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A preliminary survey of the fish fauna in the vicinity of Santa Ana del Yacuma in Bolivia (río Mamoré drainage) Biota Neotropica
Hablützel,Pascal István.
The inventory of fish species of the río Mamoré sub-drainage in the Bolivian Amazon is far from being complete. This article informs about a small scale species inventory in the close vicinity of the town Santa Ana del Yacuma (drained by the río Yacuma, a left side tributary of the río Mamoré). Sampling four habitat types, 615 fish specimens belonging to 101 species were collected. Four species were reported for the first time from the río Mamoré sub-drainage: Aphyocharax rathbuni, Apistogramma erythrura, Apistogramma similis and Hyphessobrycon elachys. Differences in species composition among sampled habitats stress the importance of including a high number of collecting sites across biotic and abiotic environmental gradients to reliably survey species...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fish inventory; Distribution; First record; Amazon basin; Fish diversity; Río Yacuma; Río Mamoré; Bolivia.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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A review of the albidohirta group of Ptilothrix (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Emphorini) Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent.
Roig Alsina,Arturo.
The albidohirta group of Ptilothrix Smith includes three species: Ptilothrix albidohirta Brèthes, P. concolor sp. nov., and P. nemoralis sp. nov. The group is known from northern and western Argentina and from central Bolivia. One of its species, P. albidohirta, reaches high altitudes in the Andes mountains, up to 3600 m a.s.l., while the other two species occur in the lowlands. A characterization of the group, descriptions of the species, and illustrations are provided.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bees; Emphorini; Argentina; Bolivia.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Abortos por Trypanosoma vivax no Pantanal Mato-Grossense e Bolívia. Infoteca-e
Existe um elevado número de espécies de tripanosomas descritos na literatura que infectam animais (Hoare, 1972; Clarkson, 1976; Desquesnes, 1997; Dávila, 2002). Porém, entre os tripanosomas que infectam animais de interesse na pecuária podemos citar: Trypanosoma vivax; T. evansi; T. equiperdum e T. theileri. O T. evansi tem ampla distribuição nas Américas, sendo encontrado no Panamá, Venezuela, Colômbia, Brasil, Bolívia, Paraguai, Argentina e Peru. O T. evansi e o T. vivax são um risco potencial para mais de 500 milhões de bovinos e 100 milhões de búfalos (Peregrine, 1994). Várias são as doenças que interferem no processo reprodutivo de animais domésticos. Dentre as enfermidades que provocam aborto e concorrem para a menor produtividade na fase de cria...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Abortos; Bovinos; Trypanosoma Vivax; Bolivia.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Advertisement calls of Bolivian species of Scinax (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae) Naturalis
Riva, Ignacio de la; Márquez, Rafael; Bosch, Jaime.
The advertisement calls of eight Bolivian species of Scinax are described including information on the calling behaviour of each species. A characteristic audiospectrogram and oscillogram are presented for each species, as well as numerical information about the spectral and temporal features of the calls. Two phenograms based on the characteristics of the mating calls are constructed, the first one using a traditional multivariate technique (UPGMA) and the second one using audiospectrogram correlation, a new technique that allows holistic comparisons of single vocalizations.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Anura; Hylidae; Scinax; Bolivia; Advertisement calls; Ecology; Phylogeny.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Agroecosystem resilience and farmers’ perceptions of climate change impacts on cocoa farms in Alto Beni, Bolivia Organic Eprints
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Bottazzi, Patrick; Pillco, Maria; Calizaya, Patricia; Rist, Stephan.
Cocoa-based small-scale agriculture is the most important source of income for most farming families in the region of Alto Beni in the sub-humid foothills of the Andes. Cocoa is grown in cultivation systems of varying ecological complexity. The plantations are highly susceptible to climate change impacts. Local cocoa producers mention heat waves, droughts, floods and plant diseases as the main impacts affecting plants and working conditions, and they associate these impacts with global climate change. From a sustainable regional development point of view, cocoa farms need to become more resilient in order to cope with the climate change related effects that are putting cocoa-based livelihoods at risk. This study assesses agroecosystem resilience under...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop husbandry; Bolivia; Environmental aspects.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Agroforstwirtschaft als ökologisch, ökonomisch und sozial nachhaltige Landnutzungsform: Fallbeispiel Kakaoanbau in Bolivien Organic Eprints
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Rist, Stephan.
