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Alternative procedures for parent choice in a breeding program for the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) 54
Oliveira,L.B.; Ramalho,M.A.P.; Abreu,A. de F.B.; Ferreira,D.F..
Six common bean cultivars were crossed in diallel and the segregant populations were assessed in the F2 and F3 generations to compare methodologies for parental selection in a breeding program based on hybridization. The cultivars involved in the diallel were A 114, A 77, ESAL 686, Milionário, Carioca, and Flor de Mayo. The segregant F2 and F3 generations were assessed on the experimental campus of the Universidade Federal de Larvas, in July 1994. It was found that the cultivars differed in their general combining ability (GCA). Flor de Mayo, which belongs to the Durango race, had the largest positive GCA estimate for grain field, and the cultivars from the Mesoamerican race, Milionário and A 114, the smallest GCA estimates. For flowering, the cultivar...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Breeding program; Common bean.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Genetic and environmental contributions to increased wheat yield in Minas Gerais, Brazil 63
Cargnin,Adeliano; Souza,Moacil Alves de; Fronza,Vanoli; Fogaça,Cláudia Martellet.
Producers need wheat cultivars adapted to the predominant climate conditions of the end of the rainy period. Having this in mind, EPAMIG (Agriculture and Livestock Research Institute of Minas Gerais) has been developing a wheat genetic improvement program since 1976, and the estimates of the genetic improvement established by the breeding programs could be useful to quantify their efficiency. This study focused on the quantification of the genetic progress achieved by these improvement programs of dryland wheat in the Brazilian-savanna between 1976 and 2005. The efficiency of these programs was evaluated based on grain yield data of VCU (Value for Cultivation and Use) trials conducted at ten locations in the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The mean estimated...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Triticum aestivum L.; Genotype evaluation; Breeding program; Genetic gain.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Inheritance of late flowering in natural variants of soybean cultivars under short-day conditions 86
Carpentieri-Pipolo,Valeria; Almeida,Leones Alves de; Kiihl,Romeu Afonso de Souza; Pagliosa,Eduardo Stefani.
The objective of this work was to determine the inheritance of the long juvenile period trait in natural variants of the Doko, BR 9 (Savana), Davis, Embrapa 1 (IAS 5RC), and BR 16 soybean cultivars. Complete diallel crosses were made between the Doko and BR 16 cultivars and their variants. A 3:1 segregation ratio was observed in the F2 populations of the 'Doko' x Doko-18T, 'Doko' x Doko-Milionária, 'Davis' x São Carlos, and 'BR 9 (Savana)' x MABR92-836 (Savanão) crosses, indicating that the long juvenile period trait is controlled by a pair of recessive genes. The difference in late flowering between the Doko cultivar and both of its variants was caused by a recessive spontaneous mutation at the same genetic locus. However, the variants Doko-18T and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glycine max; Breeding program; Long juvenile period; Low-latitude regions; Natural mutation; Photoperiod..
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Microsporogenesis in Brachiaria bovonei (Chiov.) Robyns and B. subulifolia (Mez) Clayton (Poaceae) 63
Risso-Pascotto,Claudicéia; Pagliarini,Maria Suely; Valle,Cacilda Borges do.
Some African species of Brachiaria have been introduced into the Americas and became the most important forage for pastures in the tropics. New cultivars can be obtained either from direct selections from the natural existing variability in the germplasm collections or from interspecific hybridizations. Polyploidy is predominant in the genus Brachiaria and correlated with apomixis which complicates hybridization. The objective of cytological studies underway on the Brachiaria germplasm collection at Embrapa Beef Cattle is to determine the chromosome number and meiotic behavior of accessions. For the breeding of Brachiaria species, compatible sexual and apomictic accessions need to be identified. Microsporogenesis was evaluated in two accessions of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brachiaria; Meiosis; Chromosome number; Polyploidy; Breeding program.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Morphological predictors of slaughter yields using 3D digitizer and their use in a common carp breeding program 5
Prchal, Martin; Kocour, Martin; Vandeputte, Marc; Kause, Antti; Vergnet, Alain; Zhao, Jinfeng; Gela, David; Kašpar, Vojtěch; Genestout, Lucie; Bestin, Anastasia; Haffray, Pierrick; Bugeon, Jérôme.
Slaughter yields are traits of high interest especially for fish species sold in processed form like headless carcass or fillets, as well as with regard to increasing consumer preference for easy-to-prepare fish products. However, slaughter yields cannot be measured on live fish and thus their genetic improvement through mass selection is impossible. The usual alternatives are sib selection and/or indirect selection on correlated traits or morphological predictors of slaughter yields. In the present study, we assessed the possibility of using a combination of 3D digitized landmarks and ultrasound measurements in genetic improvement of slaughter yields in common carp. DNA – pedigreed market-size carp (n = 1553 fish) were produced from a partial factorial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fillet yields; 3D predictors; Genetic parameters; Indirect selection; Breeding program.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Post-harvest characterization of strawberry hybrids obtained from the crossing between commercial cultivars 94
Camargo,Letícia Kurchaidt Pinheiro; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Camargo,Cristhiano Kopanski; Kurchaidt,Sonia Maria; Resende,Nathalia Campos Vilela; Botelho,Renato Vasconcelos.
