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Efficiency of the bottom trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey (MEDITS) 5
Fiorentini, Loris; Dremiere, Pierre-yves; Leonori, Iole; Sala, Antonello; Palumbo, Vito.
The aim of the work presented in this paper was to assess the relative efficiency of the GOC 73 sampling trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey programme (MEDITS) compared with that of a typical Italian commercial trawl. The latter was chosen because it is commonly used by fishermen in the central Adriatic, where the experiment was conducted, and therefore appeared as the best possible sampler of the commercial species present in those areas. Moreover, this trawl is similar to the various trawls used for the Italian national survey programme (GRUND). Four fishing trips were conducted between 1996 and 1997 in different areas and seasons to sample different species. Each trip was conducted in the same fishing area. A codend cover mounted...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Efficacité du chalut; Chalut de fond; Pêche expérimentale; Technologie des engins; Chalutage; Méditerranée; Trawl efficiency; Bottom trawls; Experimental fishing; Gear research; Trawl survey; Mediterranean.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Escape de juveniles de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) en las redes de arrastre de fondo, mediante la aplicación del dispositivo de selectividad DEJUPA con diferentes distancias entre varillas, utilizando un diseño especial de copo re retencion en la grilla. 20
Ercoli, R.; Garcia, J.C.; Aubone, A.; Salvini, L.; Bertelo, R..
This work reports on the inter rod distance in a single sorting grid adapted for the escape of hake juveniles. A good performance of the device was reported due to the DEJUPA trials carried out in April 1997. In may 1998 a new survey with DEJUPA was carrie out with 30 mm, 33 mm, and 40 mm separation distance bars, in order to optimise the escape of the species at first length maturity (35 cm). Selectivity curves with maximum likelihood method were obtained for each inter rod distance being the length at 50. (L50) 29, 32 and 37 respectively. A weighd lineal regression (Feasible General Squares Model) between L50 and inter rod distance was fitted from each L50 estimated variance. An estimation of 37 mm inter rod distance for L50=35 cm total length was...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Gear selectivity; Bottom trawls; Juveniles; Juveniles; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Influencia de la cantidad de captura en la selectividad de mallas diamante y cuadrada en redes de arrastre para la merluza común (Merluccius hubbsi) e implicancias sobre el potencial de descarte 20
Ehrhardt, N.M.; Ercoli, R.; Garcia, J.C.; Bartozzetti, J.D.; Izzo, A..
The hake, Merluccius hubbsi, fishery is the most important amongst the argentinean demersal fisheries. Fishery management schemes have been adopted to control high discard levels of undersized fish historically observed in the fishery. Controls have consissted in establishing closed areas to fishing and implementation of minimum mesh size in bottom trawls to allow escapement of fish less than 33 cm in length. Offical fishery regulations establish a 120 mm inside codend mesh size in all hake traws. This work reports on the dynamics of hake selection in bottom trawls as a function of the relative abundance of the resource as well as loading levels imposed on the fishing gear. The analyses include the response to selection by square mesh panels attached to...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Mesh selectivity; Trawl nets; Bottom trawls; Discards.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Investigaciones sobre selectividad de merluza de cola Macruronus magellanicus con red de arrastre de fondo 20
Ercoli, R.; Mituhasi, T.; Izzo, A.; García, J.C.; Bartozzetti, J.D..
The Patagonian grenadier Macruronus magellanicus fishery reached the maximum exploitation in the argentine fishery in 1988 with a catch of 154,960 t, decreasing gradually in the current decade. Statistical data confirm this trend and consider a total catch of22,796,3 t for 1995. The regulations establish a minimum of 120 mm inside codend mesh size for demersal species in Argentine sea. Hoki,in relation to the fishing gear, shows a semipelagic behaviour, but no selectivity trials were made at the moment. The present report presents the selectivity results obtained with rough bottom trawl Engel net with a double braided PE twine codend and 120 mm mesh size.Except the codend, it is the gear normally used by INIDEP to evaluate demersal resources. The logistic...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Mesh selectivity; Bottom trawls; Gadoid fisheries.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Les chalutages experimentaux: Utilisation de la temperature et de la profondeur comme variables auxiliaires. 5
Chevalier, R.
Very often stratification of bottom-trawl surveys is done by using a stratified random sampling scheme. If a survey is directed towards a group of species, the sampling scheme has to be a compromise between these different interests. So the sampling scheme is not totally efficient for each of the species. The use of auxiliary variables, as depth or temperature, looks as if such supplementary informations could neither improve the efficiency of the estimators nor the subsequent analysis (analysis of covariance).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hippoglossoides platessoides; Gadus morhua; Gadidae; Pisces; Variance analysis; Bottom trawls; Experimental fishing.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Les rejets dans la pêche artisanale de Manche occidentale 5
Morizur, Yvon; Pouvreau, Stephane; Guenole, Annie.
Observers were set on board of fishing vessels from North Brittanny ports during one full year (1992-93). This study granted by EC Commission (contract CE/DGXIV-C-1 n° 1992/06) was a first approach for assessing French discards in the western English Channel. It identifies the main species discarded and produces a rough estimate of discard rates and size compositions in each métier targeting fish. The major reasons for variability were explained. Size compositions of catches and discards were provided in order to permit better estimates of the mortality induced by fishing operations. The fixed nets observed were large mesh nets (270 to 360 mm) targeting monkfish and small mesh nets (<200 mm) targeting coastal resources. Netting was found to be more...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Western English Channel; Bottom trawls; Fixed nets; Fisheries; Discards.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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