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Analyse bibliographique: historique de l'huître plate, Ostrea edulis, et la Bonamiose, maladie due au protozoaire Bonamia ostreae 5
Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie.
Oyster productions represent an important part of the french aquaculture. However, diseases are considered as the first limiting factors for the development of this activity around the world. Two exemples point out this problem for the french flat oyster production: Marteiliosis, the disease of the digestive gland, caused by Marteilia refringens, and Bonamiosis, the hemocytic disease, caused by Bonamia ostreae. This report proposes a bibliography analysis of major results obtained for Bonamiosis studies.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître plate; Ostrea edulis; Bonamia ostreae; Bonamiose; Pathologie; European flat oyster; Oslrea edulis; Bonamia ostreae; Bonamiosis; Pathology.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Apport des informations moléculaires et cellulaires pour la caractérisation de la résistance de l'huître plate européenne vis-à-vis de la bonamiose, et pour la détection de signatures de la sélection naturelle 5
Harrang, Estelle.
The European flat oyster, an endemic species from European coasts, has been classified in the category of "endangered and/or declining species" since 2003. Indeed, the natural beds of this oyster, consumed since ancient times, have gradually been decimated by over-exploitation and by successive emergence of parasitic diseases. The parasite that causes the disease called bonamiosis has contributed to drastically reduce the French and European aquacultural production of flat oyster. Marine bivalve molluscs display two specificities that restrict possibilities to fight against diseases: they are grown in an open environment, and possess an innate immune system lacking in adaptive response. In this context, the selection of animaIs naturally resistant to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître plate Européenne; Ostre edulis; Bonamiose; Bonamia ostreae; Marqueurs SNP; Expression génique; Activité hémocytaire; Cartographie de liaison; QTL; EQTL; Populations naturelles; Diversité génétique; Sélection naturelle; European flat oyster; Ostrea edulis; Bonamiosis; Bonamia ostreae; SNP markers; Gene expression; Haemocytic activity; Linkage map; QTL; EQTL; Natural populations; Genetic diversity; Genetic structure; Natural selection.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Contribution à la validation de la technique de PCR pour la détection du parasite Bonamia ostreae chez l'huître plate, Ostrea edulis 5
Dubois, Rodolphe.
Bonamia ostreae, l'agent de la bonamiose, est un parasite intracellulaire ayant pour cible les hémocytes (cellules du système de défense) de l'huître plate ostrea edulis. Il induit chez son hôte des lésions branchiales, telles que des perforations ou des indentations pouvant aller jusqu'à la mort du mollusque. Le travail réalisé au cours de ce stage s'inscrivait dans une démarche de validation de méthode de PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) pour la détection de ce parasite. Les analyses ont porté sur un lot de trois cent onze huîtres plates ostrea edulis adultes (2-3 ans), issus de captage naturel et provenant de Quiberon (Bretagne). Pour chaque individu, une extraction d'ADN a été réalisée sur un échantillon de coeur et de branchies. Afin de déterminer si...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bonamia Ostreae; Agent pathogène; Bonamiose; Hémocytes; Huître plate; Ostrea edulis; PCR; Validation.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Etude des interactions hôte/parasite chez l'huître plate Ostrea edulis et son parasite Bonamia ostreae 5
Morga, Benjamin.
The history of the French oyster production highlights the fragility of this production against overexploitation and disease outbreaks. In particular, the production of flot oyster, Ostrea edulis, has decreased following the emergence of two parasitic diseases including bonamiosis. The means to fight against bonamiosis are relatively limited. They are mainly based on oyster health surveillance to limit the spread of the disease. However, the use of predictive models of disease progression in infected area would help to improve stock management and minimize the impact pathogens. Moreover the development of resistant animais could help to revive this production. These different approaches require appropriate diagnostic tools, a good knowledge of the life...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître plate; Ostrea edulis; Bonamiose; Bonamia ostreae; Interaction hôte-parasite; Expression; Résistance; Hémocytes; Hybridation soustractive suppressive; Flat oyster; Ostrea edulis; Bonamiosis; Bonamia ostreae; Interaction host-parasite; Expression; Resistance; Haemocytes; Suppressive subtractive hybridization.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Evolution de la situation épizootiologique en Bretagne en 1983 suite au développement de Bonamia ostreae 5
Tige, Gilbert; Grizel, Henri; Cochennec, Nathalie; Rabouin, Marie-agnès.
Bonamia ostreae diseease is always present in Brittany in the different farming areaa except few free natural oysters beds. Yet Bonamiose disease have not increased in the Bay of Cancale on oysters initialy very few parasited. The technical modifications of rearing and the eradication on sick oysters could explain this situation.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Bretagne; Pathologie; Parasite; Bonamiose; Bonamia ostreae.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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