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Caring Dairy: A Sustainable Dairy Farming Initiative in Europe 31
van Calker, Klaas Jan; Antink, Rudi H.J. Hooch; Beldman, Alfons C.G.; Mauser, Anniek.
Interest in the concept of sustainability in dairy farming has grown as a result of the continuous pressure on farm incomes, occurrence of animal diseases with a major impact on the image of dairy farming, concerns about animal welfare, and environmental problems caused by agriculture. There are, however, still many gaps in the knowledge regarding sustainable dairy farming. Respecting the earth and the environment and "giving back to community" is a fully integrated part of the Mission Statement of ice cream maker Ben & Jerry's. Following this mission, they have initiated a sustainable dairy farming project, "Caring Dairy", for the European production based in the Netherlands. The aim of Caring Dairy is to secure dairy production in a more sustainable...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Sustainability; Dairy farming; Strategic management; Bottom-up approach; Chain partners; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Factors in Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Co-management in British Columbia Salmon Fisheries 7
Pinkerton, Evelyn; Simon Fraser University;
Ten years of research and efforts to implement co-management in British Columbia fisheries have demonstrated that we lack neither good models nor the political will in communities to design and test local and regional institutions for successful involvement in various aspects of management. The barriers lie rather in the distrust and resistance of management agencies and the lack of broadly organized political support. The nature of the barriers and some of the elements of a successful approach to overcoming them are identified and discussed. The analysis is focused around the barriers encountered by two differently situated fishing communities or regions that have launched conservation initiatives through cooperation between local aboriginal and...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Aboriginal-nonaboriginal partnerships; Adaptive management; Bottom-up approach; British Columbia; Co-management; Community-based management; Fisheries; Institutional barriers; Onorhynchus spp.; Salmon; Selective fishing; Stewardship..
Ano: 1999
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Kommunikationsbeziehungen der Amter fur Landwirtschaft und Flurneuordnung im Bereich der Agrarumweltprogramme - Fallstudie Sachsen-Anhalt 31
Prager, Katrin; Nagel, Uwe Jens.
The administration and implementation of agri-environmental schemes is one of the tasks of Agricultural Agencies (Amter fur Landwirtschaft und Flurneuordnung). These agencies thus play a major role for all farmers interested or participating in funding schemes. Assuming that feeding information about preferences and needs of programme entrants into the agri-environmental decision-making process is essential for assuring acceptance and effectiveness of the prescribed measures, agricultural agencies are predestined to collect and supply relevant information. Using the state of Sachsen-Anhalt as an example, the communication network between agencies, farmers, the Ministry, farmers' associations and agricultural extension workers is explored. Hierarchical...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Communication process; Agri-environmental schemes; Agri-environmental networks; Participation; Acceptance; Bottom-up approach; Inter-organisational communication; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Women's Agrotourist Cooperatives in Greece: Key Elements for Their Successful Operation 31
Iakovidou, Olga.
Women's' agrotourist cooperatives constitute the most original type of rural tourism in Greece because of its planning, organization and management. This article aims to analyze the women's agrotourist cooperatives, to point out the bottom-up approach that is determinant for their successful operation, identify the factors that motivate Greek farm-women to join such cooperatives and the effects of such a decision on their life. The results indicate that the most successful cooperatives are those that meet one or more of the following conditions: I) the cooperatives are made up of a core of women with leadership skills; 2) there is an authority that encourages and supports women's venture; and 3) their establishment is based on a bottom-up approach. The...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rural tourism; Agrotourism; Women in rural areas; Women's agrotourist cooperatives; Bottom-up approach; Zagora; Greece; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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