Die Agroforstwirtschaft kann zum Schutz des Bodens, der Biodiversität, zur Ernährungs- und Einkommenssicherheit sowie zur Resilienz gegenüber dem Klimawandel beitragen. Kakaobauern in Alto Beni in Bolivien setzen verschiedene Varianten von Agroforstsystemen ein, und viele haben die Bio-Zertifizierung. Um die verschiedenen Anbausysteme zu vergleichen und herauszufinden, was die Rolle der Bio-Zertifizierung ist, wurden für diese Studie Daten in Kakaoparzellen erhoben und Interviews mit Kakaoproduzenten durchgeführt. Neben der Biodiversität waren auch die Kakaoernten und die Einkommen der Familien höher, welche ein Agroforstsystem hatten. Die Interviews zeigten, dass die Bio-Zertifizierung die Kakaoproduzenten motivierte, Kooperativen zu gründen, die Wissen...
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Crop husbandry; Social aspects; Produce chain management; Bolivia.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Morales,Eduardo A; Fernández,Erika; Fernandez,Carla E; Lizarro,Dennis; Alcoreza,Pamela.
A compilation of phycological literature published on Bolivian algae is presented together with an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, and needs in this field of investigation. An analysis of the nationality of authors, type, content, and geographic focus of the references shows that literature is largely produced by foreign scientist, concentrated on just a few areas of the country, or are biased toward particular algal groups, leaving ample room for more exploration. The Altiplano (high mountain plateau) and Amazon concentrate most of the publications, the phytoplankton and algae found in sediment cores, being the communities that have received more attention from scientists. Taxonomic references focus more on phytoplankton and tychoplankton communities...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Phycology; Algae; Freshwater.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Areas of endemism in the southern central Andes Darwiniana
Aagesen,Lone; Bena,Maria J.; Nomdedeu,Soledad; Panizza,Adela; López,Ramiro P.; Zuloaga,Fernando O..
This paper analyzes the distribution of vascular plants species endemic to the southern central Andes (south-western Bolivia and north-western Argentina). All 540 species endemic to the study regions (approx. 720600 km²) have been included in the analysis. The main part of the endemic species is found in semiarid habitats between 1500-3500 m asl pointing to the topographically complex plateau, slope, and valley system of the southern central Andes as the main locations for its endemic flora. The distribution of the endemic species within arid sites is in contrast with that of vascular plant diversity in general, as the most diverse habitat of the region is the moist subtropical Tucumano-Bolivian Yungas forest of the eastern Andes slope. A total of 17 well...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Areas of endemism; Argentina; Biogeography; Bolivia; Endemic vascular plants; Southern central Andes.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Avistamientos de Cinclus schulzi en la Cordillera de Sama, Bolivia Hornero
Flores Bedregal,Eliana; Herrera Carrasco,Orlando; Capriles,José M.
Se presentan datos de avistamientos del Mirlo de Agua de Barba Roja (Cinclus schulzi) en la Cordillera de Sama, departamento de Tarija, Bolivia. Se recorrieron 17 quebradas, arroyos y ríos, pero solamente se realizaron 12 avistamientos en 4 cursos de agua, correspondientes a un mínimo de 10 individuos: 4 parejas, un individuo solitario y un volantón. Los mirlos fueron registrados en cursos de aguas claras, pero estaban ausentes en las porciones de los ríos contaminados con residuos de ganado. Se confirma la presencia de Cinclus schulzi en la Reserva Biológica Cordillera de Sama y su nidificación en el área. Además, se presentan datos sobre el comportamiento de alimentación y la interacción con otras especies.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Alimentación; Bolivia; Bosque Tucumano-Boliviano; Cinclus schulzi; Nidificación.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Bolivian Rhinotragini I: new species of Ecliptoides Tavakilian & Peñaherrera-Leiva, 2005 new status, and Clepitoides new genus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Clarke,Robin O. S..
