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Modeles mathematiques de courants residuels sur le plateau continental nord europeen 5
Djenidi, S; Nihoul, J; Ronday, F; Garnier, Antonin.
To study residual currents the authors use mathematical models. The introduction deals with parameters having an influence on this process in the North sea and adjacent seas (shallow environments): tidal residual circulation, limit conditions and winds. Several maps give a representation of results.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tidal currents; Wind driven circulation; Boundary conditions; Mathematical models; Continental shelves; Residual flow.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Numerical modeling of the effect of variation of boundary conditions on vadose zone hydraulic properties 90
Leão,Tairone Paiva; Gentry,Randall.
An accurate estimation of hydraulic fluxes in the vadose zone is essential for the prediction of water, nutrient and contaminant transport in natural systems. The objective of this study was to simulate the effect of variation of boundary conditions on the estimation of hydraulic properties (i.e. water content, effective unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic flux) in a one-dimensional unsaturated flow model domain. Unsaturated one-dimensional vertical water flow was simulated in a pure phase clay loam profile and in clay loam interlayered with silt loam distributed according to the third iteration of the Cantor Bar fractal object Simulations were performed using the numerical model Hydrus 1D. The upper and lower pressure heads were varied around...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Numerical model; Hydrus 1D; Uncertainty; Boundary conditions; Hydraulic conductivity; Soil physics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Potential Vorticity diagnostics based on balances between volume integral and boundary conditions 5
Morel, Yves; Gula, Jonathan; Ponte, Aurelien.
Taking advantage of alternative expressions for potential vorticity (PV) in divergence forms, we derive balances between volume integral of PV and boundary conditions, that are then applied to practical computations of PV: • we propose a new method for diagnosing the Ertel potential vorticity from model output, that preserves the balances; • we show how the expression of PV can be derived in general coordinate systems. This is here emphasised with isopycnic coordinates by generalising the PV expression to the general Navier-Stokes equations; • we propose a generalised derivation for the Haynes-McIntyre impermeability theorem, which highlights the role of the bottom boundary condition choice (e.g. no-slip vs free-slip) and mixing near the bottom boundary...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Potential vorticity; Boundary conditions; General circulation; Vortex; Fronts; Boundary layers.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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