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Total and organic Hg concentrations in cephalopods from the North Eastern Atlantic waters: Influence of geographical origin and feeding ecology 5
Bustamante, Paco; Lahaye, V; Durnez, C; Churlaud, C; Caurant, Florence.
Total (T-Hg) and organic (O-Hg) mercury concentrations and tissue distribution were examined in 20 species of cephalopods (n = 278) from the north eastern Atlantic waters, i.e. from the Bay of Biscay to the Faroe Islands. Concentrations of T-Hg in whole cephalopods showed elevated variations among species, i.e. from 40 to 3560ng g(-1) dwt, but a low variability within each species (mean CV%=39%). With the exception of oceanic squids, the digestive gland globally displayed higher T-Hg concentrations than the remaining tissues. In contrast, O-Hg concentrations determined in selected species were generally higher in the remaining tissues. Despite higher T-Hg concentrations, the digestive gland weakly contributed to the total body burden of both T-Hg and O-Hg...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cuttlefish; Octopus; Squid; Body distribution; Speciation; Bioaccumulation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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