata (Ban); Hill, Anquinette; Bukenya, James O..
County-level data for 11 southern states for 1980 and 2000 are used to examine income convergence. Ordinary least squares regression of logarithmic difference on average per capita income in 1980 demonstrated conditional income convergence with higher income changes in counties with smaller initial populations, smaller changes in African Americans, employment, education, age structure, travel time to work, or dependent age populations. The estimated rate of income convergence was 3.82% per year.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Income convergence; Race; Regional economic growth; Black Belt; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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