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Consumer behavior: conditioners on the purchase decision of fluid milk Ciência Rural
Breitenbach,Raquel; Brandão,Janaína Balk.
ABSTRACT: Considering economic, contingent and cultural conditions that interfere with consumer demand, the objective of this research was to evaluate the degree of importance of these variables in the decision of the Brazilian consumer to buy fluid milk. A total 1,015 milk consumers were sampled through non-probabilistic tools such as researchers’ contact network, snowballing, and self-generated samples, in a virtual questionnaire. Non-parametric tests and univariate statistical analyzes were applied, including the chi-square test. The consumer profile interferes with the selection criteria in the purchase of fluid milk as follows: (a) women consider “price”, “product origin”, “friend recommendation”, “product appearance”, “sales offers”, and “brand” as...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brands; Price; Women.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Consumer Demand, Grades, Brands, and Margin Relationships AgEcon
Berck, Peter; Rausser, Gordon C..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Brands; Consumers' demand.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Consumers' Decision between Private Labels and National Brands in a Retailer's Store: A Mixed Multinomial Logit Application AgEcon
Bergès-Sennou, Fabian; Hassan, Daniel; Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette; Raynal, Helene.
We propose to analyze the determinants of consumers' brand decision within a retailer store using a multinomial mixed logit approach. For the consumers' choice, national brands compete with private labels (both me-too product and high quality store brand). We first find that the standard private label (me-too), independently of the price effect, performs better than all national brands in terms of consumers' utility. Second, the high-quality private label does not reach its target yet in term of consumers' acceptance due to a poor product characteristics perception. Last, it appears that households' objective socioeconomic variables (income, education and household size) do not play any role in private label perception, whereas objective consumption...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Brands; Consumers' choice; Mixed logit model; Willingness to pay.; Consumer/Household Economics; D12; L81; Q13.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Equilibrium with product differentiation AgEcon
Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Salop, Steven.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Brands; Competition; Consumers' preferences; Monopolies; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Hayes, Dermot J.; Lence, Sergio H.; Stoppa, Andrea.
The paper lays out the economic arguments in favor of the establishment of farmer-owned brands in midwestern agriculture and presents four case studies based on successful efforts in this area in the United States and European Union. The case studies involve Parma Ham, Brunello di Montalcino wine, Vidalia onions, and a third-party verification organization. The studies show that these brands can be profitable for farmers and emphasize the importance of restricting the supply of any successful brand. One of the case studies shows that this type of supply control can conflict with antitrust regulations.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Antitrust; Brands; Farm profitability; Farmer-owned brands; Origin control; Value-added agriculture; Marketing.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Implicit Value of Retail Beef Product Attributes AgEcon
Ward, Clement E.; Lusk, Jayson L.; Dutton, Jennifer M..
To identify the value consumers place on observable characteristics of fresh beef products, primary data were collected on over 1,350 packages of beef from 66 randomly selected grocery stores located in three metropolitan areas--Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Denver, Colorado. Estimated linear and log-linear hedonic models reveal ground beef prices were significantly influenced by store location (i.e., metropolitan area) and store type, fat content, package size and type, expiration date, brand category, and special labels. Factors influencing steak prices included store location, product type, quality grade, package size and type, brand category, and special labels.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Beef; Brands; Hedonic models; Marketing; Prices; Retail; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Linguistic False Friends and Expected Food Markets: What can Make Consumers Not Choose Your Product? AgEcon
Fauquet-Alekhine, Philippe; Fauquet-Alekhine-Pavlovskaia, Elena.
Many researches have been done concerning the study of parameters which make people choose or not such product on the market. Concerning food industry, scientists have been involved in the analysis of technical parameters (nutrition, health characteristics) and their perception by the consumer, and in the analysis of psycho-sociological parameters linked with the perception of the product, or emotion associated with food or its environment. Other parameters investigated are suspicion of novelties, adherence to technology or to natural food, enjoyment, necessity. But what about the effect of words from the socio-psycholinguistic standpoint? It seems to be poorly investigated. Some claims: “It doesn’t matter how important the brand name is to the company,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agronomy; Product; Market; Marketing; Food industry perception; Psycholinguistic linguistic communication; Language; Foreign migration; Brands; Homonym; Paronym; Neograph; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Personal computer brand loyalty AgEcon
Jackson, Tyrone W.; Perloff, Jeffrey M..
A Markov model shows the degree of brand loyalty to Apple, Compaq, IBM, and Wyse personal computers by large corporate customers of Businessland, a large reseller of personal computers in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Because Businessland temporarily lost its franchise to carry Compaq for half a year in the middle of our sample, the model captures the effect on Businessland's sales of rival brands when a name brand is eliminated and then reintroduced. Large corporate customers were brand-loyal and relatively price insensitive. Their loyalty did not diminish over time. They did not view IBM-compatible computers as perfect substitutes. Eliminating and then reintroducing a brand has different short- and long-run effects. It is difficult to explain which...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Brands; Computers; Consumers; Markov model; Multinominal logit; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Voicilas, Dan-Marius.
Review article
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Brands; E-commerce; Strategies; Romania; Marketing; L10; L17.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Strategic Interaction With Multiple Tools: A New Empirical Model AgEcon
Richards, Timothy J.; Patterson, Paul M..
The Lanchester model of strategic interaction typically considers only two-firm rivalry and one strategic tool. This paper presents an alternative that considers rivalry among several firms using multiple tools. Marketing decisions are dynamically optimal and use equations of motion for market share that are consistent with optimal consumer choice. Using a single-market case study that consists of five years of monthly data on ready to eat cereal sales, advertising, product development investments and new product introductions, we test our model against a similar Lanchester specification. Non-nested specification tests fail to reject the proposed model, but reject the Lanchester alternative.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Advertising; Brands; Cereal; Dynamic; Lanchester; Oligopoly; Strategic interaction.; Marketing.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The Use of Brands in Food Marketing - Results from a Survey of Danish Food Industry Firms AgEcon
Baltzer, Kenneth; Baker, Derek; Moller, Anja S..
The paper tests a number of hypotheses concerning branding behaviour of the food industry found in the literature. Based on a survey of 109 Danish food industry firms conducted in 2004, three aspects of branding strategies are analysed, i) the number of brands owned by the firm, ii) the number of brands introduced by the firm during the past year and iii) the percentage of sales obtained from production under private labels. Firms' branding behaviour is related to structural variables including firm size, degree of vertical integration, value added as well as firms' views on food chain organisation and competitiveness.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Brands; Private labels; Food industry; Survey; Marketing; Q13.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Uniform Substitutes When Group Preferences are Blockwise Dependent AgEcon
Seale, James L., Jr..
This paper extends the uniform substitutes model developed by Theil (1980) in a block independent framework to one derived in a blockwise dependent framework. The approach is developed in the case of the demand for different brands of the same good. The uniform substitutes preference structure is nested under weakly separable preferences and the restrictions can be tested statistically with a log likelihood ratio test. Conditional expenditure and price elasticities are derived for uniform substitutes.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Brands; Differential demand; Elasticites; Multistage budgeting; Uniform substitutes.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Loy, Jens-Peter; Holm, Thore; Steinhagen, Carsten.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Vertical Price Transmission; Threshold Error Correction Model; Dairy Products; Brands; Retail Market; Germany; Agribusiness; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing; C32; D21; L11; L81.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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