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Estimating Sample Size of Soil Cone Index Profiles by Bootstrapping 90
Alesso,Carlos Agustín; Masola,María Josefina; Carrizo,María Eugenia; Imhoff,Silvia Del Carmen.
ABSTRACT Measurements of the soil cone index are widely used to assess soil resistance to root penetration (SR) and to monitor the soil compaction status of agricultural fields. However, soil sampling for SR estimation is a rather challenging task in view of the high spatial and temporal variability of the soil. This study proposed a bootstrapping method to determine the minimum sample size required to estimate the vertical profile of mean soil cone index (CI) values at different levels of precision and confidence. For this purpose, CI data from a Typic Argiudoll under no-tillage before and after chiseling was used. A total of 151 CI profiles were recorded before and after chiseling in a 3,200 m2 (40 × 80 m) no-tillage area at sampling points distributed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sampling; Soil resistance; Bootstrap procedure; Soil variability.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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