The subgenus Ommata (Ecliptoides) is redefined and raised to generic status, Ecliptoides Tavakilian & Peñaherrera-Leiva, 2005 stat. nov. with three new species: E. julietae, E. titoi and E. vargasi. A new genus, Clepitoides, is described with three new species: C. anae, C. gerardi and C. neei. The new species are illustrated, a key to the species and host-flower records provided.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Cerambycinae; Host-flowers; New genus; New species.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bolivian Rhinotragini II: Isthmiade Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with two new species Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Clarke,Robin O. S..
I. martinsi sp. nov. and I. zamalloae sp. nov. are described. Bolivian forms of both sexes of I. ichneumoniformis Bates, 1870, I. laevicollis Tippmann, 1953, and I. planifrons Zajciw, 1972 are redescribed. New synonymy established: I. laevicollis Tippmann, 1953 = I. carinifrons Zajciw, 1972 syn. nov. Notes on host-flowers, photographs and a key to the Bolivian species of Isthmiade are provided.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Cerambycinae; Host-flowers; New species; Rhinotragini.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bolivian Rhinotragini III: new genera and species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Clarke,Robin O.S..
Bolivian Rhinotragini III: new genera and species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Three new genera are described: Anomalotragus with two new species, A. recurvielytra and A. morrisi; Antennommata with one new species, A. costata; and Stultutragus with two new species, S. mataybaphilus and S. crotonaphilus, five transferred from Ommata (Eclipta) Bates, 1873, S. fenestratus (Lucas, 1857) comb. nov., S. poecilus (Bates, 1873) comb. nov., S. xantho (Bates 1873) comb. nov., S. bifasciatus (Zajciw, 1965) comb. nov., and S. cerdai (Peñaherrera-Leiva & Tavakilian, 2003) comb. nov., and one transferred from Cantharoxylymna Linsley, 1934, S. linsleyi (Fisher, 1947) comb. nov. Other new species described are: Ommata (Ommata) buddemeyerae, Ommata (Chrysaethe)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Cerambycinae; Host flowers; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Bolivian Rhinotragini IV: Paraeclipta gen. nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), new species and new combinations Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Clarke,Robin O. S..
Paraeclipta gen. nov. is described to allocate five new species, and ten transferred from Eclipta Bates, 1873: P. cabrujai sp. nov.; P. clementecruzi sp. nov.; P. melgarae sp. nov.; P. tomhacketti sp. nov.; P. moscosoi sp. nov.; P. bicoloripes (Zajciw, 1965), comb. nov.; P. croceicornis (Gounelle, 1911), comb. nov.; P. flavipes (Melzer, 1922), comb. nov.; P. jejuna (Gounelle, 1911), comb. nov.; P. kawensis (Peñaherrera-Leiva & Tavakilian, 2004), comb. nov.; P. longipennis (Fisher, 1947), comb. nov.; P. rectipennis (Zajciw, 1965), comb. nov.; P. soumourouensis (Tavakilian & Peñaherrera-Leiva, 2003), comb. nov.; P. tenuis (Burmeister, 1865), comb. nov.; and P. unicoloripes (Zajciw, 1965), comb. nov. The Bolivian species are illustrated. A key...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Cerambycinae; Host flowers; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Bolivian Rhinotragini IX: new genera (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Clarke,Robin O.S..
Two new genera are described: Fissapoda for two species, F. barbicrus (Kirby, 1818) and F. manni (Fisher, 1930), transferred from Epimelitta Bates, 1870; and Epipoda for two new species, E. abeli from Bolivia, and E vanini. from Brazil. All the species are illustrated (including their genitalia), and host plant and host flower records provided.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Cerambycinae; Host flowers; Host plants; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Bolivian Rhinotragini V: new species of Erythroplatys White, 1855, Rhinotragus Germar, 1824, Ornistomus Thomson, 1864, and Aechmutes Bates, 1867 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Clarke,Robin O.S..
Bolivian Rhinotragini V: new species of Erythroplatys White, 1855, Rhinotragus Germar, 1824, Ornistomus Thomson, 1864, and Aechmutes Bates, 1867 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Six new species are described: Erythroplatys boliviensis, Rhinotragus antonioi, Rhinotragus monnei, Ornistomus simulatrix, Aechmutes boliviensis, and Aechmutes subandinus. The female of Erythroplatys simulator Gounelle, 1911 is redescribed, and the male for the first time. Ornistomus bicinctus Thomson, 1864, Aechmutes lycoides Bates, 1867 and Aechmutes armatus Gounelle, 1911 are formally excluded from the fauna of Bolivia. All the species are illustrated, and host flower records provided.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Cerambycinae; Host flowers; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Bolivian Rhinotragini VI: Caprichasia gen. nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Clarke,Robin O.S..
