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ALT-C, a disintegrin-like Cys-rich protein from Bothrops alternatus, increases skeletal myoblast viability 80
Mesquita-Ferrari,RA; Moraes,CK de; Micocci,KC; Selistre-de-Araújo,HS.
ALT-C, an ECD motif (glutamic acid, cysteine, aspartic acid) disintegrin from Bothrops alternatus snake venom, induces α2β1 integrin-mediated signaling and neutrophil chemotaxis. In vitro, in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), ALT-C induces cell proliferation, thus showing an interesting potential for tissue regeneration studies. This work aimed to evaluate the influence of ALT-C in myoblast viability and differentiation. Myoblasts were obtained from hind limb muscles of 3 to 4-day old Wistar rats. The cells were incubated with ALT-C at different concentrations and incubation periods were followed by total RNA isolation. cDNA synthesis and real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were performed with primers of myoD as well as of both (slow...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Viability; Myosin heavy chain; Myoblast; Disintegrin; Skeletal muscle; Bothrops alternatus.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Avaliação das lesões locais de cães envenenados experimentalmente com Bothrops alternatus após diferentes tratamentos 45
Santos,M.M.B.; Melo,M.M.; Jacome,D.O.; Ferreira,K.M.; Habermehl,G.G..
The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic action of flunixin meglumine and aqueous extract of Curcuma longa (10%) on local lesions caused by bothropic venom, comparing with the specific antivenom. Twelve adult dogs were inoculated in the middle third of the lateral face of the thigh with 0.3mg/kg of venom. The dogs were divided into three groups of four animals and the treatment was done two hours after venom inoculation as follows: Group I- specific antivenom diluted in saline (one dosage sufficient to neutralize the venom), Group II- flunixin meglumine (1.1mg/kg, IM, once a day for five days), Group III- topical application of aqueous extract of C. longa (10%) (three times a day for five days). Necrosis was observed in all dogs of groups I...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Serpente; Veneno; Bothrops alternatus; Curcuma longa; Cão; Flunixina meglumina.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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BaltDC: purification, characterization and infrared spectroscopy of an antiplatelet DC protein isolated from Bothrops alternatus snake venom 80
Matias,Mariana Santos; Sousa,Bruna Barbosa de; Pereira,Déborah Fernanda da Cunha; Dias,Edigar Henrique Vaz; Mamede,Carla Cristine Neves; Queiroz,Mayara Ribeiro de; Silva,Anielle Christine Almeida; Dantas,Noelio Oliveira; Soares,Andreimar Martins; Costa,Júnia de Oliveira; Oliveira,Fábio de.
Abstract Background: Snake venoms are a complex mixture of proteins, organic and inorganic compounds. Some of these proteins, enzymatic or non-enzymatic ones, are able to interact with platelet receptors, causing hemostatic disorders. The possible therapeutic potential of toxins with antiplatelet properties may arouse interest in the pharmacological areas. The present study aimed to purify and characterize an antiplatelet DC protein from Bothrops alternatus snake venom. Methods: The protein, called BaltDC (DC protein from B. alternatus snake venom), was purified by a combination of ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel column and gel filtration on Sephadex G-75. The molecular mass was estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Snake venom; Bothrops alternatus; DC protein; Platelet aggregation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Bothrops alternatus ENVENOMING IN YOUNG DOGS 79
Bothrops alternatus venom was intramuscularly inoculated (3 mg/kg) into 12 dogs, 30 to 65 days old. Spontaneous bleeding commenced twenty minutes later. Blood samples obtained 3 and 20 minutes after venom inoculation presented spontaneous clotting formation. Plasmatic fibrinogen decreased within 3 minutes. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) and one-stage prothrombin time (PT) were found. Plasma did not coagulate 40 minutes after inoculation. Platelet counts did not vary but their function was altered. Histopathology pointed out severe muscular necrosis and massive hemorrhage in the inoculation area. Regional ganglia showed intense hemorrhage. The 45 and 65-day-old animals showed alveolar thickening of the septum and generalized congestion, but the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Dogs; Bothrops alternatus; Coagulation; Histopathology.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Cytotoxicity and morphological analysis of cell death induced by Bothrops venoms from the northeast of Argentina 80
Bustillo,S; Lucero,H; Leiva,LC; Acosta,O; Kier Joffé,EB; Gorodner,JO.
Bothrops snake venoms have been proved toxic to a variety of cell types, in both in vivo and in vitro models. Studies on the pharmacological actions of Bothrops venoms from Argentina are relatively scarce and the direct action of the crude venoms has not been assessed using cell culture models. In this work, we investigated the cytotoxicity of crude venoms from B. alternatus and B. diporus in a skeletal muscle (C2C12) cell line, which is commonly used as a model for studying the myotoxic action of snake venom. Both venoms (1.25-50 µg/mL) induced an early and significant decrease in cell viability. The cytotoxic concentration 50 (CC50), determined three hours after exposure, revealed that B. diporus venom was significantly more cytotoxic (CC50: 2 µg/mL)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bothrops alternatus; Bothrops diporus; Cytotoxicity; C2C12; Apoptosis.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Estudio Morfológico e Histoquímico de las Glándulas Cefálicas de Bothrops alternatus (Ophidia, Viperidae) 77
Parpinelli,Ana Carolina; Lopes,Ruberval A; Sala,Miguel A; Issa,João Paulo M; Lopes,Túlio Roberto V. P.
