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A Research of Peripheral Blood Cells Annually in Bufo Bufo gargarizans 77
Liu,Chongbin; Xia,Chengqiang; Xie,Zhaohui; Jiao,Yang; She,Qiusheng.
The present paper deals with a histological study of the blood cells of Bufo Bufo gargarizans in different months: January, March, May, July and October. The methods used are by routine blood smear in Wright stain and observation in vivo. We found that in smears and in vivo two main types of cells of the red cells: mitotic as well as amitotic. While amitotic occurs all the year round, particularly in July, mitosis so far had been seen only in July. It is also found that there are plenty of neutrophils in the blood cells of Bufo Bufo gargarizans, furthermore, the nuclei of these cells are polymorphic, especially in January and March. Meanwhile, the concentration of red cells was lowest in May and highest in January; The concentration of white blood cells...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Bufo Bufo gargarizans; Blood cells; Annual changes.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Cytochemical aspects of the peripheral blood cells of Oreochromis (Tilapia) niloticus. (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cichlidae, Teleostei): part II 62
UEDA,Ivete Kotomi; EGAMI,Mizue Imoto; SASSO,Wilson da Silva; MATUSHIMA,Eliana Reiko.
Morphologicaly, seven types of cells were identified in the blood of Oreochromis niloticus: erythrocytes, thrombocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. Glycogen was present not only in the cytoplasm of neutrophils and thrombocytes but also in some lymphocytes and monocytes. The positive reaction for myeloperoxidase and Sudan black was observed in neutrophils and eosinophils. The bromphenol blue method was strongly positive for erythrocytes and eosinophils.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Blood cells; Cytochemistry; Oreochromis niloticus; Fishes.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Hematologic changes in propofol-anesthetized dogs with or without tramadol administration 45
Costa,P.F.; Nunes,N.; Belmonte,E.A.; Moro,J.V.; Lopes,P.C.F..
Drugs commonly used in anesthesia practice may significantly alter the oxidative state of blood cells. This mechanism could contribute to the immune suppression that occurs transiently in the early postoperative period. Thus, we assessed the effects of continuous rate infusion (CRI) of propofol associated or not with tramadol on hematologic parameters in dogs. Eight adult mongrel dogs were anesthetized on 2 occasions, 15 d apart. Two groups were formed: control group (CG) and tramadol group (GT). Propofol was used for induction (10mg kg-1) followed by a CRI (0.7mg kg-1minute-1). The animals were positioned in lateral recumbency and mechanically ventilated with inspired oxygen fraction of 0.6. In TG, tramadol (2mg kg-1) followed by a CRI (0.5mg...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Blood cells; Hematology; Opioid; Total intravenous anesthesia.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Hematological and plasma biochemical parameters in a wild population of Naja naja (Linnaeus, 1758) in Sri Lanka 80
Dissanayake,Duminda S. B.; Thewarage,Lasanthika D.; Rathnayake,Rathnayake M. P. Manel; Kularatne,Senanayake A. M.; Ranasinghe,Jamburagoda G. Shirani; Rajapakse,Rajapakse P. V. Jayantha.
Abstract Background Hematological studies of any animal species comprise an important diagnostic method in veterinary medicine and an essential tool for the conservation of species. In Sri Lanka, this essential technique has been ignored in studies of many species including reptiles. The aim of the present work was to establish a reference range of hematological values and morphological characterization of wild spectacled cobras (Naja naja) in Sri Lanka in order to provide a diagnostic tool in the assessment of health condition in reptiles and to diagnose diseases in wild populations. Methods Blood samples were collected from the ventral caudal vein of 30 wild-caught Naja naja (18 males and 12 females). Hematological analyses were performed using...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hematology; Blood cells; Plasma biochemistry; Naja naja.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Inhibition of proteases and phospholipases A2 from Bothrops atrox and Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venoms by ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins 42
ABSTRACT The enzyme inhibition by natural and/ or low-cost compounds may represent a valuable adjunct to traditional serotherapy performed in cases of snakebite, mainly with a view to mitigate the local effects of envenoming. The objective of this study was to evaluate possible interactions between vitamins and enzymes that comprise Bothrops atrox and Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms, in vitro. Proteolysis inhibition assays (substrates: azocasein, collagen, gelatin and fibrinogen), hemolysis, coagulation, hemagglutination were carried out using different proportions of vitamins in face of to inhibit minimum effective dose of each venom. The vitamins were responsible for reducing 100% of breaking azocasein by C.d.t. venom, thrombolysis induced by B....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antiophidian properties; Antioxidants; Blood cells; Hemostatic processes; Natural inhibitors.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Reference values for chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger) blood cells and serum biochemical parameters 65
Silva,Tális de Oliveira; Kreutz,Luiz Carlos; Barcellos,Leonardo José Gil; Borella,João; Soso,Auren Benck; Souza,Cleverson.
Raising chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger) for commercial purpose has increased significantly; however, hematological and serum biochemical reference values have not yet been determined for chinchillas raised in south Brazil. Establishing blood cells and serum biochemistry reference values might be helpful to evaluate health status of chinchillas and might be used as a tool by clinicians. The purpose of this study was to determine the reference values for blood cells and serum biochemistry of Chinchilla laniger. Blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture from 16 adult males, at the time they were killed to remove the fur coat, and from 8 adult males anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine. Blood cell counts and serum biochemistry analysis were performed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chinchilla laniger; Blood cells; Plasma biochemistry; Reference intervals.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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