Abstract The lack of programs to improve the strawberry crop in Brazil has led to a growing increase in the use of seedlings imported from Chile, which leads to a certain dependence of imported material on the part of the producers and increases the production even more, since the producers have. This proves even more the need for the development of cultivars adapted to the local conditions of cultivation. In this sense, the aim was to evaluate the post-harvest of fruits of 15 hybrids of strawberry obtained from the cross between commercial cultivars, in order to select the materials with chemical quality superior to the cultivars most planted in Brazil. The contents of soluble solids, titratable acidity, ratio, vitamin C, anthocyanins and phenol were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fragaria ananassa; Quality; Breeding program; Functional compounds.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Recurrent selection in inbred popcorn families 63
Daros,Máskio; Amaral Jr.,Antônio Teixeira do; Pereira,Messias Gonzaga; Santos,Fabrício Santana; Gabriel,Ana Paula Cândido; Scapim,Carlos Alberto; Freitas Jr.,Silvério de Paiva; Silvério,Lucas.
Although much appreciated in Brazil, commercial popcorn is currently cropped on a fairly small scale. A number of problems need to be solved to increase production, notably the obtaintion of seeds with good agronomic traits and good culinary characteristics. With the objective of developing superior genotypes in popcorn, a second cycle of intrapopulation recurrent selection based on inbred S1 families was carried out. From the first cycle of selection over the UNB-2U population, 222 S1 families were obtained, which were then divided into six sets and evaluated in a randomized complete block design with two replications within the sets. Experiments were carried out in two Brazilian localities. The analysis of variance revealed environmental effects for all...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Breeding program; S1 families; Yield; Popping expansion.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Response of Productive and Morphovegetative Traits of Globe Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) to Mass Selection and Estimation of their Heritability 117
Martin,Eugenia; Cravero,Vanina; Liberatti,David; Espósito,Andrea; López Anido,Fernando; Cointry,Enrique.
There have been few reports on genetic parameters or artificial selection for growth traits in globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus), the study of the effect of one cycle of mass selection and realized heritability estimates would be valuable for planning breeding strategies in this species. A C0 segregating population was formed from the cross of two contrasting seed-grown cultivars, Imperial Star and Estrella del Sur FCA. Selected plants for productive traits were intercrossed to produce a C1 population. The C1 population along with the C0 population, both parents and the F1 were evaluated obtaining the response to selection and estimating realized heritability. Mass selection for increased yield and precocity was particularly successful,...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Additive actions; Breeding program; Realized heritability.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Strawberry breeding in Brazil: current momentum and perspectives 75
Zeist,André Ricardo; Resende,Juliano Tadeu V de.
ABSTRACT Brazil depends almost entirely on imported strawberry cultivars, which burdens production costs and results in the use of genotypes with less adaptation to the Brazilian cropping conditions. To reverse this scenario, it is necessary to strengthen strawberry breeding in Brazil. Otherwise, the country will remain dependent on imported cultivars and producers will continue to be required to collect royalties. In this context, public institutions in Brazil, such as the State University of the Midwest Paraná (UNICENTRO), have been successfully conducting strawberry breeding programs, with the objective of launching cultivars in the short term. Crosses between the cultivars in use in the country, with the subsequent development and selection of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fragaria x ananassa; Intraspecific crosses; Breeding program; Review.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Yield of essential oil and safrole content based on fresh and dry biomass of long pepper in the Brazilian Amazon 36
NEGREIROS,Jacson Rondinelli da Silva; MIQUELONI,Daniela Popim; CARTAXO,Cleísa Brasil da Cunha.
Long pepper (Piper hispidinervum) is an Amazonian species of commercial interest due to the production of safrole. Drying long pepper biomass to extract safrole is a time consuming and costly process that can also result in the contamination of the material by microorganisms. The objective of this study was to analyze the yield of essential oil and safrole content of fresh and dried biomass of long pepper accessions maintained in the Active Germoplasm Bank of Embrapa Acre, in the state of Acre, Brazil, aiming at selecting genotypes with best performance on fresh biomass to recommend to the breeding program of the species. Yield of essential oil and safrole content were assessed in 15 long pepper accessions. The essential oil extraction was performed by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Piper hispidinervum; Breeding program; Oil extraction.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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การทดสอบความต้านทานของพันธุ์/สายพันธุ์ข้าวต่อโรคขอบใบแห้ง และโรคไหม้คอรวง 106
Chana Srisompan; Panya Kamsanpun; Somsong Chotechuen.
Evaluation of rice varieties/lines against bacterial leaf blight (BLB) and neck blast (NB) is one of the activities that necessary for rice improvements. The experiments were carried out in experimental fields at Udon Thani Rice Research Center in 2014. A total of 479 and 200 rice varieties/lines from breeding programs and the rice germplasm bank were selected and evaluated for BLB and NB resistance, respectively. The clip inoculation method was used for BLB screening while NB screening was conducted in the field with natural infestation. The results showed that 19 varieties/lines were resistant to BLB and 164 varieties/lines were likely resistant to NB. The resistant cultivars/lines can be directly developed into resistant varieties or can be used as...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Bacterial leaf blight; Neck blast; Resistant variety; Rice germplasm bank; Breeding program; โรคขอบใบแห้ง; โรคไหม้คอรวง; พันธุ์ต้านทาน; ธนาคารเชื้อพันธุ์; โครงการปรับปรุงพันธุ์.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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