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la histología de las glándulas cefálicas de la víbora de la cruz (Bothrops alternatus), identificar los tipos celulares y caracterizar histoquimicamente el producto de secreción. Con esta finalidad fueron usados ejemplares machos adultos de B. alternatus. Después del sacrificio, las glándulas cefálicas fueron fijadas en formol neutro al 10% e incluidas en parafina. Los cortes, de 6 µm de espesor, fueron teñidos con hematoxilina y eosina, tricrómico de Masson y con técnicas histoquímicas para identificación de mucopolisacáridos y proteínas. Los resultados histológicos demostraron que las glándulas linguales, de veneno y accesorias son de tipo tubular, las glándulas labiales y premaxilar son tubuloacinares y la...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Morfología; Histoquímica; Glándulas cefálicas; Bothrops alternatus.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Neutralización heteróloga e interacción de amanitinas con venenos de Bothropsy Crotalus y de abeja 38
Pomilio,Alicia Beatriz; Battista,Miguel Edgardo; Vitale,Arturo Alberto; Battista,Stella Maris; Ricciardi,Armando Ítalo Amadeo; Torres,Ana María; Camargo,Francisco José.
En el presente trabajo se examinó la interacción de las amanitinas de Amanita phalloides (Basidiomycetes) con los venenos de las serpientes Bothrops neuwiedi diporus ("yarará pequeña"), B. alternatus ("yarará grande"), Crotalus durissus terrificus ("serpiente de cascabel") y de la abeja mielera Apis mellifera. Se aplicaron las técnicas de Ouchterlony, inmunotransferencia, electroforesis rocket y electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida a los anti-venenos y anti-toxinas obtenidos por inmunización en caballos y/o en conejos. Los anti­sueros de serpientes y las amanitinas reaccionaron en forma cruzada, así como el veneno de abeja y las amanitinas. Cuando los venenos de Bothrops neuwiedii diporus y Crotalus durissus terrificus se preincubaron con las amanitinas...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amanita phalloides; Apis mellifera mellifera; Bothrops neuwiedi diporus; Bothrops alternatus; Crotalus durissus terrificus; Reactividad cruzada; Interacción; Electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida-dodecil sulfato de sodio; Tiempo de coagulación humano.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Perfil clínico e imunológico de bovinos experimentalmente inoculados com veneno bruto e iodado de Bothrops alternatus 45
Oliveira,N.J.F.; Melo,M.M.; Lara,E.R.; Lúcia,M.; Lobato,Z.I.P..
Dez novilhas mestiças, distribuídas em dois grupos experimentais (n=5) receberam na altura média da face cranial do membro anterior direito, entre as articulações umerorradioulnar e do carpo, por via intramuscular superficial, 0,15mg/kg de veneno de Bothrops alternatus bruto ou iodado. Todos os animais foram avaliados clinicamente antes - tempo zero - e às 6 e 10h, no 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º, 8º, 11º, 18º e 25º dias após a inoculação dos venenos. Dois animais do grupo que recebeu veneno bruto foram a óbito às 53h e 78h e os sobreviventes apresentaram apatia, letargia, anorexia, postura indicativa de dor, melena, petéquias e sufusões nas mucosas, aumento do tempo de preenchimento capilar, enfartamento ganglionar regional, aumento das freqüências respiratória e...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovino; Bothrops alternatus; Parâmetros clínicos; Iodação; IgG.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Purification and functional characterization of two fibrinogenolytic enzymes from Bothrops alternatus venom 80
Costa,J. O.; Petric,C. B.; Hamaguchi,A.; Homsi-Brandeburgo,M. I.; Oliveira,C. Z.; Soares,A. M.; Oliveira,F..
Two fibrinogenolytic enzymes, Bothrops alternatus metalloprotease isoform (BaltMP)-I and II, were purified from Bothrops alternatus venom using Diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) Sephacel, Sephadex G-75 and Heparin-Agarose column chromatography. Purified BaltMP-I and II ran as single protein bands on analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and showed molecular weights of 29000 and 36000, respectively, under reducing conditions in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). BaltMP-II, but not BaltMP-I, displayed blood-clotting activity in bovine plasma, which was about 10-fold higher than that of the crude venom. Both enzymes were proteolytically active against bovine fibrinogen as substrate. When fibrinogen and each enzyme were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Snake venom; Bothrops alternatus; Metalloproteases; Functional characterization; Fibrinogenolytic activity; Defibrinogenation in vivo.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Treatment of Bothrops alternatus envenomation by Curcuma longa and Calendula officinalis extracts and ar-turmerone 45
Melo,M.M.; Habermehl,G.G.; Oliveira,N.J.F.; Nascimento,E.F.; Santos,M.M.B.; Lúcia,M..
It was investigated the efficiency of two extracts of plants and one fraction of their properties against the local effects of bothropic envenomation. Bothrops alternatus venom (1.25µg) diluted in 100µl of sterile saline solution was inoculated (intradermally) into the shaved dorsal back skin of 30 New Zealand rabbits. The animals were divided in six groups receiving the following treatments: group I: subcutaneous application of Curcuma longa extract (1.0ml); group II: topic treatment of Curcuma longa hydroalcoholic extract (1.0ml); group III: topic application of ar-turmerone in vaseline (1.0g); group IV: topic application of Curcuma longa methanolic extract (1.0ml); group V: topic application of Calendula officinalis ointment (1.0g); group VI: topic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Plant extract; Ar-turmerone; Bothrops alternatus; Rabbit.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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