A new genus, Caprichasia, is described with two species: Caprichasia serjaniaphila sp. nov. from Bolivia; and Caprichasia tommyi (Hovore, 1989) comb. nov. from central America, transferred from Ecliptophanes (Melzer 1935). The new species is illustrated, and host flower records are provided.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Cerambycinae; Host flowers; New genus.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Bolivian Rhinotragini VII: provisional report of higher altitude species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with descriptions of new taxa Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Clarke,Robin O.S..
Three new genera are described: Ephippiotragus with two new species, E. wappesi and E. thomasi; Amborotragus with A. vestigiepimeron sp. nov.; and Tomopterchasia with T. sullivanorum sp. nov. Additonally, five new species are described: Acyphoderes amboroensis, Isthmiade mariahelenae, Chrysaethe lazzoi, Ecliptoides pseudovicinus, and Stenopseustes lingafelteri. All the new species are illustrated, and host flower records provided. A striking example of structurally different genitalia in two very closely related species is illustrated and briefly discussed. Ischasia cuneiformis Fisher, 1952 is transferred to Tomopterchasia. The following new country records for Bolivia are registered: Odontocera hirundipennis Zajciw, 1962 and Odontocera ornaticollis Bates,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Cerambycinae; Genitalia; Host flowers; Submontane; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Bolivia's local organic market and how it might be affected by the new national organic legislation 3525/06 Organic Eprints
Zschocke, Arnd.
The booming demand for organic products leads to high growth rates in this sector, especially in exporting countries. This study investigates how organic legislation in Latin American countries, which is intended to support the export sector, can also influence the local market. This is done through a case study for Bolivia, its new law 3525/06 and its national market for organic products. The general situation in Bolivia is described briefly, the new law is analyzed, and an analysis of the national market for organic products is presented. The results are that the new law is very progressive and allows easier access to organic certification for the internal market. Nevertheless, the local organic market is still a very small niche market and completely...
Tipo: Thesis Palavras-chave: Regulation; Consumer issues; Bolivia.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Borreria santacruciana y Mitracarpus bicrucis (Rubiaceae - Spermacoceae), nuevas especies de Bolivia Darwiniana
Bacigalupo,Nélida M.; Cabral,Elsa L..
Dos especies nuevas de Bolivia, Borreria santacruciana y Mitracarpus bicrucis, se describen e ilustran. B. santacruciana es afín a B. wunschmanii, pero difiere por tener una pubescencia inconspicua de pelos adpresos, hojas de 7-17 mm long., y glomérulos con 2-4 brácteas de 7-13 mm long. Mitracarpus bicrucis es enteramente glabro, notable por su vaina estipular con una sola lacinia y por el surco en forma de cruz en ambas caras de la semilla.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Taxonomía; Rubiaceae; Spermacoceae; Borreria; Mitracarpus; Bolivia.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Building Farm Resilience in a Changing Climate: Challenges, Potentials, and Ways Forward for Smallholder Cocoa Production in Bolivia Organic Eprints
Jacobi, Johanna; Bottazzi, Patrick; Pillco, Maria Isabel; Schneider, Monika; Rist, Stephan.
Migration from the Bolivian Altiplano to the Amazonian lowlands poses a number of challenges related to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Alto Beni, located in the Bolivian Yungas at the interface between two altitudinal zones, is a critical area in this respect. Unsustainable land use practices are leading to soil erosion, shallow landslides, as well as forest and biodiversity loss. Settlers from the Altiplano see themselves confronted with an ecosystem that does not support the agricultural systems they were once used to. Soil degradation and government incentives have promoted migration further into the rainforest, creating pressure on local indigenous groups and biodiversity. The best-suited land use system for the fragile soils...
Tipo: Book chapter Palavras-chave: Crop husbandry; Bolivia; Environmental aspects.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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