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Allelopathic Activity of Crop Residue Incorporation Alone or Mixed Against Rice and its Associated Grass Weed Jungle Rice (Echinochloa colona [L.] Link) Chilean J. Agric. Res.
Khaliq,Abdul; Matloob,Amar; Ata Cheema,Zahid; Farooq,Muhammad.
Weed suppression is one of the several benefits achieved by soil incorporation of crop residues and such suppression is believed to be allelopathic in nature. The allelopathic potential of different crop residues: viz. sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), brassica (Brassica campestris L.) was evaluated in rice (Oryza sativa L.) and jungle rice (Echinochloa colona [L.] Link). Chopped crop residues were soil-incorporated alone and mixed at 6 g kg-1 soil (12 t ha-1) and compared with a control without residues. Soil incorporation of residues substantially delayed germination of jungle rice. The time to start germination, time to 50% emergence, mean emergence time, emergence index, and final germination percentage were all...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Residues; Allelopathy; Sorghum; Sunflower; Brassica; Weed control.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Caracterização e diagnóstico de cadeia produtiva de brássicas nas principais regiões produtoras brasileiras. Infoteca-e
MELO, R. A. de C. e; VENDRAME, L. P. de C.; MADEIRA, N. R.; BLIND, A. D.; VILELA, N. J..
O presente trabalho faz parte dos resultados do projeto intitulado ?Sistematização de processos de prospecção de demandas e planejamento de PD&I e TT em três cadeias produtivas de hortaliças? juntamente com as cadeias do tomate industrial e cebola. Foi realizado um estudo diagnóstico da cadeia produtiva de brássicas nas principais regiões produtoras brasileiras, primordial para conhecimento da dinâmica de seus sistemas de cultivo e das demandas dos diferentes atores envolvidos em sua produção e comercialização
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Cadeia produtiva; Brassica.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Coat protein and RNAs of Cole latent virus are not present within chloroplasts of Chenopodium quinoa-infected cells Trop. Plant Pathol.
Belintani,Priscila; Gaspar,José O..
Cole latent virus (CoLV), genus Carlavirus, was studied by electron microscopy and biochemical approaches with respect both to the ultrastructure of the Chenopodium quinoa infected cells and to its association with chloroplasts. The CoLV was observed to be present as scattered particles interspersed with membranous vesicles and ribosomes or as dense masses of virus particles. These virus particles reacted by immunolabelling with a polyclonal antibody to CoLV. Morphologically, chloroplasts, mitochondria and nuclei appeared to be unaltered by virus infection and virus particles were not detected in these organelles. However, virus particle aggregates were frequently associated with the outer membrane of chloroplasts and occasionally with peroxisomes....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brassica; Electron microscopy; Carlavirus; Virus replication; Plant virus.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Effect of crop residues applied isolated or in combination on the germination and seedling growth of horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum) Planta Daninha
Khaliq,A.; Matloob,A.; Farooq,M.; Mushtaq,M.N.; Khan,M.B..
Soil incorporation of crop residues can lead to weed suppression by posing allelopathic and physical effects. Allelopathic potential of the crops sorghum, sunflower, brassica applied as sole or in combination for horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum) suppression was evaluated in a pot investigation. Chopped crop residues alone and in combination were incorporated at 6 g kg-1 soil (12 t ha-1), and a weedy check was maintained. Germination traits time to start germination; time to 50% emergence, mean emergence time, emergence index and final germination percentage were negatively influenced by residue incorporation. Crop residues also exerted a pronounced negative influence on the shoot and root length of horse purslane. Significant suppression in leaf...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Residues; Allelopathic; Sorghum; Sunflower; Brassica; Trianthema portulacastrum; Germination/seedling growth; Suppression.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Hérnia das crucíferas o perigo ronda as HF. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Brócolis; Couve-flor; Repolho; Parasito; Solo; Brassica; Plasmodiophora brassicae.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Mudas cegas. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Condicionamento osmótico; Hortaliça; Alface; Tomate; Reprodução vegetal; Muda; Blindness; Brassica.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Traca-das-cruciferas Plutella xylostella: artropodes de importancia economica. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Couve-flor; Controle; Brassicae; Brassica oleracea italica; Pest insects; Biology; Control; Biologia; Brócolo; Brassica Oleracea Capitata; Brassica Oleracea Botrytis; Inseto; Inimigo Natural; Praga; Plutella Xylostella; Repolho; Brassica; Natural enemies.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Turnip mosaic virus infecting kale plants in Ordu, Turkey Phyton
Brassica oleracea var. acephala L. (kale) is widely grown in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Kale growing has not been common in the other regions of Turkey. A number of diseases can seriously afect Brassica crop production. Field surveys were done to determine the occurrence of viruses in kale-growing areas in Ordu in 2013-2014. Leaf samples were collected from kale plants and tested for the presence of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV), and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) by DAS-ELISA and bioassays. Result of serological and biological tests showed that 7.7% of these samples were infected with TuMV. However, CaMV, CMV, and TYMV were not detected in any of the tested kale plants. The occurrence of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brassica; Kale; Survey; Disease; Virus.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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